Versionshistoria AdiIRC
Förändringar v1.9.2 -> v1.9.3
- Added "Close" menu item in log viewer
- Added ability to drag text into script editor/inputbox/topicbox
- Added ability to filter by topic and min/max users in channel list
- Added ability to filter/search options
- Added background image options for statusbar
- Added button to save channel list in Channel List dialog
- Added channel list menu item in Tools menu
- Added ctrl + tab nick completion in Options -> Nick colors and dialog "edit"
- Added Delete keybind in Logs manager
- Added Events -> Motd to show/hide server motd on connect
- Added keybinds for inserting color/font tags into tabcomplete options
- Added keybind ctrl + a for Ignore List/Nick Colors
- Added MusicBee now playing support
- Added new highlight system with more options
- Added new stacking balloon/tips system
- Added option to enable/disable ctcp/event/raw in script editor
- Added option to enable/disable flash icon in treebar/swittchbar
- Added option to set/hide borderstyle on main window
- Added option to show left to right scrollbar in treebar
- Added option to show/hide day changed message
- Added recent files menu in Script Editor
- Added right click menus in channel list
- Added save channel list windows size/position
- Added save cursor position in script editor
- Added SMPlayer now playing support
- Added sort button in ignorelist
- Added support for % in input box
- Added View -> Dock left/right/bottom/top menus
- Added network/nick/channel information to Window -> Windows
- Fixed # is not working properly
- Fixed /betaup should enable check for new beta option
- Fixed /google sometimes returns the wrong link
- Fixed /list dialog should be cleared before a new list is retrieved
- Fixed is not parsed correctly
- Fixed All windows should follow "Always on Top" from parent form
- Fixed Allow column resize in /list
- Fixed Allow smaller fonts than 8 in textview
- Fixed Alt + left/right/up/down sometimes triggers a unicode character in inputbox
- Fixed Alt + Tab to AdiIRC causes main window to be moved last of the tab order
- Fixed Alt+Enter is moving one character off in input box
- Fixed Alt+F4 does not exit
- Fixed Away color is not updated in statusbar on /away /back
- Fixed Changing channel password after making one in channel editor doesn't work
- Fixed Changing switchbar from horizontal to vertical makes the text align wrong
- Fixed Channel created/Topic set at should display as local time
- Fixed Channel list should separate modes from topic and allow sorting by modes
- Fixed Channel list sort order saved in translated format causes a crash
- Fixed Channel names can have : in them
- Fixed Channel password/limit should be read only in channel editor for normal users
- Fixed Check for update doesn't work on mono if libgluezilla is not installed
- Fixed Clicking a icon in toolbar should revert focus to inputbox
- Fixed Clicking Join in channel list shouldn't close it
- Fixed Closing channel list search, should mute the output until finished
- Fixed Color selector should close when pressing escape in script editor, even if searchform is visible
- Fixed Color should not flash in treebar/switchbar
- Fixed Commands menu should give focus to inputbox after click
- Fixed Copy text from inputbox should be in plain text
- Fixed Copy text in topic box should give focus to input box if "focus input box" option is enabled
- Fixed Corrupt positions.ini can silently close adiirc on startup
- Fixed Ctrl + g doesn't work properly on undocked scripts editor
- Fixed Ctrl + k in channel editor topic should show color dialog
- Fixed Date/Time variable %fff sometimes is missing trailing zero
- Fixed Dcc Get filestream is not always closed correctly
- Fixed DCC Send/Recive/Resume/Accept file names can be quoted and include spaces
- Fixed Default slaps.txt should have \r\n newlines not \r
- Fixed Double clicking channel names with special characters doesn't work
- Fixed Double clicking columns shouldn't join channels in Channel List
- Fixed Double rightclick in nicklist should not open a query
- Fixed Edit Menus should show a star when edited
- Fixed Empty buffers should be ignored when trying to save a buffer to file
- Fixed Entering up or down key in theme manager with no selected theme causes a crash
- Fixed File paths is not working properly on mono
- Fixed Flashing Treebar icons is not displayed correctly with large fonts
- Fixed Focus should be restored to inputbox when clicking statusbar items
- Fixed Force logging option doesn't work and may cause a crash in Options Dialog
- Fixed Help files should open on desktop
- Fixed Home/End in nicklist should select first and last nick
- Fixed Home/End/PageUp/PageDown not working correctly in Treebar
- Fixed If a treebar network was saved collapsed, channels should be rejoined minimized
- Fixed Images on Switchbar/Treebar should fade in/out when highlighting
- Fixed Incoming DCC should show full hostmask of the user in dcc dialog
- Fixed Initial dcc host is missing in Transfer monitor
- Fixed Lag count should be reset on server disconnect
- Fixed Line number height is wrong when using font size 10 in script editor/textview
- Fixed Log manager should not do a new search after deleting files
- Fixed Logform should trigger a new search log folder or log file pattern is changed
- Fixed Maximizing main window with multi line topicbox causes a graphic glitch
- Fixed Menubar/Switchbar/Toolbar/Statusbar clicks are not received if main window is not focused
- Fixed Modes should be combined when mass removing bans/invites/excepts in channel editor
- Fixed Mouse cursor is flickering when hovering topic box
- Fixed Mouseover top of the screen should show menu bar in full screen
- Fixed Nick casing should be updated whenever changed
- Fixed Nick in Statusbar is empty when opening a new server window
- Fixed Nick's,channels,links should be double clickable in topicbox, but not in edit mode
- Fixed Notices from users should be shown in active or status window
- Fixed Now playing only retrives 100 characters from some media players
- Fixed Only rejoin one channel upon reconnect
- Fixed Open Folder in file transfer window should open the default folder if there is no transfers
- Fixed Opening options sometimes causes a crash
- Fixed Painting input box/topic box border sometimes flickers
- Fixed Prefix and messages should be separated by newline if mainform is docked left or right
- Fixed Pressing Alt in full screen should toggle menubar
- Fixed Pressing Enter to make a new line in bug report textbox doesn't work
- Fixed Pressing escape asks to save in script editor even if color popup is visible
- Fixed Pressing Win+D minimizes AdiIRC if it's docked
- Fixed Previous saved windows should not load broken nicklist visibility
- Fixed Quit program warning should show connected server count
- Fixed Random user list color is using the wrong color
- Fixed Rawlog should load some lines from debug.txt when shown
- Fixed RealName should not be saved if empty in quick connect
- Fixed Remove CONF_ prefix from all items in config.ini
- Fixed Removed toolbar items are sometimes restored
- Fixed Rename casing in script manager should be allowed
- Fixed Replace button "Connect All" with "Connect in new window" in serverlist
- Fixed Reset all window sizes menu should reset open windows as well
- Fixed Resize while docked doesn't work properly
- Fixed Restart AdiIRC doesn't work on mono
- Fixed Restore logs can cause a crash if log folders have invalid permissions
- Fixed Restore logs options should always be available
- Fixed Right click crashes on some windows versions without visual styles
- Fixed Script Editor "*" should be in front of file name in case the filename is too long
- Fixed Script editor "*" should be shown in the titlebar
- Fixed Script editor menu click should register even if script editor doesn't have focus
- Fixed Script editor should ask to save modified script(s) when unloading script(s)
- Fixed Script editor should not be visible in taskbar unless "show on desktop" is enabled
- Fixed Script Editor should use selected script's path when clicking Load/Save As
- Fixed Script paths is not saved relative from Options
- Fixed Scripts should be saved with \r\n newlines instead of \r
- Fixed Selected text in topicbox should auto deselect on click
- Fixed Selecting nicks in Treebar nicklist doesn't work
- Fixed Server history is not saved correctly
- Fixed Setting the max message buffer to 0 shouldn't clear current buffer
- Fixed Shift + end on empty input box causes a crash
- Fixed Shift + end without selecting newline at the end removed since it doesn't work properly
- Fixed Shift + home should scroll to left in script editor
- Fixed Some global keybinds are sent twice in custom windows
- Fixed Some key bindings is not working on mono
- Fixed Some keybinds doesn't work in channel editor topic if it's readonly
- Fixed Sometimes winamp media player plugin detection incorrectly asks to install plugin
- Fixed Statusbar bandwidth should be shown with MB suffix
- Fixed Switchbar, Toolbar and Docking panels are inverted on mono
- Fixed Switchbar/Treebar icons should flash regardless of selected window if main window is not active
- Fixed Sysinfo OS version reports wrong OS on windows 8.1
- Fixed Tab cycling empty word doesn't work
- Fixed Text in mono version is not spaced properly
- Fixed Textview should respect Windows scrollbar width
- Fixed Theme manager is not working properly on mono
- Fixed Theme manager should use selected theme name as filename when clicking "save As"
- Fixed Toggle Treebar icons doesn't work without restart
- Fixed Tool popup dialogs should be topmost to associated form
- Fixed Treebar focus should reset when it looses focus
- Fixed Treebar items should only be selectable if the label or image is clicked
- Fixed Treebar query/system/tool colors are not reset correctly
- Fixed Typing in scripts editor/input box doesn't work properly on wine
- Fixed Use Nickcolors is saved to wrong section in the config file
- Fixed User count is not updated properly in the statusbar on channel join
- Fixed User list colors is not refreshed at once when saving options
- Fixed Using undo after saving a file in script editor, should mark the file as edited
- Fixed Variables can sometimes be reset in Tools -> Edit Variables
- Fixed Viewlog form should save/restore window position
- Fixed Weird behavior when a query chat partner revises his nickname
- Fixed When "Lock Bars" is enabled, the custom border color should be used for panels
- Fixed While docked AdiIRC should hide/show if a app goes fullscreen
- Fixed Whois and doubleclick on channel with (co)-oper
- Fixed Winamp now playing stops working after its paused or until next song starts
- Fixed Window order in treebar is not always sorted correctly
- Fixed Word wrapping sometimes causes a endless loop
- Fixed Wrapped text buffer is not emptied when exceeding "Max Buffer"
- Moved all items from away.ini to config.ini
- Moved all items from ignore.ini to config.ini
- Moved all items from positions.ini to config.ini
- Moved Tools -> Ignore List, Tools -> Nick Colors into Options
- Removed Treebar menus from Treebar window menus because menus are too big
- Renamed channelbar and everything related to switchbar
- Renamed sidebar and everything related to treebar
- Renamed userlist and everything related to nicklist
- Scripting:
- Added /background -yz switches for statusbar/menubar
- Added alias /options for /config
- Added alias /setconfig for /setoption
- Added default alias /i for /invite
- Added missing commands /treebar /cline /queryrn /unsetall /tips /partall /remote /ctcps /events
- Added missing event APPACTIVE
- Added missing identifiers $snicks $remote $ssl $pi $fullscreen $iptype $portable $dccport $url $lactive $lactivewid $lof $tip $tips $evalnext $titlebar $atan2 $hypot $log10 $sinh $cosh $tanh $servertarget $menubar $switchbar $toolbar $treebar $highlight
- Added missing operators isinvite isexcept isignore
- Added missing parameter "me" for events
- Added missing parameter -h for /run
- Added missing parameter -iN for /echo and /aline
- Added missing parameters -ie for /server
- Added missing parameters -min/-max/channel/search for /list
- Added missing parameters -npt for $read()
- Added missing parameters parameter -n for /exit
- Added missing properties .type .mmt .ansyc .pause for $timer
- Added missing property "hsbar" for /dialog list
- Added missing property .dd for $color() $colour()
- Added missing property .lb for $window()
- Added missing property .sig for $file()
- Added new command /dockpanels [on|off] to toggle dock panels
- Added new command /echox which takes a %var instead of text and allows consecutive spaces
- Added new command /edit -almnqsv for opening edit scripts etc
- Added new command /rawx which takes a %var instead of text and allows consecutive spaces
- Added new event OPTIONS which is triggered whenever config file is reloaded
- Added new identifier $docked returns $true if AdiIRC is docked
- Added new identifier $lag returning lag on current server
- Added new identifier $quickconnect returns $true if AdiIRC was started with QuickConnect enabled
- Added new identifier $randomcolors returns if random nickcolors is enabled for message, nicklist or both
- Added new identifier $statusbar returns $true if statusbar is visible
- Added new identifiers $bwrecb and $bwsentb for byte format
- Added new identifiers $msgx $rawmsgx to retrieve consecutive spaced versions of $1- $rawmsg
- Added new on event CLIENTTEXT for overriding messages sent from the client
- Added new parameter -d [encoding] for /server
- Added new parameter [search] for /options and /config to search/filter options dialog
- Added support for ignoring multiple nicks in /ignore separated by comma
- Added support for OfficeIrc user prefix
- Fixed on CTCP *::command with no target doesn't work
- Fixed on event target is not always evaluated correctly
- Fixed on HOTLINK should be triggered on mouse down not click
- Fixed on MENU separators is not always trimmed correctly
- Fixed on RAW Some events are not triggered for scripts
- Fixed on RAW the first : should be stripped from 301, 275, 338
- Fixed on SOCKOPEN should be called even if the socket cant connect
- Fixed on START/LOAD/UNLOAD/APPACTIVE/SONG/EXIT/SIGNAL should be associated with current server
- Fixed on TABCOMP does not always return correct tab completed text
- Fixed on TABCOMP/INPUT is not always triggered correctly
- Fixed on ^NICK is not halting the text properly
- Fixed /alias /alias should not override the alias command
- Fixed /alias Allow aliases without leading '/'
- Fixed /anick with no parameters causes a crash
- Fixed /background "Status Window" doesn't work
- Fixed /background default image layout should be center
- Fixed /bcopy -c is not chopping correctly
- Fixed /bcopy If M is -1, all of the bytes from position S onwards should be copied
- Fixed /beep 0 should stop beeps
- Fixed /beep should be max 1000 milliseconds
- Fixed /bin2txt is missing one character
- Fixed /bindip is not working correctly with network adapters
- Fixed /bindip quotes should be ignored
- Fixed /bread is reading 1 byte off
- Fixed /clear [window] is not working properly
- Fixed /clearall /aclear should only clear windows on current connection unless -a is specified
- Fixed /close add missing parameter -l
- Fixed /ctcp PING should use $ctime
- Fixed /dialog "edit" "combo" add color/font tag hotkeys
- Fixed /dialog "edit" "list" size is wrong
- Fixed /dialog "edit" add missing parameters hsbar vsbar
- Fixed /dialog "list" add missing parameter sort
- Fixed /dialog -md should not center the window if position is -1 -1
- Fixed /dialog -s is resizing to wrong size
- Fixed /dialog Add exe/dll/index support for "icon"
- Fixed /dialog icon files not working
- Fixed /dialog radio button with "push" should be text align center
- Fixed /dialog sometimes crashes with invalid parameters
- Fixed /dialog using menus makes the dialog to tall
- Fixed /did -a and -r doesn't work with check/radio buttons
- Fixed /did -a text should be trimmed
- Fixed /did -i does not work on some elements
- Fixed /did add missing parameters -s -l
- Fixed /dns -46 is not working
- Fixed /dns doesn't work with ipv6 addresses
- Fixed /drawcopy add missing switch -r and validate parameters
- Fixed /drawdot parameters are not validated
- Fixed /drawpic doesn't work with transparent images
- Fixed /drawpic parameters are not validated correctly
- Fixed /echo -l first word in a line should not be tested for highlight
- Fixed /echo -l first word in a line should not be tested for highlight
- Fixed /echo 1 1 is not showing correctly
- Fixed /echo if active window does not have a textview, text should go to associated status window
- Fixed /exit -r does not restart the client
- Fixed /exit without -n should ask to close active servers
- Fixed /google search result should be html decoded
- Fixed /help if no chm file is found, open relevant wiki page and parameter -l forces open wiki page
- Fixed /if /while !> !< !<= !>= operators are not working correctly
- Fixed /if /while (number isnum) is not working properly
- Fixed /if /while expressions using the ! operator are not returning the correct value
- Fixed /if /while is not working properly if first token is a operator
- Fixed /if /while remove unnecessary operator %
- Fixed /if /while(1 == 01) leading zeros should be trimmed
- Fixed /ignore -x is ignored if below other ignore rules
- Fixed /linesep add missing parameter -s and #channel
- Fixed /linesep should not add a linesep if last message is a linesep
- Fixed /load -rs should always trigger LOAD/START
- Fixed /lusers - display errors
- Fixed /names Multiple channel prefix is not saved correctly
- Fixed /nick should be trimmed
- Fixed /notify blank mask should not be added
- Fixed /np doesn't work with $user
- Fixed /rename should be able to move folders
- Fixed /search /findtext add missing parameter -n
- Fixed /server -n should not connect
- Fixed /server allow <+port/port> parameters
- Fixed /server in on START event is not working properly
- Fixed /server with no parameters should connect/reconnect current server
- Fixed /set -sl doesn't show output
- Fixed /setoption doesn't work properly
- Fixed /setoption with no parameters should reload config.ini
- Fixed /sidebar on/off doesn't work properly
- Fixed /socklist -l is not working properly
- Fixed /sockmark name can be a wildcard
- Fixed /sockwrite &binvar doesn't work
- Fixed /statusbar View -> Statusbar saves to the wrong location in config.ini
- Fixed /time - not display the : into the time
- Fixed /timer -o is not associated with current server
- Fixed /timer add missing parameters -i and -o
- Fixed /timer is not always validated correctly
- Fixed /timer should show interval in seconds or milliseconds depending on timer type
- Fixed /timer sometimes causes a crash when AdiIRC exits
- Fixed /timer with no name should be named as not timer
- Fixed /toolbar -l does not update alias
- Fixed /toolbar -p does not adjust icon size
- Fixed /toolbar add missing parameter -zN and ico/exe/dll support
- Fixed /toolbar doesn't work with transparent images
- Fixed /toolbar on/off/no parameters doesn't work properly
- Fixed /unload with quoted path doesn't work
- Fixed /unnotify doesn't work
- Fixed /var -g incorrectly prints value assignment
- Fixed /var add missing parameter -n
- Fixed /var halting doesn't work
- Fixed /who output should be shown in server window
- Fixed /window "Status Window" doesn't work
- Fixed /window +d | +b should have no control box
- Fixed /window +L is missing close button
- Fixed /window -a is not restoring properly
- Fixed /window -c in a on CLOSE event causes a crash
- Fixed /window -C is not centering the window
- Fixed /window Add missing parameter -a
- Fixed /write -s -w -r is not searching properly
- Fixed /write add $crlf if -n is not set
- Fixed /write should write utf8 with no BOM
- Fixed $().properties in brackets doesn't work
- Fixed $* does not work inside brackets
- Fixed $0 returns wrong value
- Fixed $1 in Menubar menus should be $me
- Fixed $asctime() year format should be yyyy
- Fixed $bindip should return $null if parameter is invalid ip
- Fixed $bindip(N) returns wrong output
- Fixed $bytes is not precise enough
- Fixed $bytes(0) should return 0
- Fixed $calc((1+)+1) and $calc(2^ %) is not working properly
- Fixed $calc() with no parameters should return an error
- Fixed $cb does not work correctly with unicode text
- Fixed $chan().mode is not sorted correctly
- Fixed $chan().pnick should return all channel prefixes
- Fixed $chantypes is in wrong order on some networks
- Fixed $cpuload and Help -> System variables sometimes causes a crash
- Fixed $ctime is returning wrong result
- Fixed $ctime() doesn't work with XXnd dates
- Fixed $dialog() add missing owner parameter
- Fixed $dialog().modal is returning wrong value
- Fixed $did add missing property .csel
- Fixed $did returns wrong value when clicking a tab page
- Fixed $did().text returns wrong value for listbox
- Fixed $duration does not return correct value with doubles
- Fixed $duration(x:x:x:x) doesn't work
- Fixed $editbox .selstart .selend returns wrong value
- Fixed $encode $decode add parameter h for encoding decoding html codes
- Fixed $encrypt $decrypt does not always work correctly
- Fixed $event should be empty outside events
- Fixed $exists returns $false on mono regardless of path
- Fixed $false should return the value $false
- Fixed $file() should work with directorys
- Fixed $fline does not always return correct value
- Fixed $gfxram should be rounded
- Fixed $inpaste does not always return the correct value
- Fixed $input Change tab complete to ctrl + tab complete so change focus with tab works
- Fixed $input control code keybinds should work
- Fixed $invitemenu should use same sort order as switchbar/treebar
- Fixed $isalias() add missing property .alias
- Fixed $isalias() doesn't work with local aliases
- Fixed $left $right should return $null if second parameter is not a number
- Fixed $lines() is returning wrong value in some cases
- Fixed $log(0) $log10(0) should return $null
- Fixed $longip() sometimes returns wrong value
- Fixed $longip() with no ip defined should return nothing
- Fixed $mid does not always return correct value with negative numbers
- Fixed $mid doesn't work with doubles
- Fixed $mknickfn is not stripping the correct characters
- Fixed $modespl is returning wrong value
- Fixed $mouse.dx and $mouse.dy returns wrong coordinates
- Fixed $nick should be $null outside server related events
- Fixed $or should be uint and allow only one parameter
- Fixed $pic().width $pic().height causes a crash with invalid pictures
- Fixed $player should return chosen media player regardless of play state
- Fixed $pos returns wrong value
- Fixed $pos(x,x,N) $poscs(x,x,N) does not return correct result
- Fixed $rand should allow 64 bit random numbers
- Fixed $read -r does not fill $regml
- Fixed $read() can cause a crash
- Fixed $regex $regsub $regsubex (*UTF8) should not be included in the pattern
- Fixed $regex $regsub $regsubex doesn't work properly with global regular expressions
- Fixed $regex $regsub $regsubex fails with underscore characters in \Q \E
- Fixed $regex $regsub $regsubex with escape codes can sometimes cause as crash
- Fixed $regsub $regsubex substitution codes should be replaced with $+ code $+
- Fixed $regsub $regsubex \1 \2 is not always replaced correctly
- Fixed $round is not validated correctly
- Fixed $scriptdir crashes from inputbox
- Fixed $server should return $null if not connected
- Fixed $sha1 should return lowercase result
- Fixed $slapsmenu(0) should return number of slaps
- Fixed $sock().ssl returns inverted value
- Fixed $sock().wserrmsg should be called wsmsg
- Fixed $sockbr returns wrong value
- Fixed $str() crashes with too high value
- Fixed $strip add missing parameters burcmoi
- Fixed $submenu doesn't always add separators correctly
- Fixed $timer().secs is returning wrong value
- Fixed $timer(name) should return position
- Fixed $v1,$v2,$ifmatch and $ifmatch2 sometimes returns wrong value
- Fixed $window(N) doesn't work
- Fixed "Upgrade" old media player format from '$song' to ' $+ $song $+ '
- Fixed $mouse.key returns wrong value in picture windows
- Fixed Channel collection for IUser in API is empty
- Fixed Double spaces in scripts are not always parsed into single space
- Fixed Errors inside identifiers doesn't halt the script properly
- Fixed IUser in API events is sometimes empty
- Fixed menu sclick should trigger on mouse down instead of click
- Fixed Parentheses is not always parsed correctly
- Fixed Pressing escape in a custom window should minimize it
- Fixed Script variables are sometimes reset on EXIT
- Fixed Scripted menu's should only trim white spaces
- Fixed Some variables is not correctly passed from alias to $identifier and back
- Removed unnecessary commands /loopfile /split
- Removed unnecessary identifiers $myhost $myident $activeserver $channel
- Removed unnecessary operators hasvoice inchan isbetween
Förändringar v1.9.1 -> v1.9.2
- Removed clementine now playing support since its not working properly
- Removed /kickban and add a default alias /kickban /ban -k # $$1 $2-
- Removed unnecessary commands /nomsg /noquery /smsg
- Improved bug report window
- Rewrite quick connect
- Added visual feedback when searching log folder
- Added key bind shift + Backspace to delete double spaces in script editor
- Added $quitmessage identifier
- Added find previous menuitem in script editor
- Added new menu item unload all but active script in script editor
- Added keybind ctrl+shift+w for unloading all scripts in script editor
- Added /search -re [text] parameters and add alias /findtext
- Added missing parameter 'u' in $input()
- Added "always on top" and "show on desktop" options for script editor
- Added option to ask for saving modified scripts on close in script editor
- Added option for "find selection" and "backup scripts" on save in script editor
- Added option to show an error for unknown identifiers
- Added option to toggle line numbers in script editor
- Added option to ask for saving modified scripts on close in script editor
- Added initializations warning option for loading scripts with on START/LOAD events
- Added new menu item Misc -> Check Brackets in script editor
- Added $appbits identifier
- Added support for IRCv3 CAP multi-prefix, userhost-in-names, away-notify,extended-join and account-notify
- Added support for WM_MCOMMAND and WM_MEVALUATE
- Added missing command /omsg [#channel]
- Added $rating identifier for media player rating tag
- Added list all root dir text files in help menu
- Added "mark server as read" right click menu in sidebar/channelbar and /amark -s
- Added /cmode /umode default aliases
- Added missing /flash command
- Added beta changes should be included in the update beta dialog
- Added separate flash option for private messages in highlights
- Added selected text as search text when toggling search box
- Added option to only show balloon tip if AdiIRC is not focused
- Added separate option for showing balloon tip on highlight, private message, channel activity
- Added /quicksave command
- Added options form should remember last page
- Added now playing mesages are now parsed as scripts
- Added right click menu to reset individual options per page in Options
- Added Ctrl + S keybinds to save serverlist and options
- Added character/line position/estimated file size display in script editor
- Added ctrl + clicking sidebar/channelbar to minimize the window
- Added Ctrl + Home, Ctrl + End to go to first/last message
- Added right click menu to change sidebar font
- Added F5 keybind to reload script in scripts manager
- Added "smart" tabcomplete using recently active nicks
- Added option to restore AdiIRC from tray with single click
- Added option start with windows
- Added option to check for irc:// link association on startup
- Added line marker thickness option
- Added border thickness option
- Added sysinfo recived sent identifier $bwrec $bwsent
- Added right click menu to save/clear input buffer
- Added userlist control buttons, view -> Userlist Buttons
- Added server and channel count to tray icon hover text
- Added searching itunes and mediamonkey playlist from ctrl + j
- Added button to merge files in log form
- Added windows -> Reset All Window Sizes menu
- Added ctrl + a for selecting all text in all textboxes
- Added $ial().account and $ialchan().account to get a users IRCv3 account name
- Added $playcount tag support for winamp
- Added missing identifiers $dll() $dllcall() $nickmode $ifmatch2$menu $menutype $menucontext $activecid
- Added missing identifiers $beta $bits $sslready
- Added missing command /dll -u [data]
- Added missing command /renwin <@oldname> <@newname> [topic]
- Added missing /U modifier for $regex,$regsub,$regsubex
- Added missing $did() parameter .isedited
- Added missing parameters .loopback .ip .name for $bindip when looking up a ip
- Added missing parameters [-cn] [#channel] [message] for /hop
- Added missing property .idle for $query
- Added missing mpattern in $regex,$regsub,$regsubex
- Added missing parameter push for dialog radio buttons
- Added missing properties extsel multsel for dialog list items
- Added missing parameters -b -c for /hadd /hdec /hinc
- Added missing parameters -n / -x for /query
- Added missing /window -m [/command] [font fontsize] [iconfile] parameters
- Added missing parameters -46ch parameters and queue for /dns
- Added support for looking up nicks in /dns
- Added missing parameter "3" for $bytes, also returns wrong format
- Added /invite [nick] [#channel]
- Fixed $decode doesn't work with &binvars
- Fixed channel list sort crashes on some translations
- Fixed channel list sort is not saved/restored properly
- Fixed logs manager should focus log window when viewing a log
- Fixed $bitoff returns wrong value
- Fixed clicking a toolbar icon created from the input box causes a crash
- Fixed searching some folders in Logs causes a crash
- Fixed pressing space in sidebar should show context menu
- Fixed Up/Down/Left/Right key binds is not working correctly in sidebar
- Fixed focus in sidebar should be restored when shift + clicking
- Fixed mouse middle click for closing window doesn't work in sidebar
- Fixed /setayer dialogname should set the layer on the dialog
- Fixed /setlayer with no window parameter should set layer of main window
- Fixed $regex $regsubex $regsubex POSIX brackets are not working properly
- Fixed $calc % is not working properly
- Fixed channel modes in status bar is not updated correctly on channel join
- Fixed /ctcp /notice should split long messages
- Fixed $base is not working properly with some characters
- Fixed special characters should not be included in #channel links
- Fixed %variables are not always trimmed correctly
- Fixed /ignore -k is ignored in private windows
- Fixed #$N #$? should make sure return value starts with a #
- Fixed parentheses and comma is not always parsed correctly in scripts
- Fixed any combination of $+X should work for combining words
- Fixed $duration should be able to convert output back into seconds
- Fixed $ctime and other unix timestamps should be year 2038 ready
- Fixed should be useable anywhere in a word in inputbox
- Fixed sending a command to a disconnected server should show a error
- Fixed typing /quit while not connected to a server causes a crash
- Fixed reload multiple scripts in script editor can cause a crash
- Fixed /clear should clear unread line marker position
- Fixed $gettok $deltok with negative numbers doesn't always work
- Fixed $calc is not always parsed correctly if there are no space after a )
- Fixed $findfile $findir wildcards with semicolon filter doesn't work
- Fixed /tokenize 0 should tokenize nothing
- Fixed clicking line numbers in script editor should select the matched line
- Fixed pressing shift + HOME/HOME key in script editor should move cursor to start of the first non-space character
- Fixed pressing enter in script editor should indent at same space level as current line
- Fixed variables set to be removed on EXIT is incorrectly removed too early
- Fixed "Rename" in script editor should retain previous file extension
- Fixed "Save As" in script editor doesn't unload the previous script
- Fixed /unload -rs should unload first file name match
- Fixed allow $~name identifiers
- Fixed if there are no more undo actions in script editor, script should not be marked as changed
- Fixed using "Delete" text menu item in script editor/inputbox should allow Undo
- Fixed small graphical glitch in sidebar with channels containing & character
- Fixed $int() doesn't work with large numbers
- Fixed $host and $ip should be filled with local ip/hostname before a server connects
- Fixed $version should reply only the version number
- Fixed if a nick has illegal characters, inputbox should ask for a new /nick instead of trying alternative
- Fixed /nick on a offline connection should change the connection nick for that connection
- Fixed /scon 0 doesnt work
- Fixed \0 in $regsub $regsubex returns wrong count if /g modifier is used
- Fixed $calc crashes sometimes
- Fixed $bytes(N) should handle bigger numbers
- Fixed spaces before and after {} brackets should be required in scripts
- Fixed KICK event is not triggered if kick came from a user not in the channel
- Fixed background missing from $color()
- Fixed $?/$?="" is not parsed correctly
- Fixed theme manager is not working correctly with translations
- Fixed / should be ignored in inputbox
- Fixed on START is not triggered at the right time
- Fixed $shortfn() sometimes return no value
- Fixed $nofile() is missing a \ at the end
- Fixed @#channel notices are not parsed correctly
- Fixed /onotice is not sending the correct format
- Fixed topic set, channel created date time format should match $asctime
- Fixed %f %ff %fff time variables is now 1-2-3 decimals of milliseconds
- Fixed $script(n) should return full path instead of relative
- Fixed $ini $readini $remini /writeini - relative path is sometimes wrong
- Fixed double clicking in a server window should send /lusers
- Fixed dclick in non picture windows doesn't work
- Fixed deprecate $volumep, $volume is now in percent
- Fixed $volume $volumeb is not updated correctly
- Fixed editing link in Link Warning box is ignored
- Fixed "disconnected" is shown twice in the server window
- Fixed DCC Chat is not working properly
- Fixed $ial is not always updated from /who
- Fixed $chr(0) should return $null
- Fixed if topicbox ends with a link, hoovering free space after shows invalid link cursor
- Fixed \\ and // operators in scripts can cause a crash and returns wrong result
- Fixed $site returns wrong hostname
- Fixed sysinfo commands should be ignored in server window
- Fixed some system info identifiers are missing from the docs
- Fixed $!identifier is sometimes not evaluated correctly
- Fixed Commands -> Set Away -> OFF isn't working
- Fixed / should be stripped when renaming a script
- Fixed $script should show full path
- Fixed $nick() non default channel prefixes are ignored
- Fixed $prefix is reversed
- Fixed $nick() sometimes crashes
- Fixed big text lines is not wrapped correctly
- Fixed negative numbers should be allowed for channel limit in channel editor
- Fixed $query(nick).addr returns @ if there is no host/ident
- Fixed dock panel headers should be hidden when "Lock Bars" is enabled
- Fixed dock panel headers should not be moveable by right clicks
- Fixed toolbar icon commands should be parsed as scripts
- Fixed $window().dw $window().dh returns wrong size for picture windows
- Fixed $date $adate $time is missing leading zero
- Fixed $modes in channel titles is missing mode parameters
- Fixed channel limit is not correctly parsed on channel join
- Fixed $chan(#).mode is missing mode parameters
- Fixed channel editor crashes with long user limit
- Fixed MAXLIST is not parsed correctly on some servers
- Fixed stop format tag doesn't work in topicbox
- Fixed $duration does not work with double numbers
- Fixed /uptime $uptime(system) sometimes returns the wrong duration
- Fixed $ticks does not return the correct number
- Fixed manually typing a font/size sometimes crashes the font browser
- Fixed /timers off doesn't work
- Fixed ignoring color codes in part quit messages doesn't work
- Fixed /ignore /dns quiet flag doesn't work
- Fixed $timestamp $logstamp adds a trailing whitespace
- Fixed log filename missing first char for private windows if custom name is used
- Fixed $chan is missing in event INVITE
- Fixed colors in on TEXT event should be stripped if ignore -k is matched
- Fixed /timer should be associated with current window
- Fixed /dns shows a empty line on unresolved
- Fixed brackets in scripts should not be evaluated if there is a space
- Fixed some commands fails on servers with multiple channel prefixes
- Fixed moving a dockpanel in front of another panel doesn't work
- Fixed # is not correctly parsed in $identifier( #)
- Fixed $$identifier not working for all identifiers
- Fixed $query should only count private windows on current server
- Fixed local identifiers doesn't work in /scon and /scid
- Fixed IME popups closes when typing in inputbox/topicbox/script editor
- Fixed allow selecting/copying topic in channel editor if the textbox is disabled
- Fixed unread line marker should by default only be visible for channnel/priv/server windows
- Fixed /aline should scroll to bottom if scroll pos was at bottom
- Fixed $nick().color should return 1 if random nick colors are disabled
- Fixed shift + tab should not select the newline in input box/script editor
- Fixed automatically set back should only trigger if a non command is typed
- Fixed away system should work per server instead of globally
- Fixed toggle icons in sidebar doesn't work
- Fixed raw 404 should be shown in channel window if existss
- Fixed /amsg and /ame should send only one PRIVMSG with target channels separated by ","
- Fixed /back should not set back If user is not away
- Fixed pressing enter in rawlog search box should perform a search
- Fixed right click X in dock panel shouldn't close it
- Fixed away timer should be reset after hibernate
- Fixed matchtext in events should be parsed for identifiers/variables if it starts with $ or %
- Fixed /join #chan should rejoin a channel if the window exists but not joined
- Fixed all colors/fonts tags should be reset in topic/kick/part/quit messages
- Fixed nick colors are sometimes not inverted correctly
- Fixed theme manager window size/position is not saved correctly
- Fixed $! should show result from $input
- Fixed /google and /pgoogle should detect and read the proper encoding
- Fixed has write access check fails on some machines
- Fixed $awaytime should be reset after raw 306
- Fixed $left $progress $duration $length identifiers sometimes gives wrong results
- Fixed on empty inputbox should cycle all nicks in channnel
- Fixed /wsearch /wselect not always working correctly with mediamonkey player
- Fixed whitespaces should be allowed in tabcomplete nicks
- Fixed default/random quit message is parsed wrongly
- Fixed on CTCP crashes
- Fixed line numbers in scripts editor is too slow
- Fixed quick save server dosen't save channels with passwords correctly
- Fixed on TABCOMP is not triggered on empty editbox
- Fixed /ignore - with no nick/address should show a error
- Fixed menu scripts ignores #groups
- Fixed duplicate mouse events in picture windows causes crash
- Fixed closing a channel instead of parting wont trigger part sound
- Fixed $bitrate is missing for media monkey player
- Fixed a crash when using some windows themes
- Fixed ctrl + l should scroll to unread line marker
- Fixed allow ctrl + z undo when using /editbox
- Fixed reconnect shows "disconnected" in all windows, not just server window
- Fixed /server crashes with some invalid parameters
- Fixed if "allow only one copy" and "minimize to tray" is enabled, main window can't be restored
- Fixed select the proper icon size when using favicons or custom icons
- Fixed all main icons should be updated immediately when changing icon
- Fixed scripts manager is not saved/restored properly
- Fixed changing encoding should only update the encoding in the serverlist (not channels)
- Fixed right click -> join dosen't work
- Fixed sounds should only play if the event is not halted
- Fixed switching to/from fullscreen messes up toolbar/menubar/channelbar order
- Fixed aliases should not be allowed to call itself
- Fixed remove every nonwhite space after last closed parenthess in scripts
- Fixed allow [[ and ]] for escaping brackets in scripts
- Fixed maximize button should be disabled in quick connect
- Fixed script files with [script] sections should be loaded as ini files
- Fixed /slap $1 is not correct in the default slap
Förändringar v1.9.0 -> v1.9.1
- Added proxy/socks support
- Added $osinstalldate variable
- Added exabyte to all byte calculations
- Added option to get favicon from server url
- Added option to set default and individual window icons
- Added $date variable for logging
- Added "Save All" menu/shortcut in script editor
- Added option to enable/disable formatting links and various formatting improvments
- Added 'number' 'delay' flags for /beep
- Added ability to select multiple items in nickcolor list
- Added save/restore dock position of menubar/toolbar/channelbar
- Added rigthclicking window title will show the menubar menu if menubar is hidden
- Added new sound options
- Added -n -p parameters for /run and set proper working directory
- Added unlimited connection retries if retries is set to 0
- Added option to set custom background image per window
- Added option to use a global up/down input history
- Added missing $window properties
- Added irc6:// ircs6:// support
- Added option to enable/disable regain nick
- Added missing b parameter for binvars in $encode
- Added LOGON event
- Added /bset -c chop parameter
- Added -an parameters for /clipboard, also allow empty params to clear clipboard
- Added raw 328 link support
- Added menus in custom windows with menu @name
- Added add /dline [c] <@name>
- Added close button for dock panels
- Added ignore list GUI
- Fixed edit commands should be named edit aliases
- Fixed /slaps should be parsed as scripts
- Fixed allow empty messages in events e.g notice
- Fixed $line sometimes returns empty string incorrectly
- Fixed $script should return relative path
- Fixed /loadbuf not parsed correcly
- Fixed /sline doesn't work on users with channel modes
- Fixed event HOTLINK is not triggered correctly
- Fixed $active and $target doesn't work with custom windows
- Fixed hash tables should be case insensitive
- Fixed $sha1/$md5 doesn't work with &binvars
- Fixed /bset sometimes crashes
- Fixed parsing {} brackets sometimes fails
- Fixed graphic glitch offset on text with background colors
- Fixed graphic glitch with diacritical characters
- Fixed /fwrite -b &bin doesn't work
- Fixed all windows regardless of type should be saved the same way
- Fixed /bw should show a error message if no network adapter is set
- Fixed /bset is one byte off when inserting at pos
- Fixed if ( isnum ) not working
- Fixed a random crash on startup
- Fixed client messages should be threated as system messages not channel messages
- Fixed /toolbar -u doesn't refresh toolbar image
- Fixed $width and $height reports wrong value
- Fixed event ACTIVE should be fired after the activation have taken place
- Fixed random nick color option should be in Options -> Colors
- Fixed clicking edit toolbar while edit toolbar is already open causes a crash
- Fixed event TABCOMP should fill $1- with the tabcompleted text
- Fixed $style(X) was not always parsed correctly
- Fixed $1 in menus should be filled with nick or channel
- Fixed ctrl + z undo when tabcompleting nicks/inserting format/color tags in inputbox didn't work
- Fixed minor drawing glitch in the sidebar on certain fonts
- Fixed $ial should be updated whenever 311 is encountered
- Fixed bans are not removed from channel editor if multiple bans are in the same MODE
- Fixed event INPUT triggers on all @custom windows instead of the matched one
- Fixed nickcolors/textcolors are sometimes not inverted correctly
- Fixed channels with "&&" displays incorrectly in sidebar
- Fixed raw 486 and 460 should use settings from Events -> Errors
- Fixed $ial should only check current server
- Fixed /window -e/-E should add inputbox
- Fixed $chan(#invalidchan, 0) should return $null instead of 0
- Fixed $scon and $scid couldn't use local identifiers
- Fixed /set fails to parse %vars if first parameter is a identifier
- Fixed $() is not executed inside /var and [ ] evaluation
- Fixed should only capture first match if /g is not defined in $regsub and $regsubex
- Fixed $base should convert both lowercase/uppercase characters
- Fixed Goto Line 0 in script editor caused a crash
- Fixed /slap sometimes caused a crash
- Fixed reconnect server retries should be reset on manual disconnect
- Fixed /paths to show both the install path and the config path
- Fixed raw 330 should be parsed as whois
- Fixed shortcut keys to add bold/italic/underline/color in sysinfo editor didn't work
- Fixed /sysinfo /uptime was sometimes slow
- Fixed /diskinfo didn't work
- Fixed copying text on asian locale didn't work
- Fixed update timer sometimes causes a crash on startup
- Fixed $gmt $date $actime to work properly with timezones
- Fixed 'tab' should add 2 spaces instead of 'tab' in script editor
- Fixed *.mts and *.mrc should be filtered in script manager/theme editor
- Fixed options menu shortcut should be Alt+O
- Fixed some channel bans didn't show up
- Fixed channel editor should be enabled for half ops
- Fixed ":" should be stripped from on RAW 302 and 340
- Fixed sidebar userlist should be off by default
- Fixed issue with disappearing dockpanels
- Fixed menubar icon is sometimes the wrong icon
- Fixed reset usermenu width if its changed
- Fixed animateicon in system tray wasn't working
- Fixed cut of the text in channelbar if the text is wider than the button
- Fixed linenumber for the last line in script editor was missing
- Fixed /viewlog with no parameters should open logfile on current window