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torsdag 12.9.2024 / 05:48
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Gör en mjukvaru översättning

Använd den här formen för överföring av mjukvaru översättning på svenska till TagSpaces (64-bit) -mjukvara.

Kort beskrivning på engelska:
TagSpaces (64-bit) is a cross platform, open source personal data manager that allows you to organize your files with tags.
Kort beskrivning på svenska:

Lång beskrivning på engelska:
TagSpaces is a cross platform, open source personal data manager that allows you to organize your files with tags.

Key Features:
  • Organize your photos, recipes or invoices in the same way on every platform. We currently support Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, Firefox and Chrome
  • With the help of tags you can do research better or you can manage projects using the GTD methodology.
  • All tags are saved in the name of the file with no database required. As a consequence, the tags assigned to your files are not vendor locked and can be utilized even without the TagSpaces application.
  • TagSpaces features basic file management operations, so it is a kind of tag-based file manager.
  • You can create and edit notes in plain text, MARKDOWN and HTML file formats.
  • You can organize webpages saved in for example MHTML format.
  • You can create a personal "wiki" for tracking of your projects, idea or memories.
  • Browse your file system in a convenient HTML5 web interface.
  • Currently you can open many common image, audio and video format, but also PDFs or MHTMLs files and the source code of some modern programming languages.
  • The list of supported files types for previewing and editing is constantly growing.
  • This feature makes the Chrome version of TagSpaces a perfect addition to Google's Chromecast, with which your can present your local images, videos and music to your TV.

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