Versionshistoria WinSCP
Förändringar v5.7.2 -> v5.7.3
- Using FTP command SIZE in binary mode.
- Optionally determining local file icon by extension only.
- Ensuring that sessions to be opened in a new window does not get actually opened back in the existing window.
- Bug fix: SFTP transfers fail occasionally.
- Bug fix: Controls occasionally do not align correctly after restoring maximized window from minimization.
- Bug fix: Embedded session is not opened.
- Bug fix: SCP session breaks when an output includes a null character.
- Bug fix: Error retrieving file attributes with FTP protocol when the path is given with trailing slash.
- Bug fix: Sort arrow was shown on unsortable Find dialog.
- Bug fix: File mask with size constraint over 4 GB does not work.
- Bug fix: When dragging files from local panel to local tree, status bar is not updated.
- Bug fix: Local directory tree does not show newly created folder.
- Bug fix: Local directory tree stops reflecting changes after creating new folder.
- Bug fix: Failure when HTTPS WebDAV URL redirects to HTTP.
- Bug fix: Certificate validation fails, when HTTP WebDAV URL redirects to HTTPS.
- Bug fix: Some redirected WebDAVS connection error messages show original host name instead of the actual host name.
- Bug fix: WebDAVS certificate failure override for redirected session is stored for original host name.
- Bug fix: During file transfers on FTP servers that do not support MLSD command, file details are not provided on overwrite confirmation prompt and transfer progress is not shown correctly.
- Bug fix: Edit commands on all Internal editors reflect state of the currently focused editor, instead of their editor.
Förändringar v5.7.1 -> v5.7.2
- Reporting relative addresses in stack trace.
- Bug fix: SFTP/SCP transfers occasionally time out.
- Bug fix: Fail gracefully when internal command generated by WinSCP .NET assembly is too long.
- Bug fix: Failure when “downloading and deleting” an empty remote directory with .NET assembly.
- Bug fix: When overwriting configuration export, new configuration is appended, instead of replacing the previous export.
- Bug fix: When listing WebDAV directory using relative path, the listing includes a reference to the directory itself.
- Bug fix: Failure when pressing help icon while no control has focus.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing log window during activity.
- Bug fix: Incorrect encoding of SSH_FXP_REALPATH.
Förändringar v5.7 -> v5.7.1
- Translations added: Croatian, Finnish, Korean and Polish.
- Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.64.
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1m.
- Not requiring confirmation when canceling an operation.
- Import of Base64-encoded passwords from FileZilla.
- Progress window uses Skip button instead of Cancel when calculating transfer size. 1296
- Workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp bug in SSH_FXP_REALPATH handling with SFTP version 6. 1289
- Not asking for master password repeatedly when opening Generate URL dialog. Not asking at all unless user chooses to include password into URL.
- More space for information about translators.
- Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.64. private-key-not-wiped-2 diffie-hellman-range-check
- Bug fix: Failure when working with stored sites when a temporary hidden site for interprocess communication is not properly removed.
- Bug fix: Overwrite confirmation prompt displays name of source file instead of target file, when file name changes, with SFTP, SCP and WebDAV protocols. 1290
- Bug fix: Transfer was not resumed after moving the transfer to the background when source and target file name differs with FTP protocol.
- Bug fix: Failure when trying to open another externally initiated session while externally initiated session is opening.
- Bug fix: It is not possible to configure certificate accepting with WebDAV protocol in .NET assembly. 1284
- Bug fix: User and group name is not decoded properly from UTF-8 encoding with SFTP version 3 and older. 1288
- Bug fix: When calculating size of files to transfer is canceled, not using the incomplete results to estimate transfer progress.
- Bug fix: When local custom command is applied to a remote folder, it is unconditionally uploaded back after the command finishes. 1294
- Bug fix: Calculation of transfer size could not be moved to background.
Förändringar v5.6.4 RC -> v5.6.5 RC
- Local custom commands can optionally be executed with remote file paths to allow extending WinSCP functionality using scripts.
- Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
Förändringar v5.6.3 Beta -> v5.6.4 RC
- Improved an automatic reconnect.
- Remembering the last working directories in a workspace.
- Calculating a remote file checksum is supported with FTP protocol.
Förändringar v5.6.2 Beta -> v5.6.3 Beta
- Improved GUI responsiveness.
- Sites can be mass-modified using command-line
Förändringar v5.6.1 Beta -> v5.6.2 Beta
- Files modified by local custom command are uploaded back.
- Improved Synchronization checklist window.
- UTF-8 support for SCP.
- Global configuration options can be set on command-line.
- Improved compatibility with antiquated FTP servers, like IIS.
- Natural order numerical sorting of file names and sites.
- Support for ProFTPD FTP extensions to duplicate a remote file, and to create a symbolic link.
- Timestamp variable in scripting.
- Fixes for various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
Förändringar v5.6 beta -> v5.6.1 Beta
- Allowed stored sites, including their names and initial directories, to preserve Unicode characters.
- Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support.
- Workaround for Bitvise WinSSHD lack of SFTP extensions announcement.
- Support for OpenSSH extension for creating hardlinks.
- Open command can open directories.
- WinSCP can register to handle WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses (winscp-http:// and winscp-https://).
- Improved stack trace reporting for internal errors.
- No showing suggestion to delete file in error when overwriting file on non-interactive displays.
- Workaround for FTP servers that do not enclose path in response to PWD command in quotes.
- Bug fix: Failure when opening SCP session.
- Bug fix: Missing help link for Note page of Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation.
- Bug fix: Wrong formatting of some error messages on log view of Keep remote directory up to date dialog with Continue on error option enabled.
- Bug fix: Modified edited/opened remote files are incorrectly uploaded using an active session, instead of their original session.
Förändringar v5.5.5 -> v5.5.6
- Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6.2 beta release:
- TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects.
- Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. 1210
- Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. 1222
- SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE).
Förändringar v5.5.4 -> v5.5.5
- Fixes for various OpenSSL vulnerabilities;
- Improved compatibility with various SFTP servers.
Förändringar v5.5.3 -> v5.5.4
- Fix for CVE-2014-0224 OpenSSL vulnerability;
- Small improvements to .NET assembly and scripting.
Förändringar v5.5.2 -> v5.5.3
- Fix for CVE-2014-0160 OpenSSL vulnerability;
- Improvements for running under Wine.
Förändringar v5.5.1 -> v5.5.2
- Cloning site without hostname when Enter key is pressed. 1115
- Preventing “Message too long to send to external console” error. 1121
- When listing local files during operation fails, including path into error message. 1131
- NuGet package for .NET assembly. 1145
- Bug fix: Prompt to import sites was not skipped during silent install. 1112
- Bug fix: Transfer settings speed limit does not apply. 1114
- Bug fix: Edited file is reloaded from active session, not from original session. 603
- Bug fix: Caption of New Site node on Login dialog is not translated when language is changed.
- Bug fix: Error on every even opening/editing of remote file while having New and updated files only option set as default. 1118
- Bug fix: Incorrect Login dialog placement when application was closed on non-primary monitor above or to the left of primary monitor. 1119
- Bug fix: In countries that changed timezone, file times before the change were set wrong for downloaded files. 1122
- Bug fix: Incorrect handling of remote files ending with dot with FTP protocol. 1128
- Bug fix: Speed limit of waiting background transfer shows incorrect value and cannot be changed. 1129
- Bug fix: Selecting private key file with space in path yields error message when submitting Advanced Site Settings dialog. 1130
- Bug fix: .NET assembly Session.FileTransferProgress is not included in COM event sink. 1134
- Bug fix: When main window was restored from notification area while message box was displayed, main window could receive focus.
- Bug fix: Notification balloons showing transfer configuration/error were showing ** markup.
- Bug fix: When minimized, message boxes were popping up on foreground.
- Bug fix: Main menu accelerators are not working. 1143
- Bug fix: Scaled-down version of 32×32 icon was used in task bar notification area instead of 16×16 icon. 1144
- Bug fix: Failure when ending Windows session when main window is minimized.
- Bug fix: Occasional failure when run from Session 0. 1146
- Bug fix: Timeout while trying to resume upload with FTP protocol. Thanks to Michael Lukashov.
- Bug fix: With FTP protocol Set permissions transfer setting was incorrectly enabled for synchronization in Both mode.
Förändringar v5.5.0 -> v5.5.1
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.2.7 Beta -> v5.5.0
- Distinguishing main question/information of even more messages.
- Detecting symbolic link loops when finding files. 1093
- Remembering Synchronized browsing state with site only when Remember last used directory is enabled. 963
- New installer icon.
- Visualizing instant operations (such as copying data to clipboard or creating a desktop shortcut) with hourglass mouse cursor.
- Showing full path to an INI file on Preferences dialog.
- Not allowing to switch from /ini=nul configuration storage to avoid data loss.
- Improved display of lists on Server and protocol information dialog.
- Bug fix: During reconnect user was prompted with password even when password was remembered already.
- Bug fix: Option to remember password for session was not working for authentication of background transfers and separate shell sessions.
- Bug fix: Removing BOM on text mode FTP uploads was unconditional. 1096
Förändringar v5.2.6 Beta -> v5.2.7 Beta
- This version enables checking disk space usage, when connected to OpenSSH server, and fixes several bugs
Förändringar v5.2.5 Beta -> v5.2.6 Beta
- Improved registration for URL protocols:
- - WinSCP registers itself with Default Programs control panel for protocol URLS sftp://, scp://, ftp:// and ftps:// on Windows Vista and newer.
- - WinSCP handles application specific protocol URLs winscp-sftp://, winscp-scp://, winscp-ftp:// and winscp-ftps://.
- - It is possible to remove protocol registration from Preferences.
- - It is possible to open Default Programs control panel for WinSCP from Preferences.
- - When registering machine-wide, current-user-specific registration that would shadow it is removed.
- New icons for Move to and Duplicate commands and dialogs.
- Keyboard shortcut to open site in PuTTY on Login dialog. 1079
- When saving session opened from SFTP/SCP URL with host key fingerprint, the hostkey is saved to cache.
- Improved distinguishing main question of master-password related message boxes.
- Removed icon from Quit command in menus.
- Not adding UTF-8 BOM to files edited in an Internal editor. 1081
- For FTP sessions over implicit TLS/SSL, Copy URL to Clipboard command uses ftps:// protocol.
- Support FTP servers that require TLS/SSL handshake on transfer connection before responding 1yz to STOR/APPE. 1084
- Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SSH tunnel. 1076
- Bug fix: Failure on start when any site has proxy or tunnel password protected with master password. 1077
- Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting a session.
- Bug fix: Failure during some operations in FTP over TLS/SSL session. 1078
- Bug fix: When saving site from SFTP/SCP URL, the saved site was not pre-selected on the Login dialog, unless the URL contained host key fingerprint.
- Bug fix: Failure when selecting SSH private key. 1080
- Bug fix: Time-based SSH key re-exchange does not work. 1082
- Bug fix: Passwords are lost when any raw session settings is specified in scripting or command-line. 1083
Förändringar v5.2.3 Beta -> v5.2.4 Beta
- Three SSH security vulnerabilities fixed;
- Many improvements for large font/high DPI environments;
- Redesigned message boxes;
- and more bug fixes and improvements
Förändringar v5.2.2 Beta -> v5.2.3 Beta
- Fix and lots of improvements for working with master password
- Synchronization preview in scripting
- and more bug fixes and improvements
Förändringar v5.2.1 Beta -> v5.2.2 Beta
- Simplified Login dialog: ?Both site tree and basic session controls are visible at the same time.
- - Login dialog is resizable. 378
- - Modal editing of sites.
- - Advanced session controls moved to a separate dialog Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- - Context menu for site tree.
- - Site name and path are specified separately when saving site.
- - Separate entry for New Site in site tree.
- - Global settings such as Interface and Logging removed from Login dialog.
- - Language selection moved from Languages button of Login dialog to Languages page of Preferences dialog.
- - Display of sessions in workspace.
- - SSH Private key file box moved to SSH tab of Advanced Site Settings dialog.
- Performance improvement.
- Custom command pattern !`command` that expands to output of local command.
- Subset of custom command patterns can be used in PuTTY path, including !/, !@, !U, !P, !?prompt?! and !`command`. This among other allows opening PuTTY in the same directory as current WinSCP working directory 326; or using different SSH client, such as KiTTY 966.
- Buttons that open drop down menu are marked with an arrow.
- New icons for Console, Find and Synchronization Checklist windows.
- Session settings can be exported also to KiTTY, when opening session in PuTTY/KiTTY.
- Configurable registry key for exporting sessions to PuTTY(-like) clients. 1006
- Suppressing critical error popups. 1007
- New shell icons for site, site folder and workspace.
- Relevant help is available for more error messages.
- Renamed Login and Preferences dialogs’ “tabs” to “pages”.
- Help border button is available on message boxes.
- Prompt answers Yes to All/No to All moved closer to the primary Yes/No answers.
- Internal error message boxes feature Report button to directly report the error on support forum.
- Allowing filtering subdirectories. 1018
- Event `Session.FileTransferProgress` is always raised when file transfer completes.
- Bug fix: Remote panel state is lost after closing Console window. 1004
- Bug fix: Failure when reading file into internal editor. 1005
- Bug fix: Fragments in Help links were not working.
- Bug fix: Failure when disposing Session of .NET assembly. 1008
- Bug fix: Failure when pressing Shift key in console prompt with 1009
- Bug fix: Constant CPU usage when queue is empty. 1013
- Bug fix: Missing labels for some answers in scripting (such as Yes to All/No to All on overwrite confirmation prompt).
- Bug fix: Option Support for listing if hidden files is not working. 1015
- Bug fix: Cannot open context menu on another list or tree entry or different view location, while another context menu of the same view is already opened.
- Bug fix: SSH vulnerability. 1017
- Bug fix: Mismatched warnings about accepting any SSH hostkey and SSL certificate respectively.
- Bug fix: Timeout prompt sometime never dismisses, even when host finally replies, with SFTP/SCP protocol.
Förändringar v5.2 beta -> v5.2.1 Beta
- Not showing disconnect error message before reconnecting inactive session to upload edited file.
- Changing default tab size to 8.
- Renamed WinSCP .NET assembly to winscpnet.dll to avoid conflicts with winscp.exe. 945
- Command Clear caches clears also cache of secondary shell session.
- Change: Not trying to kill WinSCP process from .NET assembly Session finalizer.
- Calculating hot track color of path label to be in contrast with background. 992
- Simplifying overwrite confirmation prompt: 993 ?Grouping advanced commands to drop down menu under button with related common command.
- Added thousands separators to sizes.
- Offering to remember password for duration of session on password prompt (when preferences Remember password for duration of session is turned off).
- File sizes on Synchronization Checklist and Find dialogs are optionally shown using short format.
- Swapped order of Use MLSD command for directory listing and Support for listing of hidden files FTP session options. Also disabling the latter unless the first is set to Off.
- Not allowing Timezone offset session setting with FTP protocol, while MLSD listing command is used.
- Not opening session from jumplist in existing instance, if it is showing error.
- Logging parsed directory listing on Normal logging level (previously on Debug 1 level).
- Moved option to remember session password from Background to Security tab of Preferences dialog
- Cached SSH host keys are imported by default
- Bug fix: It was not possible to pass sequence of consecutive delimiters when skipping to the next “word” in path input boxes.
- Bug fix: Opened/Closed folder icons on Location profile dialog were swapped.
- Bug fix: Build script was not working on 64-bit.
- Bug fix: Build script was calling non-existing target clean.
- Bug fix: Taskbar button does not flash, when message pops up, while WinSCP is on background. 988
- Bug fix: Custom command pattern !/ had incorrect value when executed on existing secondary shell session just after directory change. 989
- Bug fix: Wrong background of path labels with disabled themes. 990
- Bug fix: Cannot import FileZilla sites in folders. 994
- Bug fix: FileZilla site logon type is not imported. 995
- Bug fix: Installer was asking for name of program menu folder, although no folder is created anymore.
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting session with automatic remote panel refresh enabled. 997
- Bug fix: Failure when using mouse wheel with mouse cursor outside of WinSCP window. 998
- Bug fix: Failure when canceling FTP password prompt.
- Bug fix: When “Change stored password to this one” option is checked on password prompt, password is not updated for current session.
- Bug fix: Mouse range selection does not start from focused file after directory reload. 999
- Bug fix: IP address range 172.16-172.31 was not detected as unroutable for FTP passive mode. 1001
- Bug fix: Opening session in PuTTY does not work. 1002
Förändringar v5.1.4 -> v5.2 beta
- Many improvements to user interface, including new icon set
- Simplified Transfer options dialog
- Improved working with transfer settings and presets
- Workspace saving
- Sites incremental searching on Login dialog
- Sites import from Filezilla
- Displaying queue status on taskbar button
- Source code of .NET assembly is available for the first time
Förändringar v5.1.7 -> v5.1.8
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.1.6 -> v5.1.7
- Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.63. 1039
- Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security and memory-leak fixes from PuTTY 0.63. 1039 vuln-modmul vuln-bignum-division-by-zero private-key-not-wiped
- Bug fix: Not allowing search path to exceed system limit of 2048 characters. 1025
- Bug fix: No error is displayed and session is not immediately closed when detecting variable containing command return code fails with SCP protocol. 1032
- Bug fix: On failure to overwrite local file (e.g. due to permissions), error “The system cannot find the file specified” was shown instead of the actual cause.
Förändringar v5.1.5 -> v5.1.6
- This version fixes several bugs, vulnerability and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.1.4 -> v5.1.5
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.1.3 -> v5.1.4
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1e.
- Not requiring the .NET assembly to exist in file. 970
- Not considering 3xx error code an error for post-login FTP commands. 972
- Workaround for servers that do not acknowledge file transfer. 976
- Bug fix: Failure after system-wide change. 962
- Bug fix: Issuer and Subject were swapped on Certificate verification prompt. 967
- Bug fix: Traversed subfolders are incorrectly included in find results. 968
- Bug fix: Wrong color indicator on session tab when session was not switched by clicking on the tab. 974
- Bug fix: Failure when auto remote directory refresh was triggered during operation initiated by drag&drop. 975
- Bug fix: Wrong timezone offset was applied with FTP protocol. 977
- Bug fix: It was not possible to preserve timezone offset of 24 hours and greater in stored session.
- Bug fix: Wrong timestamp conversion with FTP protocol. 978
- Bug fix: Error in .NET assembly when temporary path contains exclamation mark. 980
- Bug fix: Indefinite chain of errors when XML logging fails.
Förändringar v5.1.2 -> v5.1.3
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.1.1 -> v5.1.2
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.1 -> v5.1.1
- New VeriSign publisher certificate used for signing binaries.
- Including timezone information in a session log file.
- Installer creates desktop icon for all users by default.
- On Windows 8, installer creates only main icon on the Start screen.
- Added commands to execute PuTTYgen and Pageant to Tools menu on Login dialog.
- Allowing multiple fingerprints in SessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint and SessionOptions.HostSslCertificateFingerprint. 932
- Logging FTP raw directory listing on Normal logging level.
- Raw session setting TunnelHostKey to verify tunnel session hostkey. 938
- Bug fix: Failure when saving file opened from closed session. 918
- Bug fix: Invalid executable signature. 924
- Bug fix: Never create Quick Launch icon on Windows 7 and newer.
- Bug fix: Notifications of completed operation (such as balloon notifications), when application is minimized, were not working.
- Bug fix: Hangs when showing Log windows while logging in. 925
- Bug fix: Retrieving file stats using non-absolute path may fail with FTP protocol. 930
- Bug fix: Error retrieving file stats using full path with FTP protocol. 926
- Bug fix: Treat timestamps in FTP MLSD/MLST results as UTC. 923
- Bug fix: Failure when FTP server returns “parent” directory is MLSD directory listing. 922
- Bug fix: Background transfer queues were not re-arranged with the sessions, when changing session tab order. 928
- Bug fix: Incorrect file was renamed when changing remote directory using directory tree while renaming file. 933
- Bug fix: Incorrect file list/directory tree splitter color (with themes turned off).
- Bug fix: Command on Console windows is not saved to history, when executed using Enter key. 934
- Bug fix: Could not use .NET assembly from path with special characters (like #). 935
- Bug fix: On re-installation, drag&drop shell extension was sometime not activated.
- Bug fix: Hangs when stopping watching for changes in local folder. 915
- Bug fix: Failure when canceling password prompt with FTP protocol. 936
- Bug fix: Empty directory listing was loaded twice with MLSD with FTP command. 937
Förändringar v5.0.8 RC -> v5.0.9 RC
- This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
Förändringar v5.0.7 Beta -> v5.0.8 RC
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1c.
- Drag & drop to re-order session tabs. 862
- Local files can be dragged to session tabs for upload. 865
- Remote files can be dragged to session tabs for duplication. 884
- Color icon on session tab. 863
- FTP passive mode IP address is substituted with connection address automatically when passive mode address is unroutable. 883
- Contents of opened internal editors is automatically backed up, when application is abruptly closed. 886
- Session color menu is available on session tab context menu.
- Filter command added to address toobars and context menu of file panels. 732
- Lock toolbars command added to context menu of file panel toolbars. 754
- Added Session.CreateDirectory and Session.RenameFile methods to .NET assembly. 822 833
- Added Session.Abort method to .NET assembly. 890
- Change: Scripting command rm and .NET assembly Session.RemoveFiles method can remove directories as well. 887
- Postponing upload of modified edited remote file to allow the editor finish saving of the file. 870
- When transfer settings preset selected for transfer or synchronization is changed, the transfer settings are updated to the new preset configuration.
- Support for directory listing with timestamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm with SCP protocol. 853
- With scripting exit code is recorded in the session log file.
- Properties of Session class that cannot be changed after session starts, throw an exception when set.
- It is possible to set limit to try reconnecting broken sessions using Session.ReconnectTime. 860
- Change: Remote files are never recycled, unless explicitly enabled. 867
- UTF-8 byte-order-mask is stripped on FTP upload. 888
- Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F4 for internal editor in Commander interface. 827
- Keyboard shortcut Alt+Up for opening parent directory. 605
- Taking tabs into account when calculating column position in an Internal editor. 789
- Double buffered drawing of session tabs to prevent flicker.
- Windows 8 compatibility and certification: ?Not saving random seed file, when run for maintenance task, e.g. during installation/uninstallation, to comply with Windows 8 certification.
- ?Other compatibility improvements.
- Using name of focused file as initial name for a new file. 873
- When generation of temporary file for .NET assembly fails, meaningful exception is thrown and status of temporary folder is logged to help troubleshooting.
- Falling back to Virtual folder when looking for an INI file to maintain compatibility with WinSCP 4.x on Windows Vista and newer. 874
- Parsed directory listing is logged.
- AES is preferred encryption cipher again. 880
- Directory listings lacking inode column are supported. 881
- Dialogs are placed in the center of their parent window.
- Improved debug logging of .NET assembly.
- Logging collection of files for synchronization.
- Beta versions always check for beta versions updates.
- Bug fix: Restore selection command shortcut changed to Shift+Ctrl+R (it used to have the same shortcut as Automatically refresh directory after operation).
- Bug fix: “Operation aborted” messages were not suppressed.
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnect failed (generalizing fix). 829
- Bug fix: Missing icons in jumplist. 854
- Bug fix: Session.FileExists was failing with “Recursive calls not allowed”. 852
- Bug fix: Some UTF-8 encoded files were incorrectly loaded into an Internal Editor. 859
- Bug fix: Failure when changing active session while background transfer queue list was being updated. 864
- Bug fix: Main window was not restoring from system tray sometimes. 745
- Bug fix: Failure was not reported, when opening of secondary shell session to execute remote command failed. 871
- Bug fix: Hidden files were not dimmed, when Name column was not the first one (including the hidden columns). 872
- Bug fix: Instruction-only authentication prompts were failed, when predefined password was used in prior prompt already. 877
- Bug fix: Error when connecting to FTPS servers not supporting SSL session resuming. 879
- Bug fix: Occasional hang when dialog was opened from an internal editor window. 882
- Bug fix: Bugs and other three-state session options were logged incorrectly.
- Bug fix: Switch /xmllog was not working in GUI sessions.
- Bug fix: Could not connect to SSH server without storing hostkey fingerprint. 889
- Bug fix: Support for MLSD FTP command was not detected. 891
- Bug fix: File permissions were not retrieved from MLSD FTP directory listing.
- Bug fix: Searching messages without associated help page on documentation site was not working.
- Bug fix: Warning about overriding script options include and exclude by -filemask switch was sometimes shown incorrectly.
Förändringar v5.0.6 Beta -> v5.0.7 Beta
- UTF-8 support in an internal editor.
- Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.1b.
- Several small improvements to application look and feel.
- WinSCP now optionally reports anonymous usage statistics to WinSCP team. You can opt-out if you like.
Förändringar v4.3.7 -> v5.0.6 Beta
- Prototype of .NET assembly built around WinSCP scripting interface.
- Upgrade to PuTTY 0.62 and OpenSSL 1.0.0g.
- Improvements to file masks.
- Improvements to scripting.
Förändringar v5.0.4 Beta -> v5.0.5 Beta
- This version fixes yet more bugs and adds few improvements.
Förändringar v5.0.3 Beta -> v5.0.4 Beta
- Icon is assigned to all top-level windows, in particular to initial Login dialog, so that there?s always WinSCP icon in the Alt+Tab view.
- Bug fix: Synchronization check list view was corrupted.
- Bug fix: Failure when changing view style in Explorer interface. 753
- Bug fix: It was not possible to drag more than one file. 756
- Bug fix: Default permissions for new remote directory did not include Execute right. 762
Förändringar v5.0.2 Beta -> v5.0.3 Beta
- Taskbar jump list support on Windows 7.
- Tab selector for sessions.
- Queue processing can be disabled.
- Synchronized browsing is configurable per stored session.
Förändringar v5.0.1 Beta -> v5.0.2 Beta
- Any session configuration option can be set on command line and/or scripting in raw format using /rawsettings switch. 520
- Change: Binary transfer mode is default. 670
- Change: Connection error is recorded in XML log in new subtag result of root tagsession. 545
- Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. 165
- Environment variables are resolved in session hostname and username. 392
- Installer without OpenCandy does not include OpenCandy licence anymore.
- Option to enable active mode with FTP protocol in scripting. 669
- Both session (text) and XML log can be produced at the same time. 481
- Bug fix: Failure when cancelling login dialog. 728
- Bug fix: Failure to locate GetTimeZoneInformationForYear. 729
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working.
- Bug fix: Duplicate shortcut key in local Open directory window. 710
Förändringar v5.0 Beta -> v5.0.1 Beta
- This version fixes several regression bugs and adds some new functionality.
Förändringar v4.3.4 -> v5.0 Beta
- Unicode support.
- Explorer-style file selection with mouse is enabled by default in Commander interface.
- Bug fix: Buttons on Login dialog sometimes got hidden.
- Bug fix: ? at the end of file mask did not enforce presence of character.
- Bug fix: Failure when session is closed unexpectedly in scripting.
Förändringar v4.3.3 -> v4.3.4
- This release upgrades SSH core to PuTTY 0.61 and fixes several bugs.
Förändringar v4.3.2 -> v4.3.3
- Rolled back increase of socket internal buffer size for SSH. 677
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-03-04, revision 9120). It brings following changes:
- Support for “” compression. 146
- Small performace improvements.
- On Windows 7 progress of operation is shown on the taskbar button. 437
- URLs with IPv6 address are supported. 681
- Removed length limit for FTP Post login commands. 673
- Colon in stored session name and IPv6 addresses is escaped when used for generated name of session log file.
- State of Advanced options checkbox is always remembered. 650
- Source of the configuration is stored into session log. 683
- Navigating back/forward with synchronized browsing enabled affects both panels. 625
- When renaming a file during transfer, only filename (without an extension) is optionally selected. 664
- File renaming is not started, when only focusing application. 651
- Session colors are used on stored session list. 687
- Setup will default to use the same language as the last time.
- Setup will not try to replace the drag&drop shell extension unless newer version is included. This prevents setup from requiring restart in many cases. 686
- Bug fix: Incorrect conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST on Windows 2008 R2. 671
- Bug fix: Failure on transfer error with SCP protocol. 674
- Bug fix: Invalid timezone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol. 675
- Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working on x64. 662
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnection fails with FTP protocol. 680
- Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting with FTP protocol. 676
- Bug fix: chmod command was not skipped with SCP protocol, when changing file properties but not changing permissions. 645
- Bug fix: Error when uploading file with specific size with FTP protocol. 684
Förändringar v4.3.1 Beta -> v4.3.2
- 2011-02-23SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0d.
- Enabled TLS extensions in OpenSSL, what resolves problems with some FTP servers. 658
- Change: Compare directories command uses Shift+F2 shortcut instead of Ctrl+C. 641
- Added support for dragging files from WinRAR. 399.
- Default ascii file mask extended with *.js. 642
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-02-21, revision 9101).
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working.
- Bug fix: Error response to SFTP initialization request was sometimes parsed incorrectly.
- Bug fix: It was not possible to skip errors during some operations. 654
- Bug fix: Home directory was incorrect after reconnect with FTP protocol. 659
- Bug fix: It was sometimes not possible to initiate file renaming. 657
Förändringar v4.3.0 Beta -> v4.3.1 Beta
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0c.
- File renaming is not started, when only focusing file panel. 570
- Bug fix: Failure when logging in ad-hoc session. 632
- Bug fix: Failure when directory is reloaded while renaming file. 633
- Bug fix: Values with special characters were not exported correctly to PuTTY. 634
- Bug fix: Invalid DST handling in the Southern hemisphere. 638
- Bug fix: Synchronized browsing was not preserved, when restarting application. 639
Förändringar v4.2.9 -> v4.3.0 Beta
- 2010-11-07Increased socket internal buffer size for SSH. It should improve transfer speed. Thanks to ultramage. 615
- Environment variables are resolved in path to external editor. 563
- Include/exclude masks can be used when moving files between local and remote directories. 536
- Add to Bookmarks and Refresh commands added to context menus of panel path labels. 624
- Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. 165
- Change: Links to website and help are no longer created in start menu folder. 616
- Autocomplete disabled for most of the combo boxes. 619
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-09-27, revision 9010). It brings following changes:
- Improved port forwarding robustness.
- When disconnected because there are no supported authentication methods left to try, the error message contains the list of methods sent by the server.
- Standard GSS libraries are now loaded from standard locations rather than using the default DLL search path.
- Other small bugs fixed.
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0a.
- Bug fix: Error when refreshing panel content. 617
- Bug fix: Error when more background transfers finish at the same moment. 622
- Bug fix: Script does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode. 623
- Bug fix: Main window appeared in background, when prompt for master password appeared during authentication. 629
Förändringar v4.2.8 -> v4.2.9
- Never try to rename file to the very same name. 604
- Bug fix: Failure when executing custom command and not capturing its output. 587
- Bug fix: GSSAPI/Kerberos was not working. 590
- Bug fix: Local file timestamp was interpreted incorrectly for synchronization on Windows 7. 591
- Bug fix: Failure on close scripting command. 599
- Bug fix: Edited file was reloaded from active session, not from original session. 603
- Bug fix: Path history was mixed among sessions. 607
- Bug fix: Session closed after operation completes was automatically reconnected. 608
- Bug fix: Check for application updates was hanging. 611
- Bug fix: Missing content on OpenCandy screen. 600
Förändringar v4.2.5 -> v4.2.6
- ZIP archive with both executables is released instead of just compressed EXE. 523
- Automatically named session is renamed when hostname and/or username is modified. 532
- When reading of file to be edited fails, empty internal editor is no longer shown.
- Forcing width of message box not to exceed screen width.
- Environment variables in path to private key file are resolved before passing it to PuTTY to open the session. 524
- WinSCP name is included in balloon notifications. 533
- Timezone offset can be set up to +/-25 hours. 534
- Setup does not query OpenCandy for ads when running silent install.
- Small visual changes for Windows 7.
- Being tolerant to FTP servers enclosing path in 257 response to single quotes. 541
- SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-01-17, revision 8846). Fixing memory leak.
- SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.8l.
- Bug fix: Bookmarks with equal sign in their name were not preserved when using INI file. 522
- Bug fix: Synchronize browsing failed, when entering local directory, while current remote path was root. 525
- Bug fix: Having higher logging level set decreased performance even when logging itself was disabled. 526
- Bug fix: Error when running ad hoc custom command. 529
- Bug fix: Tray icon was sometimes not removed when application closed.
- Bug fix: Navigation tree on Preferences dialog was corrupted sometimes. 539
- Bug fix: Memory leak while authenticating with private key.
- Bug fix: System date/time format was not followed on Windows 7. 537
- Bug fix: On some systems did not find winscp.exe when executed from search path. 542
- Bug fix: Failure when connection was closed while Console window was opened.
Förändringar v4.2.4 Beta -> v4.2.5
- Environment variable WINSCP_PATH pointing to path, where WinSCP executable file is located, is set on startup, so it can be used to configure portable paths relative to the WinSCP executable file. 311
- It is not possible to cancel master password prompt anymore, when saving session with passwords
- Slash added to names of directories in search results to distinguish them from files
- Keyboard shortcut for finding files changed to F3 in Explorer interface
- Path is recorded in history after changing directory in console window. 518
- Replacing characters not allowed in local file names is taken into account with synchronized browsing. 512
Förändringar v4.2.3 Beta -> v4.2.4 Beta
- File search.
- Stored session passwords can be encrypted using master password.
Förändringar v4.2.2 Beta -> v4.2.3 Beta
- Configurable keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and shared bookmarks. 103
- FTP proxy support. 27
- FTPS server certificate is shown on Server and protocol information dialog. 438
- Existing remote file can be opened in editor by typing its name. 366
- Workaround for Momentum server limit of 32 KiB for reading/writing. 440
- Added missing descriptions of certificate, implicit, explicitssl and explicittls switches for command-line and scripting.
- Empty SSH keyboard interactive prompts are ignored. 388
- 256×256 icon is deployed with WinSCP. 445
- WinSCP prevents computer from being suspended during operation. 265
- It can be configured how long WinSCP should keep trying reconnect broken sessions. 460
- Change: Double double-quote is treated as a single double-quote within value of command-line parameter. 454
- For FTP servers know not to support LIST -a command (Personal FTP server), LIST only is used by default. 458
- While downloading trailing dot in filenames is replaced with %2E, as Windows trim them. 452
- Errors when deleting local files after upload finishes are reported. 462
- Pressing Enter, while having selected an open session without hostname, loads the session. 463
- Session name can be optionally used as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. 385
- Remote path may optionally not be as part of the path to temporary copies of remote files. 229
- Option for substituting FTP passive mode IP address with connection address. 376
- Change: Once dot-only filenames are obscured from Windows, all security checks which hide dot-only filenames from user are removed. 452
- Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations were shown even when target file did not exist when uploading with SFTP protocol. 442
- Bug fix: Mask hints label on transfer settings dialogs was improperly placed when localized.
- Bug fix: Failure when closing session while having log window opened and custom commands toolbar displayed. 441
- Bug fix: Passive FTP transfers with IPv6 did not work. 446
- Bug fix: Ctrl+R in the internal editor opened Replace dialog instead of reloading current document. 444
- Bug fix: Meaning of UTF-8 encoding for filenames option was reversed for FTP. 450
- Bug fix: Skipped files are shown in progress list on console. 451
- Bug fix: Values were overlapped on progress window when Calculate total size transfer settings was disabled. 456
- Bug fix: “There is no disk in drive” message was sometimes shown on startup. 19
- Bug fix: Failure when configuration was changed, while file from closed internal editor was still being uploaded. 461
- Bug fix: Failure when file was opened in editor while still being uploaded after closing editor. 465
- Bug fix: Transfer progress was not shown on console when moving files to local directory. 443
- Bug fix: Error when uploading empty folder that already existed on the server with FTP. 466
- Bug fix: Failure when FTP data connection was lost. 467
- Bug fix: Memory leak in drag&drop shell extension. 471
- Bug fix: Failure when installing on Windows 2000. 447
- Bug fix: OpenCandy DLL was installed even if user chose not to use it. 455
- Bug fix: Icon was not displayed properly on Windows 2000. 473
- Bug fix: Timeout may occurred earlier that configured with FTP. 472