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Versionshistoria KeePass


Förändringar v2.27 -> v2.28

  • New Features:
  • Enhanced high DPI support.
  • Added trigger action 'Show message box' (which can abort the current trigger execution or execute a command line / URL).
  • The 'Database has unsaved changes' trigger condition now supports choosing between the active database and the database that triggered the event.
  • Added parameter for the trigger action 'Activate database (select tab)' that allows activating the database that triggered the event.
  • Auto-Type: added workaround for KiTTY's default Ctrl+Alt behavior (which differs from Windows' behavior).
  • Auto-Type: added workaround for PuTTYjp's default Ctrl+Alt behavior (which differs from Windows' behavior).
  • Added up/down arrow buttons for reordering auto-type associations in the entry editing dialog.
  • While entering the master key on a secure desktop, dimmed screenshots are now also displayed on all non-primary screens.
  • Added support for importing VisKeeper 3.3.0 TXT files.
  • The group tree view is now saved and restored during most group tree updates.
  • In the main entry list, multiple entries can now be moved by one step up/down at once.
  • If Caps Lock is on, a balloon tip indicating this is now also displayed for password text boxes immediately after opening a dialog (where the password text box is the initially focused control).
  • In the cases where Windows would display outdated thumbnail and peek preview images for the main window, KeePass now requests Windows to use a static bitmap instead (showing only the KeePass logo).
  • Added fallback method for parsing dates/times (the default parser fails for some custom formats specified in the Control Panel).
  • Added workaround for .NET ToolStrip height bug.
  • Added own process memory protection for Unix-like systems (as Mono doesn't provide any effective memory protection method).
  • On Unix-like systems, Shift+F10 (and Ctrl+Alt+5 and Ctrl+NumPad5 on Mac OS X) now shows the context menu in most list/tree view controls and rich text boxes (like on Windows).
  • KPScript: for the 'Import' command, a different master key can now be specified using the standard master key command line parameters with the prefix 'imp_' (e.g. -imp_pw:Secret).
  • KPScript: added option '-FailIfNotExists' for the 'GetEntryString' command.
  • KPScript: added '-refx-Group' and '-refx-GroupPath' entry identification parameters.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Improved compatibility with ClearType.
  • Improved support for high contrast themes.
  • When duplicating a group/entry, the creation time and the last access time of the copy are now set to the current time.
  • Character picker dialog: initially the text box is now focused, improved tab order, and picked characters are now inserted at the current insertion point (instead of the end).
  • Ctrl+Tab is now handled only once when the database tab bar has the focus.
  • When exporting to a KeePass 1.x KDB file, a warning/error is now shown if the master key contains/is a Windows User Account.
  • Unknown trigger events/conditions/actions are now ignored by the trigger dialog.
  • Reduced group tree view flickering.
  • Improved default value for the entry history size limit.
  • Improved menu check mark and radio images.
  • Improved list view column resizing.
  • Improved list view scrolling.
  • Secure edit control performance improvements.
  • In some cases, double-clicking the tray icon now brings KeePass to the foreground.
  • Improved concurrent UI behavior during auto-type.
  • Auto-Type: improved compatibility with keyboard layouts with combining apostrophes, quotation marks and tildes.
  • Auto-Type: improved virtual key translation on Unix-like systems.
  • KPScript: the 'EditEntry' command now also updates the time fields of all affected entries.
  • KPScript: the 'DeleteEntry' and 'DeleteAllEntries' commands now create deleted object information (improving synchronization behavior).
  • Upgraded installer.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • When auto-typing a sequence containing a {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder, the raw new password is now stored (in the password field of the entry), not its corresponding auto-type sequence.
  • Synchronizing two unrelated databases now always works as expected.

Förändringar v2.26 -> v2.27

  • New Features:
  • The estimated password quality (in bits) is now displayed on the quality progress bar, and right of the quality progress bar the length of the password is displayed.
  • Auto-Type: before sending a character using a key combination involving at least two modifiers, KeePass now first tests whether this key combination is a registered system-wide hot key, and, if so, tries to send the character as a Unicode packet instead.
  • Auto-Type: added workaround for Cygwin's default Ctrl+Alt behavior (which differs from Windows' behavior).
  • Auto-Type: added {APPACTIVATE ...} command.
  • {HMACOTP} placeholder: added support for specifying the shared secret using the entry strings 'HmacOtp-Secret-Hex' (secret as hex string), 'HmacOtp-Secret-Base32' (secret as Base32 string) and 'HmacOtp-Secret-Base64' (secret as Base64 string).
  • {T-CONV:...} placeholder: added 'Uri-Dec' type (for converting the string to its URI-unescaped representation).
  • Added placeholders: {URL:USERINFO}, {URL:USERNAME} and {URL:PASSWORD}.
  • Added placeholders: {BASE}, {BASE:RMVSCM}, {BASE:SCM}, {BASE:HOST}, {BASE:PORT}, {BASE:PATH}, {BASE:QUERY}, {BASE:USERINFO}, {BASE:USERNAME}, {BASE:PASSWORD} (within an URL override, each of these placeholders is replaced by the specified part of the string that is being overridden).
  • Added {NEWPASSWORD:/Profile/} placeholder, which generates a new password for the current entry using the specified password generator profile.
  • Pattern-based password generator: the '^' character now removes the next character from the current custom character set (for example, [a^y] contains all lower-case alphanumeric characters except 'y').
  • Enhanced syntax highlighting in the sequence field of the 'Edit Auto-Type Item' dialog.
  • Added option 'Do not ask whether to synchronize or overwrite; force synchronization'.
  • Added synchronization support for the group behavior properties 'Auto-Type for entries in this group' and 'Searching entries in this group'.
  • Root group properties are now synchronized based on the last modification time.
  • While saving a database, a shutdown block reason is now specified.
  • Added 'Move to Group' menu in the 'Selected Entries' popup of the main entry list context menu.
  • Items of dynamic menus (tags, strings, attachments, password generator profiles, ...) now have auto-assigned accelerator keys.
  • As alternative to Ctrl+F, pressing F3 in the main window now displays the 'Find' dialog.
  • Added UIFlags bit for hiding password quality progress bars and information labels.
  • Enhanced system font detection on Unix-like systems.
  • When using 'xsel' for clipboard operations on Unix-like systems, text is now copied into both the primary selection and the clipboard.
  • Added '--version' command line option (for Unix-like systems).
  • Plugins can now subscribe to an IPC event that is raised when running KeePass with the '-e:' command line parameter.
  • Added workaround for .NET AutoWordSelection bug.
  • Added workaround for Mono bug 10163; saving files using WebDAV now also works under Mono 2.11 and higher.
  • Added workaround for Mono image tabs bug.
  • Added workaround for Mono NumericUpDown drawing bug.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Merged the URL scheme overrides and the 'Override all URLs' option into a new dialog 'URL Overrides'.
  • Improved autocompletion of IO connection parameters using the MRU list (now treating the user name as filter).
  • Improved interaction of IO connection trigger parameters and the MRU list.
  • The master key prompt dialog now validates key files only when clicking [OK], and invalid ones are not removed automatically from the list anymore.
  • Improved support for managing columns leftover from uninstalled plugins in the 'Configure Columns' dialog.
  • If the 'Unhide Passwords' policy is turned off, the passwords column in the auto-type entry selection dialog is now unavailable.
  • The entry list in the main window is now updated immediately after performing auto-type or copying data to the clipboard.
  • Various list view performance improvements.
  • The 'Searching entries in this group' group behavior properties are now ignored during resolving field references.
  • Improved behavior in case of syntax errors in placeholders with parameters.
  • Two-channel auto-type obfuscation: improved realization of clipboard paste commands.
  • General main window keyboard shortcuts now also work within the quick search box and the database tab bar.
  • Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab in the main window now always selects the previous database tab (independent of which control has the focus).
  • Changed shortcut keys for moving entries/groups on Unix-like systems, due to Mono's incorrect handling of Alt (preventing key events) and navigation keys (selection updated at the wrong time).
  • Auto-Type: improved modifier key releasing on Unix-like systems.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • A key-up event to the groups tree in the main window without a corresponding key-down event does not change the entry list anymore.

Förändringar v2.25 -> v2.26

  • New Features:
  • Added option to show a confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin.
  • Auto-Type: added workaround for applications with broken time-dependent message processing.
  • Auto-Type: added workaround for PuTTY's default Ctrl+Alt behavior (which differs from Windows' behavior).
  • Auto-Type: added configuration option to specify the default delay between two keypresses.
  • Added optional sequence comments column in the auto-type entry selection dialog (in this column, only {C:...} comments in the sequence are displayed; if a comment starts with '!', only this comment is shown).
  • If the option 'Automatically search key files' is activated, all drives are now scanned in parallel and any key files are added asynchronously (this avoids issues caused by slow network drives).
  • Added trigger action 'Show entries by tag'.
  • {OPERA} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Opera.
  • {T-CONV:...} placeholder: added 'Uri' type (for converting the string to its URI-escaped representation).
  • Synchronization functions are now available for remote databases, too.
  • Enhanced RoboForm importer to additionally support the new file format.
  • Summary lists are now also available in delete confirmation dialogs on Unix-like systems and Windows XP and earlier.
  • Added workaround for Mono Process StdIn BOM bug.
  • KPScript: added 'refx-All' option (matches all entries).
  • KPScript: added optional parameters 'setx-Expires' and 'setx-ExpiryTime' for the 'EditEntry' command.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Improved database tab selection after closing an inactive database.
  • New just-in-time MRU files list.
  • Improved selection of entries created by the password generator.
  • The internal text editor now determines the newline sequence that the data is using the most when opening it, and converts all newline sequences to the initial sequence when saving the data.
  • Improved realization of the {CLEARFIELD} command (now using Bksp instead of Del, in order to avoid Ctrl+Alt+Del issues on newer Windows systems).
  • The note that deleting a group will also delete all subgroups and entries within this group is now only displayed if the group is not empty.
  • Improved GUI thread safety of the update check dialog.
  • Improved HTML generation.
  • Improved version formatting.
  • On Unix-like systems, window state automations are now disabled during initial auto-type target window switches.
  • On Unix-like systems, the button to choose a password font is disabled now (because this is unsupported due to Mono bug 5795).
  • Various files (e.g. 'History.txt') are now encoded using UTF-8.
  • Improved build system.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • In the 'Configure Columns' dialog, the activation states of plugin-provided columns are now preset correctly.

Förändringar v2.24 -> v2.25

  • New Features:
  • New auto-type key sending engine (improved support for sending Unicode characters and for sending keypresses into virtual machine/emulator windows; now largely compatible with the Neo keyboard layout; sequence parsing is faster, more flexible and optimizes the sequence; improved behavior for invalid sequences; differential delays, making the auto-type process less susceptible to externally caused delays; automatic cancelling is now more precise up to at most one keypress and also works on Unix-like systems; improved message processing during auto-type).
  • When trying to open an entry attachment that the built-in editor/viewer cannot handle, KeePass now extracts the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted) temporary file and opens it using the default application associated with this file; afterwards the user can choose between importing/discarding changes and KeePass deletes the temporary file securely.
  • On Windows Vista and higher, the button in the entry editing dialog to open attachments is now a split button; the drop-down menu allows to choose between the built-in viewer, the built-in editor and an external application.
  • Added 'XML Replace' functionality.
  • Generic CSV importer: added option to merge imported groups with groups already existing in the database.
  • Added support for importing Dashlane 2.3.2 CSV files.
  • On Windows 8 and higher, some running Metro apps are now listed in the 'Edit Auto-Type Item' dialog.
  • Added {T-CONV:/T/C/} placeholder (to convert text to upper-case, lower-case, or its UTF-8 representation to Base64 or Hex).
  • Added {SPACE} special key code (as alternative for the ' ' character, for improved readability of auto-type sequences).
  • XML merge (used e.g. when an enforced configuration file is present): added support for comments in inner nodes.
  • Added UIFlags bit for showing last access times.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • In the history entry viewing dialog, the 'Open' and 'Save' commands are now available for attachments.
  • When replacing the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder, KeePass now first Spr-compiles the entry password (i.e. placeholders, environment variables, etc. can be used).
  • Improved configuration loading performance.
  • Improved displaying of fatal exceptions.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Data inserted by entry URL component placeholders is now encoded correctly.

Förändringar v2.23 -> v2.24

  • The URL override field in the entry editing dialog is now an editable combo box, where the drop-down list contains suggestions for browser overrides.
  • Password quality estimations are now computed in separate threads to improve the UI responsiveness.
  • The password generator profile 'Automatically generated passwords for new entries' is now available in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
  • Added UIFlags bit for hiding built-in profiles in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
  • Tags can be included in printouts now.
  • Generic CSV importer: added support for importing tags.
  • Added support for importing Norton Identity Safe 2013 CSV files.
  • Mozilla Bookmarks JSON import: added support for importing tags.
  • RoboForm import: URLs are now terminated using a '/', added support for the new file format and for the new note fields.
  • Added support for showing modern task dialogs even when no form exists (requiring a theming activation context).
  • KeePass now terminates CtfMon child processes started by .NET/Windows, if they are not terminated automatically.
  • Added workarounds for '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '~' and diaeresis .NET SendKeys issues.
  • Added workaround for 'xsel' hanging on Unix-like systems.
  • Converted some PNG images as a workaround for a problem in Cairo/LibPNG on Unix-like systems.
  • Installer: the version is now shown in the 'Version' field of the item in the Windows 'Programs and Features' dialog.
  • TrlUtil: added 'Go to Next Untranslated' command.
  • TrlUtil: added shortcut keys.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • The 'Open From URL' dialog is now brought to the foreground when trying to perform global auto-type while the database is locked and the main window is minimized to tray.
  • Profiles are now shown directly in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
  • After duplicating entries, KeePass now ensures that the copies are visible.
  • User names of TAN entries are now dereferenced, if the option for showing dereferenced data in the main window is enabled.
  • When creating an entry from a template, the new entry is now selected and focused.
  • Empty fields are not included in detailed printouts anymore.
  • Enhanced Internet Explorer detection.
  • The '-preselect' command line option now works together with relative database file paths.
  • Improved quoted app paths parsing.
  • Extended culture invariance.
  • Improved synchronization performance.
  • Improved internal keypress routing.
  • Last access times by default are not shown in the UI anymore.
  • TrlUtil: improved dialog focusing when showing message boxes.
  • KeePassLib/KPScript: improved support for running on systems without any GUI.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the option 'Show expired entries (if any)' is enabled and a trigger switches to a different locked database when unlocking a database.
  • The tab bar is now updated correctly after closing an inactive database by middle-clicking its tab.
  • Column display orders that are unstable with respect to linear auto-adjusting assignment are now restored correctly.

Förändringar v2.20 -> v2.20.1

  • Improved support for images with DPI resolutions different from the DPI resolution of the display device.
  • {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
  • The option to lock on remote control mode changes now additionally watches for remote connects and disconnects.
  • Improved Windows registry accesses.
  • Improved behavior when the user deletes the system temporary directory.
  • On Unix-like systems, KeePass now stores most of its temporary files in a private temporary directory (preferably in $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR).
  • Added detection support for the following web browsers on Unix-like systems: Rekonq, Midori and Dooble.
  • KeePass does not try to set the WM_CLASS property on Mac OS X systems anymore.
  • Modified some icons to work around unsupported PNG transparency keys in Mono.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.

Förändringar v1.24 -> v2.20

  • New Features:
  • Header data in KDBX files is now authenticated (to prevent silent data corruption attacks; thanks to P. Gasti and K. B. Rasmussen).
  • Added management of working directories (a separate working directory is remembered for each file dialog context; working directories are remembered relatively to KeePass.exe; the management can be deactivated by turning off the new option 'Remember working directories').
  • Added option to cancel auto-type when the target window title changes.
  • Added quick search box in the toolbar of the internal text editor.
  • Files can now be attached to entries by using drag&drop from Windows Explorer to the attachments list in the entry editing dialog.
  • Added '-pw-stdin' command line option to make KeePass read the master password from the StdIn stream.
  • Added placeholders to get parts of the entry URL: {URL:SCM}, {URL:HOST}, {URL:PORT}, {URL:PATH} and {URL:QUERY}.
  • Added a 'Details' button in the plugin load failure message box (when clicked, detailed error information for developers is shown).
  • Added warning icon left of the Windows user account option description in the master key creation dialog.
  • Added support for more image file formats (e.g. when importing custom client icons).
  • Added support for importing DesktopKnox 3.2 XML files.
  • The generic CSV importer now guesses whether the option to ignore the first row should be enabled or not (the user of course can still specify it manually, too).
  • Added support for exporting to KeePass 1.x CSV files.
  • Added support for moving the PLGX cache to a different remote drive.
  • The Spr engine is now extensible, i.e. plugins can provide additional transformations/placeholders.
  • On Unix-like systems, KeePass now uses the 'xsel' utility for clipboard operations, if 'xsel' is installed (in order to work around Mono clipboard bugs).
  • Added Mono workaround to set the WM_CLASS property.
  • Added workaround for Mono splitter bug.
  • The '' script now removes the serialization assembly generating post build event.
  • TrlUtil: added support for importing PO files.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Improved FTP file existence checking.
  • High DPI UI improvements.
  • The database is not marked as modified anymore when using in-place label editing to fake-edit a group's name (i.e. when the final new name is the same as the previous one).
  • Password is not auto-repeated anymore when trying to unhide it fails due to the policy 'Unhide Passwords' being disabled.
  • Improved menu accelerator and shortcut keys.
  • Changed IO connection name display format.
  • Improved browser detection on Mac OS X.
  • Task dialog thread safety improvements.
  • Added UI check during import for KPScript.
  • Upgraded and improved installer (now uses Unicode, LZMA2 compression, ...).
  • Various UI improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • On Windows systems, new line sequences in text to be shown in a standard multiline text box are now converted to Windows format.

Förändringar v2.17 -> v2.18

  • The update check now also checks for plugin updates (if plugin developers provide version information files).
  • When starting KeePass 2.18 for the first time, it asks whether to enable the automatic update check or not (if not enabled already).
  • When closing the entry editing dialog by closing the window (using [X], Esc, ...) and there are unsaved changes, KeePass now asks whether to save or discard the changes; only when explicitly clicking the 'Cancel' button, KeePass doesn't prompt.
  • When not hiding passwords using asterisks, they don't need to be repeated anymore.
  • Password repetition boxes now provide instant visual feedback whether the password has been repeated correctly (if incorrect, the background color is changed to light red).
  • When clicking an '***' button to change the visibility of the entered password, KeePass now automatically transfers the input focus into the password box.
  • Visibility of columns in the auto-type entry selection dialog can now be customized using the new 'Options' button.
  • Added auto-type option 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title'.
  • Added shortcut keys: Ctrl+Shift+O for 'Open URL', Ctrl+Shift+U for copying URLs to the clipboard, Ctrl+I for 'Add Entry', Ctrl+R for synchronizing with a file, Ctrl+Shift+R for synchronizing with a URL.
  • Ensuring same keyboard layouts during auto-type is now optional (option enabled by default).
  • Plain text KDB4 XML exports now store the memory protection flag of strings in an attribute 'ProtectInMemory'.
  • Added option to use database lock files (intended for storage providers that don't lock files while writing to them, like e.g. some FTP servers); the option is turned off by default (and especially for local files and files on a network share it's recommended to leave it turned off).
  • Added UIFlags bit for disabling the controls to specify after how many days the master key should/must be changed.
  • Added support for in-memory protecting strings that are longer than 65536 characters.
  • Added workaround for '@' .NET SendKeys issue.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • NET 4.0 is now preferred, if installed.
  • PLGX plugins are now preferably compiled using the .NET 4.0 compiler, if KeePass is currently running under the 4.0 CLR.
  • Automatic update checks are now performed at maximum once per day (you can still check manually as often as you wish).
  • Auto-Type: entry titles and URLs are now Spr-compiled before being compared with the target window title.
  • Decoupled the options 'Show expired entries' and 'Show entries that will expire soon'.
  • Specifying the data hiding setting (using asterisks) in the column configuration dialog is now done using a checkbox.
  • The entry view now preferably uses the hiding settings (asterisks) of the entry list columns.
  • Improved entry expiry date calculation.
  • Enhanced Password Agent importer to support version 2.6.2.
  • Enhanced SplashID importer to import last modification dates.
  • Improved locating of system executables.
  • Password generator profiles are now sorted by name.
  • Separated built-in and user-defined password generator profiles (built-in profiles aren't stored in the configuration file anymore).
  • Improved naming of shortcut keys, and shortcut keys are now displayed in tooltips.
  • Internal window manager can now close windows opened in other threads.
  • Improved entry touching when closing the entry editing dialog by closing the window (using [X], Esc, ...).
  • Improved behavior when entering an invalid URL in the 'Open URL' dialog.
  • Improved workaround for Mono tab bar height bug.
  • ShInstUtil: improved Native Image Generator version detection.
  • Unified in-memory protection.
  • In-memory protection performance improvements.
  • Developers: in-memory protected objects are now immutable and thread-safe.
  • Various UI text improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • The cached/temporary custom icons image list is now updated correctly after running the 'Delete unused custom icons' command.

Förändringar v2.16 -> v2.17

  • New Features:
  • Multiple auto-type sequences can now be defined for a window in one entry.
  • The auto-type entry selection dialog now displays the sequence that will be typed.
  • The auto-type entry selection dialog is now resizable; KeePass remembers the dialog's position, size and the list view column widths.
  • Added auto-type option 'An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title'.
  • Added two options to show dereferenced data in the main entry list (synchronously or asynchronously).
  • Dereferenced data fields are now shown in the entry view of the main window and the auto-type entry selection dialog (additionally to the references).
  • Field references in the entry view are now clickable; when clicking one, KeePass jumps to the data source entry.
  • Added option in the 'Find' dialog to search in dereferenced data fields.
  • Added option to search in dereferenced data fields when performing a quick search (toolbar in main window).
  • The 'Find' dialog now shows a status dialog while searching for entries.
  • The main window now shows a status bar and the UI is disabled while performing a quick search.
  • Added context menu commands to open the URL of an entry in a specific browser.
  • Added {SAFARI} browser path placeholder.
  • Added {C:...} comment placeholder.
  • Added entry duplication options dialog (appending "- Copy" to entry titles, and/or replacing user names and passwords by field references to the original entries).
  • Added option to focus the quick search box when restoring from taskbar (disabled by default).
  • Added tray context menu command to show the options dialog.
  • Source fields are now compiled before using them in a {PICKCHARS} dialog.
  • Added 'Copy Link' rich text box context menu command.
  • Before printing, the data/format dialog now shows a print dialog, in which the printer can be selected.
  • Added application policy to ask for the current master key before printing.
  • Added support for importing Passphrase Keeper 2.50 HTML files (in addition to the already supported 2.70 format).
  • KeePass now removes zone identifiers from itself, ShInstUtil and the CHM help file.
  • Listing currently opened windows works under Unix-like systems now, too.
  • Alternating item background colors are now also supported in list views with item groups.
  • IOConnection now supports reading from data URIs (RFC 2397).
  • Group headers are now skipped when navigating in single selection list views using the arrow keys.
  • Added detection support for the following web browsers on Unix-like systems: Firefox, Opera, Chromium, Epiphany, Arora, Galeon and Konqueror.
  • Added documentation of the synchronization feature.
  • Key provider plugins can now declare that they're compatible with the secure desktop mode, and a new property in the query context specifies whether the user currently is on the secure desktop.
  • Added workaround for a list view sorting bug under Windows XP.
  • Added workaround for a .NET bug where a cached window state gets out of sync with the real window state.
  • Added workaround for a Mono WebRequest bug affecting WebDAV support.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Items in the auto-type entry selection dialog can now be selected using a single click.
  • When performing global auto-type, the Spr engine now uses the entry container database instead of the current database as data source.
  • The generated passwords list in the password generator dialog now uses the password font (monospace by default).
  • The last modification time of an entry is now updated when a new password is generated using the {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder.
  • The overlay icon for the taskbar button (on Windows 7) is now restored when Windows Explorer crashes and when starting in minimized and locked mode.
  • Improved opening of CHM help file.
  • The buttons in file save dialogs now have accelerator keys.
  • Separated URL scheme overrides into built-in and custom ones.
  • Improved tray command state updating.
  • The default tray command is now rendered using a bold font.
  • The main window is now disabled while searching and removing duplicate entries.
  • Improved banner handling/updating in resizable dialogs.
  • The 'Ctrl+U' shortcut hint is now moved either to the open or to the copy command, depending on whether the option 'Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them' is enabled or not.
  • Improved command availability updating of rich text context menus.
  • Quick searches are now invoked asynchronously.
  • Improved quick search performance.
  • The option to minimize the main window after locking the KeePass workspace is now enabled by default.
  • When performing auto-type, newline characters are now converted to Enter keypresses.
  • Auto-type on Unix-like systems: improved sending of backslash characters.
  • On Unix-like systems, the default delay between auto-typed keystrokes is now 3 ms.
  • Spr engine performance improvements.
  • Changing the in-memory protection state of a custom entry string is now treated as a database change.
  • Some options in the options dialog are now linked (e.g. the option 'Automatically search key files also on removable media' can only be enabled when 'Automatically search key files' is enabled).
  • Most items with default values aren't written to the configuration file anymore (resulting in a smaller file and making it possible to change defaults in future versions).
  • Path separators in the configuration file are now updated for the current operating system.
  • Improved 'xdotool' version detection.
  • Improved IO response handling when deleting/renaming files.
  • Various UI text improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Status bar text is now correctly updated to 'Ready' after an unsuccessful/cancelled database opening attempt.
  • Password generation based on patterns: escaped curly brackets are now parsed correctly.

Förändringar v2.15 -> v2.16

  • KeePass 2.16 mainly features search enhancements, proxy support, many improvements for Mono / Unix-like systems, and various other minor new features and improvements

Förändringar v2.14 -> v2.15

  • New Features:
  • Added option to show the master key dialog on a secure desktop (similar to Windows' UAC; almost no keylogger works on a secure desktop; the option is disabled by default for compatibility reasons).
  • Added option to limit the number of history items per entry (the default is 10).
  • Added option to limit the history size per entry (the default is 6 MB).
  • Added {PICKCHARS} placeholder, which shows a dialog to pick certain characters from an entry string; various options like specifying the number of characters to pick and conversion to down arrow keypresses are supported; see the one page long documentation on the auto-type help page; the less powerful {PICKPASSWORDCHARS} is now obsolete (but still supported for backward compatibility).
  • The character picking dialog now remembers and restores its last position and size.
  • KDBX file format: attachments are now stored in a pool within the file and entries reference these items; this reduces the file size a lot when there are history items of entries having attachments.
  • KDBX file format: attachments are now compressed (if the compression option is enabled) before being Base64-encoded, compressed and encrypted; this results in a smaller file, because the compression algorithm works better on the raw data than on its encoded form.
  • PLGX plugins can now be loaded on Unix-like systems, too.
  • Added option to specify a database color; by specifying a color, the main window icon and the tray icon are recolored and the database tab (shown when multiple databases are opened in one window) gets a colored rectangle icon.
  • New rich text builder, which supports using multiple languages in one text (e.g. different Chinese variants).
  • Added 'Sort By' popup menu in the 'View' menu.
  • Added context menu commands to sort subgroups of a group.
  • Added option to clear master key command line parameters after using them once (enabled by default).
  • Added application policies to ask for the current master key before changing the master key and/or exporting.
  • Added option to also unhide source characters when unhiding the selected characters in the character picking dialog.
  • Added ability to export custom icons.
  • Added 'String' trigger condition.
  • Added support for importing DataViz Passwords Plus 1.007 CSV files.
  • Enhanced 1Password Pro importer to also support 1PW CSV files.
  • Enhanced FlexWallet importer to also support version 2006 XML files (in addition to version 1.7 XML files).
  • Enabled auto-suggest for editable drop-down combo boxes (and auto-append where it makes sense).
  • Pressing Ctrl+Enter in the rich text boxes of the entry dialog and the custom string dialog now closes with OK (if possible).
  • Added option to cancel auto-type when the target window changes.
  • Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added support for key modifiers.
  • Added '--saveplgxcr' command line option to save compiler results in case the compilation of a PLGX plugin fails.
  • Added workaround for % .NET SendKeys issue.
  • Added workaround for Mono bug 620618 in the main entry list.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Improved key file suggestion performance.
  • When the master key change application policy is disabled and the master key expires (forced change), KeePass now shows the two information dialogs only once per opening.
  • After removing the password column, hiding behind asterisks is suggested by default now when showing the column again.
  • TAN entries now expire on auto-type, if the option for expiring TANs on use is enabled.
  • Auto-type now sends acute and grave accents as separate characters.
  • Auto-type now explicitly skips the taskbar window when searching for the target window.
  • Multiple lines are now separated in the entry list and in the custom string list of the entry dialog by a space.
  • RoboForm importer: improved multiline value support.
  • Improved UNC path support.
  • Improved entry list refresh performance.
  • Improved UI state update performance.
  • Entry list context menus are now configured instantly.
  • Inapplicable group commands are now disabled.
  • Improved control focusing.
  • Improved clipboard handling.
  • Copying and pasting whole entries is now also supported on Windows 98 and ME.
  • Improved releasing of dialog resources.
  • Improved keys/placeholders box in auto-type editing dialog.
  • Improved user-friendliness in UAC dialogs.
  • Tooltips of the tab close button and the password repeat box can be translated now.
  • Improved help (moved placeholders to separate page, ...).
  • KeePassLibSD now uses the SHA-256 implementation of Bouncy Castle.
  • Upgraded installer.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Window titles are now trimmed, such that auto-type also works with windows whose titles have leading or trailing whitespace characters.
  • Detection of XSL files works under Linux / Mac OS X now, too.

Förändringar v2.13 -> v2.14

  • New Features:
  • Added option to lock after some time of global user inactivity.
  • Added option to lock when the remote control status changes.
  • Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added special key code support (translation to X KeySyms) and support for {DELAY X} and {DELAY=X}.
  • Added window activation support on Unix-like systems.
  • Auto-type on Windows: added {VKEY X} special key code (sends virtual key X).
  • Added support for importing DataVault 4.7 CSV files.
  • Added support for importing Revelation 0.4 XML files.
  • Added 'Auto-Type - Without Context' application policy to disable the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V), but still leave global auto-type available.
  • Added option to collapse newly-created recycle bin tree nodes.
  • Added 'Size' column in the history list of the entry dialog.
  • Added trigger action to remove custom toolbar buttons.
  • Added kdbx:// URL scheme overrides (for Windows and Unix-like systems; disabled by default).
  • Added KeePass.exe.config file to redirect old assemblies to the latest one, and explicitly declare .NET 4.0 runtime support.
  • Added documentation for the '-pw-enc' command line parameter, the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder and URL overrides.
  • Added workaround for ^/& .NET SendKeys issue.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • New locking timer (using a timeout instead of a countdown).
  • Improved locking when the Windows session is being ended or switched.
  • Improved multi-database locking.
  • Separated the options for locking when the computer is locked and the computer is about to be suspended.
  • {FIREFOX} placeholder: added support for registry-redirected 32-bit Firefox installations on 64-bit Windows systems.
  • File transactions: the NTFS/EFS encryption flag is now also preserved when the containing directory isn't encrypted.
  • The IPC channel name on Unix-like systems is now dependent on the current user and machine name.
  • KeePass now selects the parent group after deleting a group.
  • Entries are now marked as modified when mass-changing their colors or icons.
  • Key states are now queried on interrupt level.
  • A {DELAY=X} global delay now affects all characters of a keystroke sequence when TCATO is enabled, too.
  • Improved dialog closing when exiting automatically.
  • Plugin-provided entry list columns can now be right-aligned at KeePass startup already.
  • Removed KDBX DOM code.
  • Installer: the KeePass start menu shortcut is now created directly in the programs folder; the other shortcuts have been removed (use the Control Panel for uninstalling and the 'Help' menu in KeePass to access the help).
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Quotes in parameters for the 'Execute command line / URL' trigger action are now escaped correctly.
  • Auto-type on Unix-like systems: window filters without wildcards now match correctly.

Förändringar v2.07 Beta -> v2.08

  • New Features:
  • Key transformation library: KeePass can now use Windows' CNG/BCrypt API for key transformations (about 50% faster than the KeePass built-in key transformation code; by increasing the amount of rounds by 50%, you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.07, but the protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is raised by a factor of 1.5; only Windows Vista and higher).
  • Added support for sending keystrokes (auto-type) to windows that are using different keyboard layouts.
  • Added option to remember key file paths (enabled by default).
  • Added internal editor for text files (text only and RTF formatted text; editor can edit entry attachments).
  • Internal data viewer: added support for showing rich text (text with formatting).
  • Added inheritable group settings for disabling auto-type and searching for all entries in this group (see tab 'Behavior'); for new recycle bins, both properties are set to disabled.
  • The password character picking dialog now supports pre-defining the number of characters to pick; append :k in the placeholder to specify a length of k (for example, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS3:5} would be a placeholder with ID 3 and would pick 5 characters from the password); advantage: when having picked k characters, the dialog closes automatically, i.e. saves you to click [OK].
  • IDs in {PICKPASSWORDCHARSn} do not need to be consecutive anymore.
  • The password character picking dialog now first dereferences passwords (i.e. placeholders can be used here, too).
  • Added '-minimize' command line option.
  • Added '-iousername', '-iopassword' and '-iocredfromrecent' command line options.
  • Added '--auto-type' command line option.
  • Added support for importing FlexWallet 1.7 XML files.
  • Added option to disable protecting the clipboard using the CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format.
  • Added support for WebDAV URLs (thanks to Ryan Press).
  • Added shortcut keys in master key prompt dialog.
  • Added entry templates functionality (first specify an entry templates group in the database settings dialog, then use the 'Add Entry' toolbar drop-down button).
  • Added AceCustomConfig class (accessible through host interface), that allows plugins to store their configuration data in the KeePass configuration file.
  • Added ability for plugins to store custom data in KDBX database files (PwDatabase.CustomData).
  • Added interface for custom password generation algorithm plugins.
  • URLs in the entry preview window are now always clickable (especially including cmd:// URLs).
  • Added option to copy URLs to the clipboard instead of opening them (Options -> Interface, turned off by default).
  • Added option to automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window (turned off by default).
  • Added 'Sync' command in KPScript scripting tool.
  • Added FIPS compliance problems self-test (see FAQ for details about FIPS compliance).
  • Added Rijndael/AES block size validation and configuration.
  • Added NotifyIcon workaround for Mono under Mac OS X.
  • Added confirmation box for empty master passwords.
  • Added radio buttons in auto-type sequence editing dialog to choose between the default entry sequence and a custom one.
  • Added hint that group notes are shown in group tooltips.
  • Added test for KeePass 1.x plugins and an appropriate error message.
  • Added interface for writing master password requirements validation plugins.
  • Key provider plugin API: enhanced key query method by a context information object.
  • Key provider plugin API: added 'DirectKey' property to key provider base class that allows returning keys that are directly written to the user key data stream.
  • Key provider plugin API: added support for exclusive plugins.
  • The '-keyfile' command line option now supports selecting key providers (plugins).
  • Auto-Type: added option to send an Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active (option enabled by default).
  • Added warning when trying to use only Alt or Alt-Shift as global hot key modifier.
  • TrlUtil: added search functionality and toolbar.
  • TrlUtil: version is now shown in the window title.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • Improved database file versioning and changed KDBX file signature in order to prevent older versions from corrupting newer files.
  • ShInstUtil now first tries to uninstall a previous native image before creating a new one.
  • Improved file corruption error messages (instead of index out of array bounds exception text, ...).
  • The 'Open in Browser' command now opens all selected entries instead of just the focused one.
  • Data-editing commands in the 'Tools' menu in the entry dialog are now disabled when being in history viewing mode.
  • Right arrow key now works correctly in group tree view.
  • Entry list is now updated when selecting a group by pressing a A-Z, 0-9 or numpad key.
  • Improved entry list performance and sorting behavior.
  • Improved splitter distance remembering.
  • Improved self-tests (KeePass now correctly terminates when a self-test fails).
  • The attachment column in the main window now shows the names of the attached files instead of the attachments count.
  • Double-clicking an attachment field in the main window now edits (if possible) or shows the first attachment of the entry.
  • Group modification times are now updated after editing groups.
  • Improved scrolling of the entry list in item grouping mode.
  • Changed history view to show last modification times, titles and user names of history entries.
  • KeePass now also automatically prompts to unlock when restoring to a maximized window.
  • Improved file system root directory support.
  • Improved generic CSV importer preview performance.
  • When saving a file, its path is not remembered anymore, if the option for opening the recently used file at startup is disabled.
  • Improved auto-type input blocking.
  • Instead of a blank text, the entry dialog now shows "(Default)" if the default auto-type sequence is used in a window-sequence association.
  • Most broadcasted Windows messages do not wait for hanging applications anymore.
  • Improved main window hiding at startup when the options to minimize after opening a database and to tray are enabled.
  • Default tray action is now dependent on mouse button.
  • New entries can now inherit custom icons from their parent groups.
  • Improved maximized state handling when exiting while the main window is minimized.
  • Improved state updating in key creation form.
  • Improved MRU list updating performance.
  • Improved plugin incompatibility error message.
  • Deprecated {DOCDIR}, use {DB_DIR} instead ({DOCDIR} is still supported for backward compatibility though).
  • Last modification times of TAN entries are now updated.
  • F12 cannot be registered as global hot key anymore, because it is reserved for kernel-mode / JIT debuggers.
  • Improved auto-type statement conversion routine in KeePass 1.x KDB file importer.
  • Improved column width calculation in file/data format dialog.
  • Improved synchronization status bar messages.
  • TrlUtil: base hash for forms is now computed using the form's client rectangle instead of its window size.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Recycle bin is now cleared correctly when clearing the database.

Förändringar v2.06 Beta -> v2.07 Beta

  • Added powerful trigger system (when events occur, check some conditions and execute a list of actions; see options dialog in 'Advanced'; more events / conditions / actions can be added later based on user requests, and can also be provided by plugins).
  • Native master key transformations (rounds) are now computed by the native KeePassLibC support library (which contains the new, highly optimized transformation code used by KeePass 1.15, in two threads); on dual/multi core processors this results in almost triple the performance as before (by tripling the amount of rounds you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.06, but the protection against dictionary and guessing attacks is tripled).
  • Added recycle bin (enabled by default, it can be disabled in the database settings dialog).
  • Added Salsa20 stream cipher for CryptoRandomStream (this algorithm is not only more secure than ArcFour, but also achieves a higher performance; CryptoRandomStream defaults to Salsa20 now; port developers: KeePass uses Salsa20 for the inner random stream in KDBX files).
  • KeePass is now storing file paths (last used file, MRU list) in relative form in the configuration file.
  • Added support for importing 1Password Pro CSV files.
  • Added support for importing KeePass 1.x XML files.
  • Windows XP and higher: added support for double-buffering in all list views (including entry lists).
  • Windows Vista and higher: added support for alpha-blended marquee selection in all list views (including entry lists).
  • Added 'EditEntry', 'DeleteEntry', 'AddEntries' and 'DeleteAllEntries' commands in KPScript scripting tool.
  • Added support for importing special ICO files.
  • Added option to exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time of inactivity.
  • Added option to minimize the main window after locking the KeePass workspace.
  • Added option to minimize the main window after opening a database.
  • Added support for exporting to KDBX files.
  • Added command to remove deleted objects information.
  • TrlUtil now checks for duplicate accelerator keys in dialogs.
  • Added controls in the entry editing dialog to specify a custom text foreground color for entries.
  • KeePass now retrieves the default auto-type sequence from parent groups when adding new entries.
  • The password character picking dialog can now be invoked multiple times when auto-typing (use {PICKPASSWORDCHARS}, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS2}, {PICKPASSWORDCHARS3}, etc.).
  • Added '-set-urloverride', '-clear-urloverride' and '-get-urloverride' command line options.
  • Added '-set-translation' command line option.
  • Added option to print custom string fields in details mode.
  • Various entry listings now support custom foreground and background colors for entry items.
  • Added 'click through' behavior for menus and toolbars.
  • File association methods are now UAC aware.
  • Improvements / Changes:
  • User interface is now blocked while saving to a file (in order to prevent accidental user actions that might interfere with the saving process).
  • Improved native modifier keys handling on 64-bit systems.
  • Improved application startup performance.
  • Added image list processing workaround for Windows 7.
  • OK button is now reenabled after manually activating the key file checkbox and selecting a file in the master key dialog.
  • The master key dialog now appears in the task bar.
  • When KeePass is minimized to tray and locked, pressing the global auto-type hot key doesn't restore the main window anymore.
  • The installer now by default installs KeePass 1.x and 2.x into separate directories in the program files folder.
  • The optional autorun registry keys of KeePass 1.x and 2.x do not collide anymore.
  • File type association identifiers of KeePass 1.x and 2.x do not collide anymore.
  • File MRU list now uses case-insensitive comparisons.
  • Improved preview updates in Print and Data Viewer dialogs.
  • Message service provider is thread safe now.
  • Threading safety improvements in KPScript scripting plugin.
  • Improved control state updates in password generator dialog.
  • Improved master password validation in 'New Database' dialog.
  • Times are now stored as UTC in KDBX files (ISO 8601 format).
  • Last access time fields are now updated when auto-typing, copying fields to the clipboard and drag&drop operations.
  • KPScript scripting tool now supports in-memory protection.
  • Database is not marked as modified anymore when closing the import dialog with Cancel.
  • Added asterisks in application policy editing dialog to make clearer that changing the policy requires a KeePass restart.
  • Double-clicking a format in the import/export dialog now automatically shows the file browsing dialog.
  • Improved permanent entry deletion confirmation prompt.
  • Improved font objects handling.
  • Expired groups are now rendered using a striked out font.
  • Improved auto-type statement conversion routine in KeePass 1.x KDB file importer.
  • Clipboard clearing countdown is not started anymore when copying data fails (e.g. policy disabled).
  • Improved synchronization with URLs.
  • The database maintenance dialog now only marks the database as modified when it actually has removed something.
  • KeePass now broadcasts a shell notification after changing the KDBX file association.
  • Improved warning message when trying to directly open KeePass 1.x KDB files.
  • Improved Linux / Mac OS X compatibility.
  • Improved MSI package (removed unnecessary dependency).
  • TrlUtil: improved NumericUpDown and RichTextBox handling.
  • Installer now checks for minimum operating system version.
  • Installer: file association is now a task, not a component.
  • Installer: various other improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • When cloning a group tree using drag&drop, KeePass now assigns correct parent group references to cloned groups and entries.
  • Fixed crash when clicking 'Cancel' in the settings dialog when creating a new database.

Förändringar v1.27 -> v1.28

  • New Features:
  • The estimated password quality (in bits) is now displayed on the quality progress bar, and right of the quality progress bar the length of the password is displayed.
  • Pattern-based password generator: the '^' character now removes the next character from the current custom character set (for example, [a^y] contains all lower-case alphanumeric characters except 'y').
  • In the cases where Windows would display outdated thumbnail and peek preview images for the main window, KeePass now requests Windows to use a static bitmap instead (showing only the KeePass logo).
  • While saving a database, a shutdown block reason is now specified.
  • Improvements:
  • Improved input control focusing in the master key dialog after displaying a validation error message.
  • When duplicating an entry, the last modification time is now copied from the source entry.
  • Improved window message relaying when KeePass is minimized to tray.
  • Upgraded installer.
  • Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.56.0.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Key provider plugins are now remembered correctly (if the option 'Remember key sources' is enabled).

Förändringar v1.26 -> v1.27

  • New Features:
  • Password text boxes now use a monospace font.
  • The 'Find in this Group' function now also searches in subgroups of the selected group.
  • {OPERA} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Opera.
  • Enhanced Internet Explorer detection.
  • Added high resolution version of the KeePass application icon.
  • Improvements:
  • Improved realization of the {CLEARFIELD} command (now using Bksp instead of Del, in order to avoid Ctrl+Alt+Del issues on newer Windows systems).
  • When the option 'Enable auto-type features' is deactivated, the global auto-type hot key is not registered anymore.
  • Improved quoted app paths parsing.
  • Font handling improvements.
  • Various files (e.g. 'History.txt') are now encoded using UTF-8.
  • Improved build system.
  • Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.55.0.
  • Various UI text improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • (None).

Förändringar v1.19b -> v1.20

  • New Features:
  • Added option to specify a database color; by specifying a color, the main window icon and the tray icon are recolored.
  • When searching for a string containing a whitespace character, KeePass now splits the terms and reports all entries containing all of the terms (e.g. when you search for "Forum KeePass" without the quotes, all entries containing both "Forum" and "KeePass" are reported); the order of the terms is arbitrary; if you want to search for a term containing whitespace, enclose the term in quotes.
  • Added support for sending keystrokes (auto-type) to windows that are using different keyboard layouts.
  • Improvements:
  • Improved version formatting in update dialog.
  • On Windows Vista and higher, the restart dialog after changing the language is now shown as modern task dialog.
  • KeePassLibC can now be compiled in debug x64 and release Unicode x64 mode.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • (None).

Förändringar v1.19 -> v1.19b

  • Command line options provided by plugins work correctly again.

Förändringar v1.17 -> v1.18

  • Password quality estimation algorithm: added check for about 1500 most common passwords (these are rated down to 1/8th of their statistical rating; Bloom filter-based implementation).
  • {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
  • KeePass now enables data execution prevention (DEP).
  • Improved lock overlay icon (higher resolution).
  • Improvements:
  • Improved character classification in password quality estimation algorithm.
  • Improved group and entries deletion confirmation dialogs (only Windows Vista and higher).
  • Items in the update checking, plugin and icon picker dialogs aren't underlined anymore when hovering over them.
  • The default expiry interval for new entries is now limited to a maximum of 8 years.
  • Renamed character repetition option in the password generator for improved clarity.
  • Added code to prevent loading libraries from the current working directory (to avoid binary planting attacks).
  • Installer: various minor improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.

Förändringar v1.11 -> v1.12

  • New Features:
  • Groups in the group list now behave like folders in Windows Explorer when moving groups/folders (i.e. sub-groups are also moved).
  • Added advanced option to drop to the background when copying data to the clipboard.
  • Added auto-type configuration dialog (button 'Auto-Type' in the options dialog, tab page 'Advanced'); this dialog now contains all options related to auto-type.
  • The default auto-type sequence can now be configured in the Auto-Type configuration dialog.
  • Added option to prepend a special auto-type initialization sequence for Internet Explorer and Maxthon windows to fix a focus issue (option enabled by default).
  • Added field reference creation dialog (accessible through the 'Tools' menu in the entry editing dialog).
  • KeePass now follows field references in indirect auto-type sequence paths.
  • Field references are dereferenced when copying data to the clipboard.
  • Secure edit controls in the master key and entry dialogs now accept text drops.
  • Group names in the entry details view are now clickable; click it to jump to the group of the entry (especially useful for jumping from search results to the real group of an entry).
  • Added documentation about how to customize KeePass (networks).
  • KeePass now shows an explicit file corruption warning message when saving to a file fails.
  • KeePass on Windows = XP now mimics the extended combobox behavior seen on Windows Vista: when pressing a character key, the next string starting with this character is selected (for example a file can be selected in the key files list now by pressing the key corresponding to the drive).
  • Entries in the auto-type entry selection window are now sorted.
  • Improvements:
  • The auto-type sequence and auto-type window definition lines are now removed before copying the contents of the notes field to the clipboard, executing an URL and/or auto-typing.
  • KeePass recreates the temporary system/account directory, if it has accidently been deleted.
  • When using the installation package and Windows Vista, settings are now stored in the user's profile directory (instead of Virtual Store; like on Windows XP and earlier).
  • If the option to remember the last used file is disabled, KeePass now won't remember the last used directory either.
  • Entry details view is now cleared when no entry is selected.
  • All edit combo boxes can now auto-scroll horizontally.
  • When security-critical operations are disabled, the 'unhide' button in the master key dialog is disabled now.
  • The read-only flag is not cleared anymore when closing a file (consequently locking will not clear the read-only flag).
  • When deleting a subgroup tree, backup entries of all deleted entries are now created in the 'Backup' group.
  • Improved status bar updating on WTS notifications.
  • {INSERT} works like {INS} now.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor installer improvements.
  • Minor other improvements.
  • Bugfixes:
  • "User Name" is now translated correctly in TXT exports.
  • Referencing passwords of other entries now works correctly.


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