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s�ndag 2.6.2024 / 04:23
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Gör en mjukvaru översättning

Använd den här formen för överföring av mjukvaru översättning på svenska till Trojan.Zbot Removal Tool -mjukvara.

Kort beskrivning på engelska:
Trojan.Zbot Removal Tool from Symantec can detect and remove the infection of the Gameover variant of Trojan.Zbot, which uses the Necurs rootkit to protect itself.
Kort beskrivning på svenska:

Lång beskrivning på engelska:
Trojan.Zbot Removal Tool from Symantec can detect and remove the infection of the Gameover variant of Trojan.Zbot, which uses the Necurs rootkit to protect itself.

This is a particularly nasty piece of malware that is used to build and maintain a botnet. It harvests sensitive financial information from victims PCs and can be used to initiate or redirect wire transfers also.

Gameover ZeuS is also one of the primary delivery menthods for the Cryptolocker ransomware, which is a nasty piece of malware that encrypts the victim's files and folders and won't decrypt them until a fee of 1 bitcoin is paid, which can be hundreds of dollars. Crypolocker can destroy files if the fee is not paid.

Regular anti-virus utilities may not be capable of detecting Gameover ZueS due to its use of a rootkit to protect itself, and that rootkit may not be easily removed by anti-virus suites. This removal tool, however, has been built with the sole purpose of attacking the rootkit, and working with regular A/V software, it could help bring your PC back.

For more information on Gameover ZeuS and Cryptolocker, see this news article.

NOTE: While this tool could make Cryptolocker visible to A/V tools and therefore removable, that does NOT mean it can recover encrypted files. Unfortunately there is no known way to decrypt files being held for ransom by Cryptolocker just yet.

NOTE: This version of Trojan.Zbot Removal Tool is for 32-bit versions of Windows OS ONLY!. For 64-bit versions of Windows, please download Trojan.Zbot Removal Tool (64-bit) instead.
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