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Versionshistoria SmallDVD for Mac OS X (Intel)


Förändringar v2.3 -> v2.4

  • You can now:
  • specify the colour of the buttons, labels, and the highlight and select colours used when navigating the DVD
  • choose to use a solid colour as the background instead of an image file
  • choose whether the buttons should have borders (I always thought this was necessary, but turns out they weren’t).

Förändringar v2.1 -> v2.2

  • Additional text can be placed on the menu without being linked to any video file. This would typically be used for creating a title for the menu or other labels. To create a label, add text to the button position table (see image below for an example). Anything without text specified will be used as a button.
  • Fonts for buttons and labels can be specified separately, and can be set from Font Book. Clicking the font icon next to font name will take the currently selected font in Font Book. If the Font Book application is not running, it will open it first.
  • The default menu template now has 8 buttons instead of 4.
  • The menu template defaults have been moved to a proper preferences file (this was something I only discovered how to do after the initial release of SmallDVD, and had never got round to changing). This does mean that SmallDVD 2.2 ignores defaults saved in previous versions, but it makes it feasible to edit these outside SmallDVD using the Property List Editor. Open the file Library/Preferences/ file if you need to do this.

Förändringar v2.0 beta 3 -> v2.0

  • fixed the occasional Applescript errors
  • changed the default background image to something a bit blacker

Förändringar v1.0 -> v2.0 beta 3

  • added control over the conversion bitrate for non-MPEG2 input files
  • overhauled user interface, which merges the video file selection and template editor windows
  • Known problems:
  • Currently, only three conversion rates are available, “Good”, “Better” and “Best”. In the future I will add more, and allow custom settings. “Good” and “Better” fit about 130 minutes onto a 4.3Gb DVD, “Best” fits about 95 minutes. “Good” is does a single pass conversion, “Better” and “Best” do two-pass conversion which is slower, but higher quality.
  • When selecting “New” or “Load” from the file menu, there’s an error displayed. You can just ignore this, it doesn’t do any harm.

Förändringar v2.01 -> v2.0 Beta 2

  • The main new feature in this release is the ability to set custom video and audio conversion bitrates. There are also one or two minor bug fixes.

Förändringar v1.0 -> v2.01

  • Control over the conversion bitrate for non-MPEG2 input files
  • Overhauled user interface, which merges the video file selection and template editor windows

Förändringar v0.8 -> v1.0

  • doubled the size of the preview window
  • fixed the “can’t get word 2″ error when trying to add invalid video files


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