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Versionshistoria jEdit for Mac OSX


Förändringar v5.0.0 -> v5.1 Pre 1

  • Bug fixes
  • The contextInsensitive flag of the edit mode was not used at the first use of the edit mode (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fix mode loading for temporary buffers (Thomas Meyer)
  • Fix #3598661 - Don't allow negative values in the general option pane. (Thomas Meyer)
  • Fix #3596215 - NPE from docking layout save/loads when started with -nosettings. (Alan Ezust)
  • Fix #3597101, #3596600 - Bad error handling when an invalid path is entered into the VFS Browser inputs. (Patch# 3602318 Benjamin Gmurczyk)
  • Bug no. #3590540 revealed a performance problem in the ChunkCache, because every scroll action resulted in a tokenization of the really long line, which takes a considerable time and makes jEdit unusable. Fix is to always keep all Chunks of the tokenization process and use it as an buffer in the ChunkCache class. Tokenization of the physical line still happens for every insertion or deletion of the Buffer. Tokenization also happens when the cursor enters the physical line, as only the Chunks from the current physical line are keeped in the ChunkCache. (#3590540 Thomas Meyer)
  • Bug no. #3590540 produced a soft wrap for a single physical line that was greater than 16383 screen lines. Increased this limit to 65535 in the ScreenLineManager (#3590540 Thomas Meyer)
  • Fixed Insert_Selection macro when the selection is empty (#3596616 Matthieu Casanova)
  • fixed bug when pressing down if the is no selection (#3599630 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed macros cut lines and copy lines when the buffer is empty (#3596612 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed negative values used in recent file history count (#3598661 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed Run script macro when the file is empty (#3596609 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed Get_Class_Name macro when the file is empty (#3596752 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Re-added missing OS/2 support code. (#3589903 Alan Ezust)
  • Added missing localization string: options.plugin-manager.list-cache.minutes (#3574373 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fix AutoSave exception after multiline cut (#3017650 Thomas Meyer)
  • Undomanager: Don't compact significant edits (#patch 3560615 Thomas Meyer)
  • Fixed undo after replace all with beanshell only first occurance (#3551910 Thomas Meyer)
  • Search all buffers now observes current BufferSet scope and can be restricted to the current view's buffers when scope is not global. (#3423442 Alan Ezust)
  • Fix File status checking after buffer switch (#1871440 Alan Ezust)
  • Undo restores selection state in simple cases (deletions, replaces on simple range selections). (patch #1570553 Maik Nijhuis, Thomas Meyer, Jarek Czekalski)
  • Filter not synchronizing in search dialog when "All buffers" is selected. (#1646584, patch #3549905 Eric Le Lay)
  • Fixed VFS session not ended in VFS.copy() api (#3522406 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Use of a scrollable list for delete dialog confirmation (#2911520 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fix selecting mode based on exact filename match. (#3562935 Dale Anson)
  • Fix old modes/catalog entries clutter properties. (#3533751 Eric Le Lay) [Merged into 5.0.x]
  • When checking a box to select a plugin to install, the description was appearing and immediately disappearing. (#3398605 Dale Anson)
  • Fix Exception when clicking Find orphan when disabled plugins (#2940864 Eric Le Lay)
  • API Changes
  • TaskManager: Refactor io task - New class IoTask, a subclass of Task Remove the code of the io special case in TaskManager (Thomas Meyer)
  • Make SearchMatcher interrupttible (Thomas Meyer)
  • 1.) API change: let SearchMatcher.nextMatch() throw InterruptedException
  • 2.) BoyerMooreSearchMatcher: Switch to the new API and react on thread interruption
  • HyperSearch: Make search interruptible even when in VFS.listFiles(): New method TaskManager.cancelTasksByClass(): Interrupt all currently running Tasks of the given type. (Thomas Meyer)
  • Deprecated extra overloads of IOUtilities.closeQuietly() in favor of using Java5 closeQuietly(Closeable) instead. (Alan Ezust)
  • New class: OneTimeMigrationStep, for adding property migration services (used by fix for #1871440 Alan Ezust)
  • New method VFSBrowser.getLastVisitedPath() (Jarek Czekalski)
  • New method IOUtilities.closeQuietly(ObjectInput) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New method IOUtilities.closeQuietly(ObjectOutput) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New method GUIUtilities.setAutoMnemonic(AbstractButton) (Jarek Czekalski)
  • New method: View.getBuffers(), aware of bufferset scope. (Alan Ezust)
  • Removed View.setBuffer(Buffer, boolean, boolean) and View.setBuffer(Buffer, boolean): methods that had disableFileCheck flag in since View no longer checks file status there. (#1871440 Alan Ezust)
  • AllBufferSet.AllBufferSet(String glob, View v) - additional required argument for View in constructor argument list. (#3423442 Alan Ezust)
  • Removed classes: IOProgressMonitor, WorkRequest, WorkThreadPool, WorkThreadProgressListener (Thomas Meyer)
  • Removed VFSManager.getIOThreadPool() (Thomas Meyer)
  • Converted BufferIORequest, VFSFileChooserDialog.GetFileTypeRequest and TextAreaTransferHandler.DraggedURLLoader to a Task (Thomas Meyer)
  • Converted TaskManager to an enum singelton (Thomas Meyer)
  • Changed VFSManager.runInWorkThread(Runnable) to VFSManager.runInWorkThread(Task) and made it accept only IO tasks
  • New class: AwtRunnableQueue (Thomas Meyer)
  • Editing
  • Fixed bug in ruby multiline comments (Patch#3605738 fixing bug #3605168 Richard The)
  • Fixed shellscript highlight (patch #3602461 fixing bug #3594428 Richard The)
  • Updated lua mode file (patch #2126692 stone1343)
  • Macros move lines up/down now keep the current selection (feature #3600082 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Updated nsis2 mode (#3586538 Uwe Stöhr)
  • There is now a new encoding Native2ASCII which collapses unicode escapes in ISO-8859-1 files on read and expands characters that cannot be encoded with ASCII as unicode escapes on write. This encoding is the one Java properties files should be in. (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • Highlight entity references in xml attributes (#3559971 Eric Le Lay)
  • Added highlight of chapter title in rfc edit mode (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed shellscript do escape single quote with backslash (#3557453 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Updated ColdFusion mode (#3518536, #3561048 Darien Brown)
  • Updated Verilog mode (#3536967 Steve snarum-micron)
  • Updated HTML mode (#3594526 Marc Häfner)
  • Updated CSS mode (#3595041 Marc Häfner)
  • Updated Coffeescript mode (#3595105 Marc Häfner)
  • new PostgreSQL mode (feature #2833378 Thiemo Kellner, Eric Le Lay)
  • UI
  • Better information in the plugin manager when loading plugin list (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Initial view hidden by other windows at startup (#3610089)
  • Remove empty root node in OptionGroupPane (#3608324, #3608327: Marco Hunsicker)
  • More accurate treatment of ALT_KEY_PRESSED_DISABLED (#3604532: Makarius)
  • New view option: "Abbreviate paths with environment variables when possible". (#3606329 Alan Ezust)
  • Made view option, "alternate toolbar placement" the default for jEdit.
  • Emacs macros and keymap updates. (Brian Clapper)
  • Use separate (shorter) label for "whole word search" in the search bar. (Shlomy Reinstein)
  • Added a right click popup menu with a copy action in the Error dialog (#3557023 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Avoid trouble with horizontal scrolling (Patch #3134788, EdorFaus)
  • Enable ContextMenu via keyboard to VFS-BrowserView (#3560239, Thomas Meyer)
  • Added a possibility to suppress synchronization of the filter in search dialog, using a hidden setting in jedit.props: search.dontSyncFilter. (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Added mnemonics for popup menus in File System Browser (Commands, Plugins, Favorites). (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Added chinese translation (patch #3611777 - cnvince)
  • Made the plugin manager loading much faster (up to 3 time faster) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New macro in Files section: "Open Selection In Desktop" (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Open Selection macro improvements. An attempt is made to use current VFS browser directory as a parent for the highlighted filename. In case of no selection the path under caret is used. (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Fixed unreasonable quadratic operations which could be observable on big search&replace-all. (Patch #3533838 by Thomas Meyer)
  • Avoided unreasonable memory consumption by duplicate String instances that could be allocated for each occurrence in a big search&replace-all. (Patch #3528619 by Thomas Meyer)
  • Fix high memory usage for large search&replace all operations. (Patch #3531515 by Thomas Meyer)
  • Fix memory usage of Buffer.calculateHash() (patch# 3560429, Thomas Meyer)
  • Make_Bug_Report macro now use logs edit mode to have a little coloring in the result (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Beep on output option in Activity log settings (request #3551931 Jarek Czekalski)
  • New Plugin Manager option: Disable obsolete plugins (#2931321 Alan Ezust)

Förändringar v4.5.2 -> v5.0 Pre 1

  • Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Nathan Gray, Evan Wright, Alan Ezust, Dale Anson, Matthieu Casanova, Olivier Pisano, Jimmy Chaw, peibl, Robert Schwenn, Martin Raspe, Max Funk, SPennington, Ingo Tomahogh, Jarek Czekalski, Jojaba, Stephen Blackheath, Milan ÄŒernil, Makarius, Chris Sullins, Peter C. Chapin, Thomas Meyer, Tom Power and Donovaly for contributing to this release.
  • Bug fixes
  • Fixed exception in dockable window system when loading a plugin using jar libraries (#3532429 Matthieu Casanova)
  • The plugin description in install panel now supports html (#3509183 Matthieu Casanova)
  • The mirror "Plugin Central default" now works as auto selecting mirror and is used by default. Previous default was hardcoded "switch" ( as workaround, but one could easily stuck on broken "Plugin Central default" and got strange errors. (#2913393, #3501210 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Avoided annoying behavior of electric keys that canceled obvious manual indentation. Now they take effect only when the current level of indentation is same with automatic indentation. (#1936678, #2332140 Jarek Czekalski, Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Fixed "Backup on every save" resets file permissions. Renaming of the file was replaced with copying. (#1803073 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Added backup of remote files, for example opened with FTP plugin. (#1525654 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Fixed NPE which was shown in place of a proper error message for empty keyword elements in mode XML. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Cannot DnD betweeen PingPongLists (#3501020 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Fixed macros at menu split are unaccessible (#3512853 Jarek Czekalski)
  • If the same plugin is installed in home and install folder, only the newest is loaded. (#1848802 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed rectangular selection constructor (patch #3440310 peibl)
  • When copying a file in VFSBrowser, if a file with the same name already exists a suffix copy-n is added to avoid deleting the existing file (#3470759 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed Ctrl + key not working in completion popup (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed copy of Hypersearch results adding \r in the clipboard (#3142456 Matthieu Casanova)
  • The Java based installer now correctly handles GNU style long filenames in the installer package and thus does not corrupt the JavaDoc files anymore (#2327520 Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • Several message boxes were not being created on the EDT which would result in tiny, non-resizable message boxes. (#3441535 Dale Anson)
  • API Changes
  • New method Debug.compDelay, for debugging purposes (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Made EditBus.send uninterruptible, as it was before putting handling of messages into EDT (r17139, to 4.4).
  • New method ThreadUtilities.runInDispatchThreadNow() (Jarek Czekalski)
  • New VFS capability: NON_AWT_SESSION_CAP and a helper method VFS.createVFSSessionSafe that frees the caller from entering the EDT thread in most cases. All built-in filesystems have this capability set. (Jarek Czekalski)
  • The status bar widget service is now org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.statusbar.StatusWidgetFactory instead of org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.statusbar.StatusWidget (only the name in service.xml) is modified, because the service class is a StatusWidgetFactory and not a StatusWidget (#3521413 Matthieu Casanova)
  • New public constructor for org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.ErrorListDialog allowing for specifying custom urgency (priority). (Jarek Czekalski)
  • TextArea.isCaretVisible became public (patch #3518424 Makarius)
  • Fixed jedit exit procedure. Now all views are closed. Earlier only the current view was properly closed. This may be important for plugins that were workarounding the issue, as now they will get more ViewUpdate.CLOSED messages. (Jarek Czekalski)
  • The JEditEmbeddedTextArea and StandaloneTextArea do not create an empty popup menu anymore. To add a context menu in your JEditEmbeddedTextArea, please override createPopupMenu(MouseEvent evt) as before, but also call setRightClickPopupEnabled(true) in your constructor (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New jEdit.getCurrentLanguage() method that returns the language used by jEdit (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New method JEditBuffer.insert(int offset, CharSequence seq) to insert text in a buffer. (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New constructors for CopyFileWorker: CopyFileWorker(Component comp, VFSFile[] vfsFiles, String target) CopyFileWorker(Component comp, VFSFile[] vfsFiles, String target, Behavior behavior) CopyFileWorker(Component comp, File[] files, String target) CopyFileWorker(Component comp, File[] files, String target, Behavior behavior) to allow copy of multiple files at the same time (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New VFS.copy() methods: copy(ProgressObserver progress, VFS sourceVFS, Object sourceSession, String sourcePath, VFS targetVFS, Object targetSession, String targetPath, Component comp, boolean canStop, boolean sendVFSUpdate) copy(ProgressObserver progress, String sourcePath,String targetPath, Component comp, boolean canStop, boolean sendVFSUpdate) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • New methods MiscUtilities.getCompleteBaseName() to return the (complete) base names of a file (until the last .) and and getBaseName(), to replace the badly named getFileNameNoExtension, which is now deprecated (Matthieu Casanova, Alan Ezust)
  • TextUtilities.join() now accept Collection instead of Collection (Matthieu Casanova)
  • OperatingSystem.isOS2() method is removed since OS/2 cannot run jEdit since many years (Matthieu Casanova)
  • OperatingSystem.isDOSDerived() is now deprecated since OS/2 do not exists anymore Windows is the only DOS derived OS, so use OperatingSystem.isWindows() instead (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Some undocumented but public members in class DisplayTokenHandler and Chunk became private as they should be in the first place.
  • Specifically:
  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.DisplayTokenHandler
  • initChunk() (* this was protected)
  • org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.Chunk
  • accessable
  • initialized
  • style
  • width
  • Chunk constructors
  • offsetToX() (non static)
  • xToOffset() (non static)
  • init()
  • (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Editing
  • Nsis mode: added sectiongroup and deprecated subsection. (patch #3531776 Uwe - donovaly)
  • Shellscript mode: changed electric keys to better fit current jEdit capabilities in this area. (Jarek Czekalski)
  • Made markers list selectable with keyboard. (patch #3509642 Tom Power)
  • Ada mode improvements (patch #3523836 Peter C. Chapin, request #2860105 Britt)
  • Scala mode added (#3501401 Daniel Spiewak)
  • logs edit mode added (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Dart mode added (patch #3483431 Chris Sullins)
  • Haskell mode: Removed the fixed 8 character indent and tab size (patch #3470636)
  • Haskell mode: Added some GHC extensions: recursive do and arrow notation (patch #3470637 Stephen Blackheath)
  • New mxml.xml mode, and updates to ActionScript (patch #2913561 Chris Hill)
  • New metapost.xml mode (patch #1606258 Kondr)
  • Updated cobol.xml (patch #2654343 Markus Röhner)
  • fortran90.xml: new Fortran90 edit mode (patch #2406563 Jonni Lehtiranta)
  • roff.xml: New ROFF/GROFF/TROFF edit mode (patch #3081484 Kostas Michalopoulos, Robert Schwenn)
  • nsis2.xml: Added Java/C style comments. (patch #2976473)
  • Ruby Edit Mode: Improved Symbol Highlighting (patch #1918110 Ingo Tomahogh, Alan Ezust)
  • "velocity_pure.xml" edit mode to replace older sgml-based velocity.xml. Velocity keywords nested within markup tags incorrectly highlighted. (patch #1285741 Robert Schwenn)
  • Updated D edit mode (patch #3463009 Olivier Pisano)
  • Removed special highlight for object access and creation in php edit mode (#2985508, #3151072 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Major simplification of phpdoc to make it look more like javadoc (#1803310, #3029383, #3316733 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Added some missing keywords to vrml2 edit mode (patch #3471586 Jimmy Chaw)
  • Using no highlight or limited syntax highlight in large buffers now also disables soft wrap (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Using no highlight or limited syntax highlight in large buffers now disables highlight of very long lines (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Latex Indentation a nuisance (#3432974)
  • Made it possible to disable automatic indentation by buffer or by edit mode, and created a status widget to toggle the setting (Evan Wright)
  • Fix for tracker 2976661, script tag attributes not syntax highlighted. (Dale Anson)
  • Fix for tracker 846913, jsp syntax highlighting for single line comments. (Dale Anson)
  • Updated css mode with new css 3 properties and values, tracker 3483390. (Dale Anson)
  • Updated html mode to recognize new html 5 keywords, updated jsp mode to delegate to html mode for html tags. (Dale Anson)
  • UI
  • Made "Customize This Menu..." item in context menu optional. (patch #3530786 Tom Power)
  • File System Browser docked on left by default. (Alan Ezust)
  • Suppressed output to standard error of encoding problems on opening files, which affects also hypersearch encoding errors. These errors are now displayed in a dialog, but not sent to error output. (request #3517116 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Reserve space for 4 digit in memory's status bar widget. (patch #3518422 Makarius)
  • The Windows installer and windows integration are now localized in french (patch #3513215 Jojaba)
  • The Error status bar widget now use a JEditEmbeddedTextArea instead of a simple swing TextArea to display exceptions (Matthieu Casanova)
  • jEdit now supports localization. (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Added french translation (Jojaba
  • Added german translation (Robert Schwenn)
  • Added czech translation (patch #3523511 Milan ÄŒernil)
  • Text Area option for Search System Fonts in Font substitution (#3479585 Max Funk)
  • Dialog titles in file system browser (patch #2968930, request #2807301 SPennington)
  • Standarized Buffer Switcher combo (#3408584, patch #3456572 Jarek Czekalski)
  • If a Task is not cancellable, the cancel button of TaskMonitor is disabled (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Added Icons to the VFS Browser context menu (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Combined Global and Plugin options into a single pane, making Optional plugin obsolete, fixing auto resize dialog issue. (#3449498, request #3455602 Alan Ezust)
  • jEdit is now always using continuous layout in JSplitPane (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed keyboard handling of comboboxes in jedit's option panes. (#3415064 Alan Ezust)
  • Changed menus to use Mac-specific symbols for accelerator keys when using OS X and the native look & feel (patch #1950147 Nathan Gray)
  • Added an option (on by default) to use the native Quartz renderer on Mac OS X (Evan Wright)
  • Fixed keyboard handling of drop-down menus in File System Browser. (#1571578 Alan Ezust)
  • Fixed "Use textarea colors" for dockables created in non-metal L&F. (#1794400 Alan Ezust)
  • New option in Saving and Backup pane: Use File System Browser dir for Save-As (#1591441 Alan Ezust)
  • RegisterViewer: set initial focus to registerList, added key bindings for inserting content, clearing a register and leaving the registerList (#3437779 Martin Raspe)
  • RegisterViewer: close the floating window after inserting a clip, to make behaviour consistent with Paste Previous window (#3478916 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Show a preview of the window rather than a low-resolution icon when minimizing on Mac OS X (#3529980 Evan Wright)
  • Miscellaneous
  • New FileOpenerService, Offered by FastOpen 2.5, SmartOpen 1.1. Used by ErrorList 2.0 (#3481157 Alan Ezust)
  • Macros folder can now be localized with properties macros.folder.[foldername].label (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Pasting a VFSFile as String dataflavor will now paste the full path instead of the name of the file (Matthieu Casanova)
  • The EditingOptionPane has now an option to remember the user choice about large file treatment (Matthieu Casanova)
  • OS/2 tasks were removed from the Java installer as OS/2 does not have a working Java 6 implementation and probably never will have (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • jEdit support for keymaps (Matthieu Casanova)
  • User Settings directory migrated to %APPDATA%/jEdit on Windows (#2510763 Alan Ezust)
  • Added support for "Find Previous" when searching in multiple files (Evan Wright)
  • Applied patch to Get_Class_Name macro from lxdyglt to find classname for inner classes. (#3301598 Dale Anson)
  • Fixed some edge cases in the Make_Get_and_Set_Methods macro, properly handle comments, multi-line variable declarations and multiple initializers. (Dale Anson)
  • Soft wrap now works at non-whitespace line breaks within some natural language texts; Japanese for example. (patch #2483695 Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Introduced glyph caching to lower CPU usage on text rendering and line wrapping. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Changed calculation of wrap margin to be based on an average character width instead of a width of a space which gave very narrow wrap margin for proportional fonts. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Updated Move Lines Up and Down macros to move whole lines regardless of selection. (Dale Anson)

Förändringar v4.5.1 -> v4.5.2

  • Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Alan Ezust, Jarek Czekalski, and Matthieu Casanova for contributing to this release.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed freezes on hypersearch with encoding errors. (#3502585 Jarek Czekalski)
  • Fixed IO error when changing VFS Browser filter content (#3502820 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed NPE when opening View option pane for the first time on a fresh installation (#3520577 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed favorites menu actions (#3512250 Matthieu Casanova)
  • Remove jar cache when unloading a plugin (#3514022 Matthieu Casanova)
  • UI
  • Changed error list dialog size to a fixed size of 80x25 characters. (Jarek Czekalski)

Förändringar v4.5.0 -> v4.5.1

  • Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Matthieu Casanova, Kazutoshi Satoda, Alan Ezust, and Max Funk for contributing to this release.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed memory leaks which happened when split panes or multiple views are used. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Fixed unreasonable slow down which could happen with complex syntax rules and large files. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Fixed memory leaks which could climb to be observable with complex syntax rules and large files. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Made basic edit operations aware of characters above BMP and combining character sequences. ( bug #3040720 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • The Install/Update plugin dialog with progress bar should not show the progression of installation in it's title (#3485497) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • If the plugin list was not already loaded, there is no reason to load it because of a property change (#3485645) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed status bar widget editing (#3414671) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed text area corruption (strange exceptions and/or inconsistent display) which could happen when multiple files are opened simultaneously in a text area. This could also happen on some other minor conditions. ( bug #3442116 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Wrong chars in auxiliary fonts (Max Funk - #3474765, 3474534)

Förändringar v4.4.2 -> v4.5.0

  • Thanks to Shlomy Reinstein, Alan Ezust, Jarek Czekalski, Michael Pradel, Evan Wright, Matthieu Casanova, Nathan Gray and Björn "Vampire" Kautler for contributing to this release.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Inner class of FilteredListModel passes wrong "this" (patch# 3477759 - Michael Pradel)
  • Large file mode text description dialog (#3456370) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • VFS Browser was stuck if trying to browse a VFS that needed a session but the session could not be opened (#3471386) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed Copy_Line macro that was copying one character of the next line (#3454377) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed a NPE when trying to activate a plugin if one of it's dependencies is missing (#2077205) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • When parsing buffer-local properties, there was a problem with escape processing that prevented buffer-local properties to be read sometimes (Bug #3438680 - Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • Building offline was prevented by a bug in Ivy, this is workarounded now in the Ivy settings for jEdit. (Bug #3437212 - Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • Fixed #3163058: middle mouse button paste doesn't respect gutter selection. (Shlomy Reinstein)
  • ":encoding=...:" was treated as buffer local property and caused confusion about what encoding was used at loading/saving the buffer. ( patch #3434651 - Jarek Czekalski, for bug #1643580)
  • Fixed #3434527: Jump to wrong line with folded target (Evan Wright)
  • \r (0x0A, CR) could be pasted from clipboard into buffer. (Bug #3142456 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • Added select all and select none buttons to PingPongList fixing a bug in EncodingsOptionPane (#3434850) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed #3474515 - MiscUtilities.expandVariables does not expand ~ (Alan Ezust)
  • UI
  • Changed menus to use Mac-specific symbols for accelerator keys when using OS X and the native look & feel ( patch #1950147 - Nathan Gray)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Document jEdit's command line parameters into Activity Log (#2960844 - Alan Ezust)
  • Removed 192mb heap size limit from startup scripts. Removed jedit.l4j.ini from Windows package files because no options were left. NOTE: Old jedit.l4j.ini won't be removed on upgrade. In that case, manual removal will be required. Please look for jedit.l4j.ini in the install directory after running the installer. If you found only "-Xmx192M" in the file, you can remove it or the file itself.

Förändringar v4.4.1 -> v4.4.2

  • Bug Fixes
  • Untitled buffer should not be created on VFS without write capability (#3399387) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Shortcuts option pane was showing shortcuts twice when an action was overridden by a macro or a plugin (Matthieu Casanova)
  • When macros are reloaded, if one of them was overriding a built-in action, the action is not restored if the overriding macro is removed (#3110689 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed a bug which caused lines to disappear when using indent folding if every line was indented (#3412237 - Evan Wright)
  • When removing a plugin, the update and install panel were not refreshed (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed a corner case when trying to move caret during a buffer operation (loading, transaction, undo) prevent to move the caret forever (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed jEdit starting when max heap size is too low to load Killring (#1827853) (Matthieu Casanova
  • MiscUtilities.expandVariables() now recognizes %varname% on Windows, meaning it can reverse what MiscUtilities.abbreviate() does. (Alan Ezust).
  • Fixed NPE when starting jEdit with nosettings (#3401814) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed several case where userinput during buffer loading cause exceptions (#3398342) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Pressing left arrow when the caret is at the buffer start but in a selection now cancels the selection as it should. (#3396672) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed loading of jEdit in case of corrupted recent.xml file in the settings (#3396545) (Matthieu Casanova)
  • If the current buffer is on a VFS that is not browseable (ex:http), trying to open a new file was trying to browse the path of the current file giving an error (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Error Widget now use the same color as Invalid token instead of being always red (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fix for tracker 3034220, jEdit fails to load text-file under Mac OS X (#3034220 - Evan Wright)
  • Fixed a bug that occured when jumping to a line inside of a nested fold. (#3406213 - Evan Wright)

Förändringar v4.4 pre 1 -> v4.4.1

  • Version 4.4.1
  • Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Kazutoshi Satoda, Alan Ezust, and Matthieu Casanova for contributing to this release.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Collapsing all folds will move the caret outside any fold if necessary (Matthieu Casanova)
  • Fixed an exception that occurs when opening jEdit from command line with some files to open as argument if a jEdit server is running (#3173669 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • jEdit now force drops from external applications to be COPY and not MOVE drops. It prevents ftp explorer from deleting dropped files (#1208598 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • Changing bufferset scopes now saved to properties as default scope. (#3316329 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • Buffersets no longer populated with open files when creating new view. (#2990965 - Matthieu Casanova and Alan Ezust)
  • BufferSet contents of new Plain View #3317405 fixed (Matthieu Casanova)
  • When the cursor was at a start (or end) of non-top (non-bottom) line, Find Next (Previous) for a non-empty regex starting with "^" (ending with "$") wrongly skipped the occurrence at the cursor. ( bug #2953604 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Corrected a wrong specifications (javadoc comments) of SearchMatcher#nextMatch(). ( bug #2953604 - Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Fixed an exception that prevent from opening properties dialog of non local files in the VFS Browser (#3199876 - Matthieu Casanova)
  • Remove sending to background from the Linux start script, otherwise it cannot be used properly as commit editor with the -wait option or to get the -usage output on the commandline properly (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • Improve integration with Unity Launcher. Without this change if you pin jEdit to the Launcher and then run it, a separate icon for the running instance is shown. With this change this is correctly merged with the pinned starter. (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)

Förändringar v3.4.2 -> v4.4 pre 1

  • Thanks to Björn "Vampire" Kautler, Matthieu Casanova, Shlomy Reinstein, Kazutoshi Satoda, oman002, and Eric Le Lay for contributing to this release.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Standalone TextArea build target (Shlomy Reinstein)
  • Fixed a NPE that happens when an error occurs before the view is loaded (Matthieu Casanova #2905487)
  • Fixed bug #2927555: beanshell load() fails w/ exception (Shlomy Reinstein)
  • Fixed a memory leak which held closed View and EditPane when using global bufferset scope. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • When removing text from the buffer, the event contentRemoved was sent before making the buffer dirty (oman002 #2944145)
  • Fixed leaky memory usage after some specific text operations. (Kazutoshi Satoda)
  • Worked around a memory leak in Sun Java 6 where the sun.font.GlyphLayout is cached and reused while holding an instance to the char array (Björn "Vampire" Kautler)
  • When setting a new message in the status bar in a macro called from the Macro menu the message was cleared immediately (Matthieu Casanova #2964522)
  • don't log an error when the API docs are not available. Provide a link to the online docs instead ( bug #1777806 - Eric Le Lay)
  • RFC edit mode was misplaced in catalog and was never matching anything because text edit mode glob was more global and checked first (Matthieu Casanova)
  • java installer refuses to install from a directory containing exclamation marks ( bug #2065330 - Eric Le Lay)
  • API Changes
  • Applied patch #2932330 to suppress BufferUpdate messages from temporary buffers to improve performance. (Dale Anson)


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