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Versionshistoria Aml Pages (Portable)


Förändringar v9.64 build 2551 -> v9.64 build 2555

  • added: new setting "Write Log File" (see menu Quick Settings or tab Usability);
  • removed: minimize main window of Aml Pages on start of screensaver or monitor power;
  • fixed: fonts for tooltips of tab pane;
  • fixed: gettting plain text from nodes of formatted text for tooltips of tabs pane;

Förändringar v9.63 build 2548 -> v9.64 build 2551

  • added: pane files new modes "All", "Selected Node Only", "Selected Node + Childrens" (see context menu);
  • pane Header: on receive focus in tags field, the field will be enlarge;
  • pane Header: on double click on tags field, the field will be enlarge;

Förändringar v9.63 build 2543 -> v9.63 build 2548

  • fixed: folder allow change icon;

Förändringar v9.62 Build 2538 -> v9.63 build 2543

  • added: pane Files show dates\times as full format;
  • added: command "Paste" for pane Files;
  • added: pane Files refresh of data when node is renamed;
  • changed: syntax highlighting "HTML" as disabled for HTML-nodes;
  • changed: Properties of node show info about syntax highlighting;

Förändringar v9.61 build 2534 -> v9.62 Build 2538

  • added: changing of cursor position from properties of node;
  • added: new versio of plugin ChangeLog;
  • added: PluginAPI::Aml_UnloadPlugin function;
  • changed: formatting of creation date of bookmarks;

Förändringar v9.61 build 2532 -> v9.61 build 2534

  • fixed: export nodes of formatted text (invalid encoding, see menu command "File\Export\Node");
  • fixed: right folder view does not apply colors settings of lost focus;
  • changed: formatting of RSS-news;

Förändringar v9.60 build 2530 -> v9.61 build 2532

  • added: import from TreePad files (.hjt, see menu File\Import\Files);
  • added: changing of pane backgroun on lost focus;
  • added: new colors settings (see menu Tools\Settings, tab Appearance\Colors);
  • added: accelerator Alt+2 for bottom pane;
  • fixed: large CPU using when pane Comments is active;
  • added: command "Translate To" into menu "Edit\Change Case";

Förändringar v9.60 build 2529 -> v9.60 build 2530

  • added: F2 for renaming of nodes title;
  • removed: plugin File2Aml (now Aml Pages supports attachments self);

Förändringar v9.59 build 2528 -> v9.60 build 2529

  • added: support viewing of documents via plugin Aml View 2.0;
  • added: command "Properites" into pane Files;
  • added: command "Show In Folder" into pane Files;
  • impove of pane Files;
  • some changes;

Förändringar v9.59 build 2525 -> v9.59 build 2528

  • added: check priveledges for writing for plugins folder on plugin installation (impersonation, start second copy as Admin);
  • added: does not report about errors on openning files, when user cancelled action;
  • removed: bold attribute from syntax hightlighting;
  • added: attibute LVIS_CUT from pane "Files";

Förändringar v9.59 build 2521 -> v9.59 build 2525

  • some bug fixes

Förändringar v9.59 Build 2518 Beta -> v9.59 build 2521

  • added: pane Siblings navigate on children nodes on double click;
  • changed: names of nodes in menu "Favorites";
  • updated: demo-document (added info about new plugins);

Förändringar v9.58 build 2517 -> v9.59 Build 2518 Beta

  • added new pane Files;
  • added new pane Siblings;
  • added: top tabs bar use 2 scrollers (and left, and right);

Förändringar v9.58 build 2516 -> v9.58 build 2517

  • added: saving mode of bottom pane;
  • added: show icons of plugins in menu commands;
  • added: new version of plugin Favex 3.11;
  • fixed: Plugin API no detect language on working with MFC-plugins;

Förändringar v9.58 Build 2511 -> v9.58 build 2516

  • added: report about access priviledge for plugins directory;

Förändringar v9.57 Build 2507 -> v9.58 Build 2511

  • added: export into HTML, RTF (see menu File\Export);
  • added: new plugin api for plugin Aml2Evernote;

Förändringar v9.57 Build 2504 -> v9.57 Build 2507

  • removed setting "Background of sticky notes as desktop";
  • renamed command "Open As URL" into "Open In External";
  • fixed: command "Open In External" remove lead space;
  • added: new command of Plugin API: Aml_MakeApdLinkURL;

Förändringar v9.56 build 2501 -> v9.57 Build 2504

  • added: new filters by tags - AND, OR;
  • added: export document into XML-files (see menu File\Export);
  • added: "Edit\Delete CR\LF";
  • added: setting "Animate Editor On Open";
  • added: delayed restoring of icon on system tray after restart Explorer.exe;
  • added: building of nodes tree on idle;
  • added: command "Full Screen" hide right side-bar;
  • fixed: highlighting of bookmarks background mark text as unsaved;
  • fixed: invalid margins in Text Editor at startup with documents;
  • fixed: parsing hyperlinks;
  • changed: font and color of Header pane;
  • fixed: changing of nodes, if enabled "Highlight Bookmarks Background"
  • fixed: invalid navigation on hyperlinks in text editor when hide right side-bar;
  • fixed: command "Move To" do not show sibling nodes;
  • fixed: does not work export of RTF-nodes into file;
  • fixed: navigation on hyperlink does not save previous node on history;

Förändringar v9.55 Build 2500 -> v9.56 build 2501

  • added: setting "Animate Editor On Open";
  • fixed: invalid navigation on hyperlinks in text editor when hide right side-bar;
  • fixed: command "Move To" do not show sibling nodes;
  • fixed: does not work export of RTF-nodes into file;

Förändringar v9.56 build 2496 -> v9.55 Build 2500

  • added: delayed restoring of icon on system tray after restart Explorer.exe;
  • added: building of nodes tree on idle;
  • added: command "Full Screen" hide right side-bar;
  • fixed: navigation on hyperlink does not save previous node on history;

Förändringar v9.56 build 2493 -> v9.56 build 2496

  • added: Back + Forward command on XButton up;
  • added: bookmarks pane show filters by dates;

Förändringar v9.56 build 2491 -> v9.56 build 2493

  • added: "Collapse All" on Ctrl+Ctrl;
  • removed: setting "Show Bookmarks Menu On Ctrl+Ctrl";
  • fixed: does not insert bookmark on Ctrl+W;

Förändringar v9.55 build 2490 -> v9.56 build 2491

  • added: new setting "Highlight Bookmars Background"
  • added new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.12;
  • added: dialog "Properties" show file size of document;
  • added: new dialog Colors (see Options);
  • added: minimum line spacing (see dialog Para);
  • "About dialog" show APD:// protocol handler;
  • added: report about new version show hyperlink to portable version;
  • improved: dialog for creation of hyperlinks;

Förändringar v9.55 build 2489 -> v9.55 build 2490

  • improved: dialog for creation of hyperlinks;

Förändringar v9.55 build 2488 -> v9.55 build 2489

  • added: minimum line spacing (see dialog Para);

Förändringar v9.55 build 2487 -> v9.55 build 2488

  • added: report about new version show hyperlink to portable version;
  • fixed: click on button "Close" does not break search;

Förändringar v9.55 build 2484 -> v9.55 build 2487

  • Version 9.55 (build 2487)
  • fixed: History use color of font of tree (instead of text editor);
  • Version 9.55 (build 2486)
  • added: command "Show In Tree" for search results;
  • added new version of plugin File2Aml 2.01;
  • added: right bar hide on key\mouse pressing in text editor;
  • changed: more info about plugins on command "Plugin\Install Plugin";
  • fixed: drawing of selected node of tree after horizontale scrolling;
  • fixed: does not work "Paste As Plain Text" on nodes of text with formatting;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2482 -> v9.55 build 2484

  • added: new version of plugin Aml Export 3.02;
  • added: command of colors of nodes available from text editor;
  • changed: nodes as plain text will be export in encoding UTF-8;
  • removed: setting "Show Pane Tools On Start"

Förändringar v9.54 build 2478 -> v9.54 build 2482

  • changed: menu of colors of node (text color, background color);
  • removed: pane "Tools" does not show when mouse move under right part of main window Aml Pages;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2475 -> v9.54 build 2478

  • fixed: command "Help\Topics" does not open help-file;
  • fixed: invalid menu tooltips on pane history;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2473 -> v9.54 build 2475

  • added new setting of History pane: "Exclude document with passwords" (see context menu);
  • added: Unicode-version of ColorDlg.dll;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2470 -> v9.54 build 2473

  • added: filtering on pane History by first typed letters;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2468 Beta 2 -> v9.54 build 2470

  • added: Unicode support;
  • added: registration of license from ZIP-file;
  • added: filtering on bookmarks pane (see filters: Today, Yesterday and etc);
  • bookmarks pane has numbered list;
  • added: accelerator Ctrl+0 for command "Collapse All";
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Auto Completion 1.50 with Unicode support;
  • added: new version of plugin ?????????? 2.00 with Unicode support;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.02 (Unicode support);
  • added: new version of plugin Themes 3.00 with Unicode support;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Export 3.00 with Unicode support;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Auto Completion 2.0;
  • added: new version of plugin PlacementRestorere with Unicode support;
  • fixed: does not check news from RSS in background mode;
  • fixed: changed icons of bookmarks pane;
  • added: tooltips on bookmarks pane show of creation date;
  • fixed: openning of documents from shell;
  • changed: RSS news download at startup with delaying and background mode;
  • chaned: bookmarks pane show current bookmark;
  • fixed: categories menu do not show root categories;

Förändringar v9.54 build 2465 Beta -> v9.54 build 2468 Beta 2

  • added: new version of plugin Themes 3.00 with Unicode support;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Export 3.00 with Unicode support;
  • changed: plugins engine;

Förändringar v9.53 build 2458 -> v9.54 build 2465 Beta

  • added: new version of plugin PlacementRestorere with Unicode support;
  • bookmarks pane has numbered list;
  • fixed: does not save text on copy\paste of nodes;
  • fixed: does not work "Nodes\Clone\Create Copy";

Förändringar v9.53 build 2457 -> v9.53 build 2458

  • changed: title of main window show correct number of version;

Förändringar v9.52 build 2454 -> v9.53 build 2457

  • added: command "Change Case\Translate To";
  • changed: colors of tree pane;
  • many small changes;

Förändringar v9.51 build 2448 -> v9.52 build 2454

  • added: deletion of item on press DELETE in History pane;
  • added: command line key /startfind (start search on document);
  • added: installer suggest other our products (hyperlinks);
  • fixed: hiding of right pane when mouse under tabs bar;
  • fixed: operation with text in Unicode-version of Aml Pages;

Förändringar v9.51 build 2448 -> v9.52 build 2452 Beta 4

  • added: choosing of categories from context menu of tree;
  • added: delayed navigation on bookmarks pane;
  • added: new indication of current bookmark in text editor (by red marker);

Förändringar v9.51 build 2447 -> v9.51 build 2448

  • changed: balloon about news restore Aml Pages from system tray;
  • fixed: command "Edit\Case" does not mark document as changed;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2444 -> v9.51 build 2447

  • added: ballon on receiving of news;
  • removed: tabs on top on tools pane;
  • fixed: does not save text afer encoding;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2443 -> v9.50 build 2444

  • changed: history pane save data into ini-file;
  • menu Favorites: indication current node by other colors;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2442 -> v9.50 build 2443

  • changed: pane history show tooltips on left;
  • fixed: pahe history show tooltip after deletion of item;
  • fixed: new tag no show on menu;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2441 -> v9.50 build 2442

  • changed: formatting of News;
  • changed: icon of button "Fix"';
  • fixed: drawing of categories menu;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2440 -> v9.50 build 2441

  • added: right bar menu on right click on right border;
  • fixed: show right bar on changing of size of main window;

Förändringar v9.49 build 2434 -> v9.50 build 2440

  • added new pane "News";
  • added: button tools on main toolbar;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.87 (added: insertion of Text+URL into node after drag-n-drop);
  • fixed: auto-hide of right pane under Windows7;
  • changed: font for tooltips of left pane;
  • fixed: error messages for sorting of history pane;

Förändringar v9.50 build 2437 Beta 2 -> v9.50 build 2438 Beta 3

  • added: setting "Refresh news automatically";

Förändringar v9.49 build 2434 -> v9.50 build 2437 Beta 2

  • added new pane "News";
  • added: button tools on main toolbar;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.87 (added: insertion of Text+URL into node after drag-n-drop);
  • fixed: auto-hide of right pane under Windows7;
  • changed: font for tooltips of left pane;
  • fixed: error messages for sorting of history pane;

Förändringar v9.49 build 2433 -> v9.49 build 2434

  • added: Undo for history pane;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.87
  • added: insertion of Text+URL into node after drag-n-drop);
  • changed: deletion of history items without confirmation;

Förändringar v9.49 build 2432 -> v9.49 build 2433

  • added: deletion of history items on click on state icon;
  • fixed: do not hide menu tooltip, when menu tooltips is disabled;
  • fixed: tree drag-n-drop (double copies, do no save text of node);

Förändringar v9.48 Build 2431 -> v9.49 build 2432

  • added: auto-hiding of pane tools
  • added: extended tooltips for pane tools
  • small changes

Förändringar v9.48 Build 2430 -> v9.48 Build 2431

  • added: Tabs bar - button show current mode via text;
  • fixed: does not show node after drag-n-drop to Aml Assist pane in filter mode;

Förändringar v9.48 build 2429 -> v9.48 Build 2430

  • added: tooltips for toolbar buttons show accelerator keys;
  • added: setting "Show bar Tools on start always";
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.48 Build 2428 -> v9.48 build 2429

  • fixed: crash on document openning;
  • fixed: state of parent nodes on openning;
  • changed: report about new versions;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2427 -> v9.48 Build 2428

  • added: button "Collaps All" on left side-bar;
  • added: command "Tags Of Parent" for new node dialog;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2426 -> v9.47 build 2427

  • fixed: vertical scroll in text editor, if use syntax highlighting;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2425 -> v9.47 build 2426

  • added: context menu for button "Print";
  • fixed: empty page on printing;
  • updates: demo-documents;
  • full screen mode: hide tabs bar, left side bar, Tools bar;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2424 -> v9.47 build 2425

  • added: hint on pane History;
  • added: icons on pane History;
  • fixed: saving of data of pane History;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2422 -> v9.47 build 2424

  • pane "Latest" renamed to "History";
  • pane History: openning of nodes by double click;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2422 -> v9.47 build 2423

  • pane "Latest" renamed to "History";
  • pane History: openning of nodes by double click;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2421 -> v9.47 build 2422

  • added: format as list with period;
  • added: dialog "About Aml Pages" - button "Check For Updates";

Förändringar v9.47 build 2420 -> v9.47 build 2421

  • fixed: drawing of item on pane Tools under interface Theme "Magenta Plain";

Förändringar v9.47 build 2419 -> v9.47 build 2420

  • added: removing empty items from pane Tools on closing of document;

Förändringar v9.47 build 2418 -> v9.47 build 2419

  • added: accelerator Alt+R for pane Tools;
  • added new version Aml Assist 2.86;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2416 -> v9.47 build 2418

  • added: new pane Tools;
  • added new version Aml Assist 2.85;
  • disable drag-n-drop of folder of sticky notes;
  • fixed: gray background of pane of folder;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2415 Beta -> v9.46 build 2416

  • added: accelerator Ctrl+6, Ctrl+7 for commands "Format\List\Levels"
  • added new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.84;
  • added new version of plugin Themes;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2414 -> v9.46 build 2415 Beta

  • added: hightlighting and openning hyperlinks to apd-documents on text editor;
  • added button "Copy Link" into dialog of properties of node;
  • fixed: open link to Aml Pages, if running;
  • fixed: do not expand nodes on drag-n-drop;
  • removed: setting "Gray Background Color On Read-Only Mode"

Förändringar v9.46 build 2413 -> v9.46 build 2414

  • fixed: search of nodes in dialog for plugins;
  • fixed: plugins engine (extended messageboxes);

Förändringar v9.46 build 2412 -> v9.46 build 2413

  • added: tooltips for pane of bookmarks
  • fixed: crash on search of bookmarks

Förändringar v9.46 build 2411 -> v9.46 build 2412

  • quick search by titles: context menu has latest find strings;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2410 -> v9.46 build 2411

  • fixed: menu for splitter;
  • removed tabs "As List" from left-side bar;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2409 -> v9.46 build 2410

  • fixed: accelerator Ctrl+1 does not work;

Förändringar v9.46 build 2407 -> v9.46 build 2409

  • added: Ctrl+5 for choosing of tabs bar modes;
  • changed: URL of official forum in English (;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 6 build 2401 -> v9.46 build 2407

  • added: chevron menu on tree bar has command "Show Text";
  • added: tree pane support selection of nodes by click on right from node text;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 5 build 2399 -> v9.46 Beta 6 build 2401

  • Version 9.46 Beta 6 (build 2401)
  • fixed: invalid work of commands "Left\Right";
  • Version 9.46 Beta 6 (build 2400)
  • added: new version of plugin FavEx 2.51;
  • fixed: invalid duplicate node on tree pane afer command "Right";
  • fixed: crash on command "Create New Sticky Note" if folder of sticky notes not exitst;
  • fixed: "Filters\Only This Branch" unavailable for parent nodes with text;
  • changed: highlight buttons "Back\Forward" if history is empty;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 4 build 2397 -> v9.46 Beta 5 build 2399

  • Version 9.46 Beta 5 (build 2399)
  • added: accelerators Alt+Left\Right for commands "Left\Right";
  • fixed: highlight target node on drag-n-drop in tree pane;
  • fixed: allow change order of nodes in sub-nodes;
  • updated demo-documents;
  • fixed: not save changed text on command "Left\Right";
  • added: accelerators Ctrl+Alt+Left\Right for commands history of navigation;
  • Version 9.46 Beta 5 (build 2398)
  • added: commands "Nodes\Position\Left\Right";
  • fixed: menu Favorites for children sub-nodes;
  • fixed: expaded state save for parent nodes with text;
  • fixed: drag-n-drop of nodes in tree pane;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 4 build 2396 -> v9.46 Beta 4 build 2397

  • added: copy-paste of nodes with tags;
  • fixed: mimize main window on Escapte when edit headers in tags pane;
  • fixed: scrolling of tree pane on drag-n-drop;
  • fixed: search by titles;
  • changed: Tags pane show nodes with trash icon, if node has been removed to trash folder;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 3 build 2394 -> v9.46 Beta 4 build 2396

  • command: "Change Flag" on menu has user icon;
  • added: new version of plugin FavEx 2.50 (do not save links to folders);
  • fixed: invalid initialization of right pane on openning of document, if selected web page;
  • fixed: draw icon of flag in tree pane, if use large fonts;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 3 build 2393 -> v9.46 Beta 3 build 2394

  • added: on selection in right pane higlight this node in tree pane;
  • added: children sub-nodes has italic font on right pane;
  • added: renaming of nodes in tags pane;
  • fixed: crask on search of bookmarks;
  • changed: auto-save settings as default (enabled, timeout 3 minutes);
  • fixed: dragging of multiple items from right pane into tree pane;
  • fixed: invalid initialization of right pane on openning of document;
  • fixed: context menu for user tabs;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta 2 build 2391 -> v9.46 Beta 3 build 2393

  • added: new feature command "Create New CHILD node";
  • changed: Ctrl+Alt+D use for creation of child nodes;
  • changed: tree folders show icon of folder always;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Export 2.04 (supports export of children nodes);
  • changed: window "Move To" may be maximize at double click on caption;
  • changed: context menu of tree pane;

Förändringar v9.46 Beta build 2389 -> v9.46 Beta 2 build 2391

  • added: management of tags as default добавлено управление тегами по умолчанию (see the file Tags.ini in program folder, or hyperlink in dialog "About Aml Pages");
  • changed: sticky notes show tab on Taskbar when no topmost mode;
  • Tabs Bar: menu has icons;

Förändringar v9.45 build 2388 -> v9.46 Beta build 2389

  • Added: new feature to create a use set of Tabs;
  • Forbidden attribute editing hyperlinks in the text editor;
  • Insert hyperlinks to the file is stored in the settings of the selected mode;
  • In the presence of unsaved changes window Aml Pages uses the overlay icon in the taskbar;
  • Tabs Bar: Button controls are now on the left;
  • Properties dialog page in the header title of the page;
  • The default setting is to use flashes when you start the settings dialog of the paragraph;

Förändringar v9.45 build 2387 -> v9.45 build 2388

  • removed: management of icons for nodes;
  • Backup explorer: read data as background mode;
  • changed: animation on listctrl (search, backup explorer);

Förändringar v9.45 build 2386 -> v9.45 build 2387

  • added: system menu of main window, command "Save All";
  • fixed: closing of all documents change the icon of main window;
  • fixed: after cancel password for openning change the icon of main window;

Förändringar v9.45 build 2385 -> v9.45 build 2386

  • new: changing\saving of document change the icon of main window;
  • fixed: do not save cursor position on nodes navigation;
  • changed: document windows open as maximized always;
  • fixed: save setting "Max text length on tabs bar";
  • changed: shevron menu for tab bar limited by 80 symbols;

Förändringar v9.44 build 2382 -> v9.45 build 2383

  • Font bar has frequently used sized (6-14);
  • added: insertion hyperlink to files after drag-n-drop: as list or as space;
  • fixed: changing left pane to tree do not change text of editor;
  • changed: accelerator keys for changing of mode of left pane;
  • improved building of tree sub-branches;
  • changed: font of Header bar;

Förändringar v9.44 build 2379 -> v9.44 build 2382

  • added new version of plugin Placement Restorer (added save\restore auto);
  • plugins engine: added events AEC_STARTAMLPAGES, AEC_CLOSEMAINWND;

Förändringar v9.44 build 2374 -> v9.44 Beta build 2377

  • new algorithm of animation of text editor when nodes opens;
  • field of input of tags use colors of tree pane;
  • fixed: disable Tabs bar;
  • fixed: crash on command "File\New\Alphabetical List\Daily Book";

Förändringar v9.44 build 2373 -> v9.44 build 2374

  • changed: dialog for selection nodes draw hint on building of tree;
  • added: Node Tabs - right button change icon for different modes of tabs;
  • added: new quick setting "Animate Editor When Nodes Opens" (see quick options);
  • fixed: flicking of comboboxes on Font toolbar;
  • added: if available use only vertical scrolling for Ensurevisible of tree;
  • fixed: Editor toolbars reposition;

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2371 -> v9.44 build 2373

  • fixed: invalid setup of tags if node no has tag and type new tag (if active pane of nodes grouped by tags);

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2370 -> v9.44 Beta build 2371

  • fixed: Font bar is invisible, if hide bar "Format";

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2369 -> v9.44 Beta build 2370

  • left pane remove branches of not exits tags, when change\add tags on type field

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2367 -> v9.44 Beta build 2369

  • the toobars "Standard" and "Document" join in single toolbar;

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2366 -> v9.44 Beta build 2367

  • added: drawing accelerators keys on menu;
  • fixed: input of tags in tags pane;

Förändringar v9.44 Beta build 2364 -> v9.44 Beta build 2366

  • fixed: drawing hotlighted menu items on menu bar;
  • added: drawing accelerators keys on menu;
  • fixed: do not show icon on system tray on auto-start;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2362 -> v9.44 Beta build 2364

  • added: new left pane "Tags" (nodes grouped by tags);
  • new version of plugin FavEx 2.45;
  • new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.83;
  • fixed: top most command for sticky notes;
  • do not shot tip of the day on auto-start;
  • some small changes;
  • fixed: do not show icon on system tray on auto-start;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2359 -> v9.43 build 2362

  • added: "Insert list" now support lead zero;
  • choosing of icon on tree after double click (but now single);
  • fixed: can not delete empty recycled bin;
  • fixed: invalid data for dialog "Insert List";
  • added: sorting of tree nodes by numbers (if node heades has number only);
  • disabled setting: "Show sticky notes in tree";
  • fixed: icons on folder on tree for Windows Vista\7;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2358 -> v9.43 build 2359

  • changed: chevron menu on tree toolbar use menu, but not send command message as default;

Förändringar v9.43 Beta build 2357 -> v9.43 build 2358

  • fixed: crash afrer dragging RTF-file on closed folder on tree;
  • fixed: installer no create shortcut on desktop in unchecked;

Förändringar v9.43 Beta build 2356 -> v9.43 Beta build 2357

  • added: nested list into text editor;
  • added: placeholder for text editor;
  • added: tooltips for command of settings;
  • added: PATH and plugins list in "About" dialog;
  • added: information about plugins error has error code and description;
  • added command into dialog of settings "Integrate Aml Pages into shell"
  • fixed: safety copying of data in "About" dialog;
  • folder: expand\collapse on space up;
  • removed: changing flags of node on space up;
  • integrate Aml Pages into shell on start only on first running;
  • fixed: crash on pressing ALT in sticky notes;
  • changed: font of dialogs now is MS Shell Dlg;
  • fixed: text does not show after command "Hide 5 sec" in sticky notes;
  • fixed: padding of buttons on toolbars after restroring from system tray;
  • small changes and bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2355 Beta -> v9.43 Beta build 2356

  • added: tooltips for command of settings;
  • added: PATH and plugins list in "About" dialog;
  • fixed: safety copying of data in "About" dialog;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2354 Beta -> v9.43 build 2355 Beta

  • folder: expand\collapse on space up;
  • removed: changing flags of node on space up;
  • added: information about plugins error has error code and description;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2353 Beta -> v9.43 build 2354 Beta

  • added command into dialog of settings "Integrate Aml Pages into shell"
  • integrate Aml Pages into shell on start only on first running;
  • toggle flag on tree on key up Space;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2352 Beta -> v9.43 build 2353 Beta

  • fixed: placeholder drawing if use background picture in text editor;

Förändringar v9.43 build 2351 Beta -> v9.43 build 2352 Beta

  • added: placeholder for text editor;
  • fixed: crash on pressing ALT in sticky notes;

Förändringar v9.42 build 2348 -> v9.43 build 2351 Beta

  • added: nested list into text editor;
  • changed: font of dialogs now is MS Shell Dlg;
  • fixed: text does not show after command "Hide 5 sec" in sticky notes;
  • fixed: padding of buttons on toolbars after restroring from system tray;

Förändringar v9.42 build 2347 -> v9.42 build 2348

  • fixed: invalid drag-n-drop on nodes without confirmation;
  • fixed: paste plain text from Mozilla Firefox;

Förändringar v9.42 build 2346 -> v9.42 build 2347

  • added command "Arrange";
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Auto Completion 1.32
  • fixed: invalid file names on saving with long name of file;
  • fixed: drag-n-drop many nodes from right pane into tree;
  • added: allow management of Favorites if document is read-only;
  • fixed: paste formmatted text with pictures from clipboard;
  • added: allow paste into sticky note folder;
  • fixed: tree do not show user icon afer paste node from clipboard;

Förändringar v9.41 Build 2343 -> v9.41 build 2344

  • added: navigation on button in extended MessageBox at arrows buttons;
  • added: information about Web browser as default;
  • added: Web charset in properties of node;

Förändringar v9.40 Build 2341 -> v9.41 Build 2343

  • removing not used tags from engine on closing document;
  • added: setting "Show Status On Document Tabs" (see menu View\Toolbars);
  • added: import files into folder after dragging on tree;
  • disabled command "Background Picture" if used RichEdit 2.0;
  • using RichEdit 4.1 as default;
  • fixed: detection of Windows version;

Förändringar v9.40 Build 2340 -> v9.40 Build 2341

  • selection nodes: does not show nodes in recycled bin;
  • fixed: hide menu tooltip after command "Change Size" in sticky notes;

Förändringar v9.39 build 2339 Beta -> v9.40 Build 2340

  • added: creation nodes list by numbers;
  • changed: delayed building of tree in dialog "Select Node";
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.82 (added: correctly encoding of text on hotkey pressing);
  • added new version of plugin Aml Auto Completion 1.31 (added: statistics of word usage);
  • added: "Select Node" dialog support navigation by Favorites (command "Copies", plugin Aml Assist);
  • removed setting "Activate Editor on Selection Node at mouse";
  • fixed: line drawing in nodes properties dialog;
  • removed tooltips for command of system menu;
  • fixed: create node without icons after confirmation dialog;
  • fixed: create node without icons after confirmation dialog;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.39 build 2335 Beta -> v9.39 build 2339 Beta

  • Favorites menu: use reg color for selected node;
  • Favorites menu: show nodes icons;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.81 (added: capture text from anywhere + adding into notes);
  • choosing of icon on click on tree icon;
  • added: header into bookmarks pane;
  • improve search of bookmarks on document;
  • new version of plugin Themes 2.40;
  • bookmarks pane: added command "Display In Tree" into context menu;
  • new demo-document sample.apd;
  • added menu command: "Help\Tips And Tricks";
  • changed bookmarks pane: on mouse over shown date created of bookmark in status bar;
  • added: navigation on document panels on Ctrl+Alt+Space;
  • added: delete bookmarks from left pane;
  • added: import text files in Unicode encoding;
  • fixed: invalid encoding of text after insertion from Google Chrome;
  • removed: color of nodes from menu Favorites;
  • fixed: unavailable command "Create Node" after changing mode of left pane (Tree-Bookmarks-Tree);
  • fixed: invalid scrolling position after changing mode of bookmarks pane (All bookmarks\Node bookmarks);
  • removed: navigation beetween panels at Shift+Shift (use Ctrl+Alt+Space);
  • bookmarks pane: fixed restoring of selected item after re-sort;
  • removed: colored items from bookmarks pane;
  • improve: menu Help openning;
  • fixed: selection bookmark in pane afer insertion;
  • changed: use RichEdit 2.0 as default;
  • fixed: selection items in chevron menu on toolbars;
  • fixed: empty bookmark name in pane (bookmark before hyperlink);
  • removed: documents tabs placement option;
  • changed: Ctrl+Alt+B recheck current bookmark in text editor (is exist - delete, no - insert);

Förändringar v9.39 build 2335 Beta -> v9.39 build 2335 Beta

  • changed bookmarks pane: on mouse over shown date created of bookmark in status bar;
  • added: navigation on document panels on Ctrl+Alt+Space;
  • bookmarks pane: fixed restoring of selected item after re-sort;

Förändringar v9.39 build 2334 Beta -> v9.39 build 2335 Beta

  • changed bookmarks pane: on mouse over shown date created of bookmark in status bar;
  • added: navigation on document panels on Ctrl+Alt+Space;
  • bookmarks pane: fixed restoring of selected item after re-sort;

Förändringar v9.38 build 2333 -> v9.39 build 2334 Beta

  • added: delete bookmarks from left pane;
  • added: import text files in Unicode encoding;
  • added: panels navigation at Ctrl+1/ Ctrl+2;
  • new version of plugin Themes 2.40;
  • added: header into bookmarks pane;
  • removed: colored items from bookmarks pane;
  • improve: menu Help openning;
  • fixed: selection bookmark in pane afer insertion;
  • changed: use RichEdit 2.0 as default;
  • fixed: selection items in chevron menu on toolbars;
  • fixed: empty bookmark name in pane (bookmark before hyperlink);
  • removed: documents tabs placement option;
  • changed: Ctrl+Alt+B recheck current bookmark in text editor (is exist - delete, no - insert

Förändringar v9.38 build 2331 -> v9.38 build 2333

  • improve: work of filter by tags;
  • favorites menu contains command "Disable Filter";
  • fixed: search localized file of tips of the day;

Förändringar v9.38 build 2330 -> v9.38 build 2331

  • [*] fixed: crash on right click on spin-button in tabs bar;
  • [*] removed: tooltip for invisible tabs in tabs bar;

Förändringar v9.38 Beta build 2328 -> v9.38 build 2330

  • added: multiple choosing of tags from context menu of pane folder;
  • improve saving of text into document by plugins kernel (e.g. plugin Aml Assist);
  • added: allow sticky notes for read-only documents with saving of position;
  • improve: getting of titles for URL in text editor;
  • added: RichEdit path into dialog "About programs";
  • nodes filters: current page already exist in filter;
  • fixed: Get title of web pages in UTF8 encoding;l
  • fixed: changing of document if has two or more sticky notes (on openning);
  • fixed: menu tooltip is empty first time;
  • changed: change Richedit settings, if has error on creation document;
  • button Find show menu instead start search in document;
  • fixed: insertion of hyperlinks with symbols "<", ">";
  • some changes in user interface;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2322 -> v9.38 Beta build 2328

  • improve saving of text into document by plugins kernel (e.g. plugin Aml Assist);
  • fixed: menu tooltip is empty first time;
  • added: RichEdit path into dialog "About programs";
  • changed: change Richedit settings, if has error on creation document;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2321 -> v9.37 build 2322

  • added: choosing of tags in dialog "Create New Node";
  • added: choose tags from sticky notes (see context menu);
  • show TITLE for URL from Internet (background mode, see quick settings menu, learn more);
  • added new version of plugin FavEx 2.44;
  • tree toolbar has shevron now;
  • changed timeout for editor tooltip;
  • fixed: document toolbars layout under WindowsVista\7;
  • fixed: caption of sticky notes under Windows Vista\7;
  • fixed: clipboard context menu, if clipboard is empty;
  • removed: managing of color of node in dialog "Create New Node";
  • fixed: width of tooltips in dialog "Create New node";
  • fixed: minimize in system tray after many seconds;
  • fixed: closing of documents with saving of sticky notes positions;
  • fixed: "Hide 5 secs" does not change of document;
  • "Hide 5 secs" moved to root menu;
  • added: accelerator Ctrl+H for command "Hide 5 secs";
  • changed: animated closing of sticky notes;
  • fixed: changing of document with sticky notes on openning;
  • added: new user polls;
  • changed: order of tabs on left side-bar;
  • changed: new accelerators keys for left pane mode;
  • fixed: minimization main window without user activity;
  • changed installer;
  • fixed: tag pane layout;
  • fixed: change of document if start settings of Aml Pages;
  • added: icon "as sticky note" show state;
  • added: button "As Sticky Note" on header-bar;
  • changed: single click on icon of node show properties dialog;
  • added: hot-tracking of custom buttons on sticky notes;
  • fixed: custom buttons on windows caption of sticky notes for Windows Vista\7 (no Aero);
  • added setting: "Allow custom buttons on window caption of sticky notes";
  • added: command "Minimize To Header" on context menu of sticky notes;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2320 -> v9.37 build 2321

  • fixed: changing of document with sticky notes on openning;
  • added: new user polls;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2318 -> v9.37 build 2320

  • changed: order of tabs on left side-bar;
  • changed: new accelerators keys for left pane mode;
  • fixed: minimization main window without user activity;
  • changed installer;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2317 -> v9.37 build 2318

  • fixed: change of document if start settings of Aml Pages;
  • changed: tag pane layout;
  • added: icon "as sticky note" show state;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2316 -> v9.37 build 2317

  • added: button "As Sticky Note" on header-bar;
  • changed: single click on icon of node show properties dialog;
  • added: hot-tracking of custom buttons on sticky notes;
  • fixed: custom buttons on windows caption of sticky notes for Windows Vista\7 (no Aero);
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2314 -> v9.37 build 2316

  • added setting: "Allow custon buttons on window caption of sticky notes";
  • added: command "Minimize To Header" on context menu of sticky notes;
  • fixed: custom buttons on windows caption of sticky notes for Windows Vista\7;

Förändringar v9.37 build 2314 Beta -> v9.37 build 2314

  • added: choosing of tags in dialog "Create New Node";
  • added: choose tags from sticky notes (see context menu);
  • show TITLE for URL from Internet (background mode, see quick settings menu);
  • added new version of plugin FavEx 2.44;
  • tree toolbar has shevron now;
  • changed timeout for editor tooltip;
  • fixed: document toolbars layout under WindowsVista\7;
  • fixed: caption of sticky notes under Windows Vista\7;
  • fixed: clipboard context menu, if clipboard is empty;
  • removed: managing of color of node in dialog "Create New Node";
  • fixed: width of tooltips in dialog "Create New node";
  • fixed: minimize in system tray after many seconds;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.37 Beta 4 build 2312 -> v9.37 build 2314 Beta

  • added: choosing of tags in dialog "Create New Node";
  • added: choose tags from sticky notes (see context menu);
  • show TITLE for URL from Internet (background mode, see quick settings menu);
  • added new version of plugin FavEx 2.44;
  • tree toolbar has shevron now;
  • changed timeout for editor tooltip;
  • fixed: document toolbars layout under WindowsVista\7;
  • fixed: caption of sticky notes under Windows Vista\7;
  • fixed: clipboard context menu, if clipboard is empty;
  • removed: managing of color of node in dialog "Create New Node";
  • fixed: width of tooltips in dialog "Create New node";
  • fixed: minimize in system tray after many seconds;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.37 Beta 4 build 2311 -> v9.37 Beta 4 build 2312

  • tree toolbars has shevron;
  • fixed: document toolbars layout under WindowsVista\7;
  • fixed: caption of sticky notes under Windows Vista\7;

Förändringar v9.37 Beta 3 build 2310 -> v9.37 Beta 4 build 2311

  • fixed: document toolbars layout under WindowsVista\7;

Förändringar v9.37 Beta 3 build 2309 -> v9.37 Beta 3 build 2310

  • fixed: clipboard context menu, if clipboard is empty;

Förändringar v9.37 Beta 2 build 2308 -> v9.37 Beta 3 build 2309

  • added: choosing of tags in dialog "Create New Node";
  • removed: managing of color of node in dialog "Create New Node";

Förändringar v9.37 Beta build 2307 -> v9.37 Beta 2 build 2308

  • added: choose tags from sticky notes (see context menu);
  • fixed: width of tooltips in dialog "Create New node";

Förändringar v9.36 build 2305 -> v9.37 Beta build 2307

  • added: getting of TITLE for URL from Internet (background mode, see quick settings menu);
  • fixed: minimize in system tray after many seconds;

Förändringar v9.36 build 2304 -> v9.36 build 2305

  • fixed: crash on file openning (common dialogs bug);

Förändringar v9.36 build 2302 -> v9.36 build 2304

  • tags pane: added handling of standard hotkeys (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, Shift+A, Shift+Delete);
  • improve CPU usage in background mode;
  • changed user activity detection (without hooks);
  • information about version: added info about active code page;
  • registration: now can drag dat-file into main window;
  • fixed: registration in localized Windows versions;
  • added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.72;
  • added: new version of plugin PlacementRestorer;

Förändringar v9.36 build 2301 -> v9.36 build 2302

  • document tabs show state (pinned, open on start);

Förändringar v9.36 Beta 4 build 2300 -> v9.36 build 2301

  • added nodes filter "By Tags";
  • added nodes filter "No Tags";
  • added: command "Filter By Tags This Node";
  • tags pane: use comma as delimitter;
  • added: menu tooltip for tags commands;
  • added: menu tooltip for editor tips;
  • added: new version of plugin FavEx 2.43;
  • added setting "Start Aml Assist at exit from Aml Pages";
  • added: nodes number in menu of filters by tags;
  • added new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.71 (changed settings dialog);
  • added new plugin "Placement Restorer" (control of AP window placement);
  • fixed: font for tags pane;
  • changed: format of tags (added active codepage of Windows);
  • changed: registration mechanism;
  • fixed: menu tooltips for text templates commands;
  • enlarge timeout of edition mode in unregistered version;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.36 Beta 4 build 2299 -> v9.36 Beta 4 build 2300

  • some bug fixes

Förändringar v9.36 Beta 3 build 2298 -> v9.36 Beta 4 build 2299

  • tags pane: use comma as delimitter;
  • added: new version of plugin FavEx 2.43;

Förändringar v9.36 Beta 3 build 2297 -> v9.36 Beta 3 build 2298

  • changed: registration mechanism;

Förändringar v9.36 Beta 2 build 2296 -> v9.36 Beta 3 build 2297

  • added setting "Start Aml Assist at exit from Aml Pages";
  • added: nodes number in menu of filters by tags;
  • changed: format of tags (added active codepage of Windows);
  • fixed: font for tags pane;
  • many small changes;

Förändringar v9.36 Beta build 2295 -> v9.36 Beta 2 build 2296

  • fixed: menu tooltips for text templates commands;
  • enlarge timeout of edition mode in unregistered version;

Förändringar v9.35 build 2291 -> v9.36 Beta build 2295

  • added: command "Filter By Tags This Node";
  • added new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.71 (changed settings dialog);
  • added new plugin "Placement Restorer" (control of AP window placement);

Förändringar v9.35 build 2290 -> v9.35 build 2291

  • added new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.70;
  • numbers of installed tags on tooltip of tags pane;
  • added new version of demo-document;

Förändringar v9.35 Beta 3 build 2289 -> v9.35 build 2290

  • added tags of nodes;
  • added support for saving images into the web pages of documents Aml Pages (to view without having to connect to the network);
  • added new versions of plugin Aml Assist 2.69;
  • some buf fixes for "Check for updates" command;
  • fixed: command "Create Copy Of Node";
  • removed command: "Text Templates Toolbar";
  • Plugins are no added of commands to the menu of system tray;
  • some bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.3 build 42283 -> v9.35 Beta 2

  • added tags of nodes;
  • removed command: "Text Templates Toolbar";
  • tags is saved as Unicode;
  • fixed: autocompletion on Delete, Backspace in tags pane;
  • fixed: typing tags next time;

Förändringar v9.34 build 2282 -> v9.3 build 42283

  • fixed: building of bookmarks menu

Förändringar v9.34 Build 2281 -> v9.34 build 2282

  • added setting "Navigation at Shift+Shift";
  • many bug fixes;

Förändringar v9.33 Build 2278 -> v9.34 Build 2281

  • added: navigation between panels at Shift+Shift;
  • new versions of plugin Aml Assist 2.68 (fixed: submenu creation);
  • fixed: no activate web pages at Up,Down on tree ;
  • new tips of the day;
  • many small corrections and bug-fixes;

Förändringar v9.33 Beta 2 build 2277 -> v9.33 Build 2278

  • added filter "Only Sticky Notes";
  • new license management (required receiving of new license data);
  • improve: bookmarks search;
  • added: bookmars create or delete in web editor;
  • added: bookmarks of web pages;
  • improve: text statistics;
  • new version of plugin Aml Assist 2.66;
  • improve "About" dialog;
  • new version of plugin Themes;
  • changed Themes Plugin API;
  • added hyperlink to portable version;
  • new version of plugin AAC 1.28;
  • delayed marquee on mouse move on new report;
  • improve toobars of text editor;
  • fixed: crash on auto-opennings of documents, is drive is unavailable;
  • new demo-document sample.apd;
  • new English help;
  • fixed: advanced MessageBox`es in Plugin API;
  • Font toolbar is hidden as default in Windows Vista;
  • renamed: background color -> highlight color;
  • new version of plugin FavEx 2.41;
  • many bug fixes and changes;

Förändringar v9.33 Beta build 2275 -> v9.33 Beta 2 build 2277

  • fixed: crash on auto-opennings of documents, is drive is unavailable;

Förändringar v9.33 Beta build 2274 -> v9.33 Beta build 2275

  • fixed: information on nag-screen;
  • many bug fixes and changes;


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