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tisdag 16.4.2024 / 08:28
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Versionshistoria Lagarith Lossless Video Codec


Förändringar v1.3.26 -> v1.3.27

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the source video buffer is not aligned to a multiple of 8 for 32 bit systems. The issue still exists for 64-bit systems, but the fix for them isn't nearly as easy and it is a very rare issue so I am leaving it alone for now. Thanks to Peter Dimov for reporting this and providing a way to reproduce the issue.
  • Restored a table entry in the Fibonacci coder I accidently deleted; this would cause video corruption or crashes when playing back high-resolution video.
  • Fixed some pointers being treated as 32-bit integers when instantiating the codec; this could result in the pointer being trucated and the application crashing on 64 bit systems. Thanks to Stuart MacKinnon for reporting this and tracking down the cause.
  • Added exception handling in the range decoder; I am still getting a few reports of issues with Adobe products, and this will help me determine if there is still a buffer overrun in certain cases.


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