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Gör en mjukvaru översättning

Använd den här formen för överföring av mjukvaru översättning på svenska till NirSoft IECacheView -mjukvara.

Kort beskrivning på engelska:
NirSoft IECacheView is a freeware utility that can read the cache folder of Internet Explorer, allowing you to view and save any file in the cache.
Kort beskrivning på svenska:

Lång beskrivning på engelska:
IECacheView from NirSoft is a freeware utility that you can use to view the content of Internet Explorer's cache.

It provides a list of all the files in the Internet Explorer cache, allowing you to extract any files you want.

IECacheView has several advantages over using Windows Temporary Internet Files viewer:
  • IECacheView displays only the list of cache files, while the cache view of Windows displays a mix of cookies and cache files.
  • IECacheView allows you to filter the cache files by file type (image, text, video, audio, or application).
  • IECacheView allows you to view the cache files of another user or from another disk, while with the Windows viewer, you can only watch the cache of the current logged-on user.
  • IECacheView displays some columns that are not displayed by the cache viewer of Windows: Content Type, Number of hits, Sub-folder name, and the full-path of the cached filename.
  • With IECacheView, you can easily select the desired cache items, copy the information to the clipboard, and then paste it into Excel or OpenOffice Spreadsheet.
This utility is freeware and works across all Windows versions.
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