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Versionshistoria Alchemy Network Inventory


Förändringar v9.1 -> v9.2

  • Added: The user can now see the inventory log for each individual item in the Remote Inventory Wizard window

Förändringar v9.0 -> v9.1

  • Added: The Remove Inventory Wizard window was improved to show the statuses of the hosts being inventoried

Förändringar v8.9 -> v9.0

  • Added: The user can now delete outdated inventory files from the command line
  • Added: The Custom Objects List report
  • Added: The client program crashed in some cases when concatenating the fresh inventory information with the previous results

Förändringar v8.8 -> v8.9

  • Added: Adobe Acrobat 8, 9 registration information detection
  • Added: Adobe Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4 registration information detection
  • Added: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, CS4, CS5 registration information detection
  • Added: Adobe Illustrator CS5 registration information detection

Förändringar v7.4 -> v7.6

  • Added: The user can now re-inventory a computer or device from the right-click menu in the left window tab
  • Improved: The list of computer names can now be loaded from a file when the user launches network inventory from the command-line parameters
  • Improved: The customer_ID command-line parameter
  • Added: Network scan profiles
  • Fixed: A few misspellings were fixed in the program screens
  • Fixed: The program did not correctly process single quotes out of %COMPUTERS_BEGI% / %COMPUTERS_END% bkackets in the data export routine


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