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Versionshistoria Firebird (64-bit)


Förändringar v2.5.0.26074 -> v2.5.1.26349 RC 1


Förändringar v2.5.0 RC 2 -> v2.5.0.26074

  • The primary goal for Firebird 2.5 was to establish the basics for a new threading architecture that is almost entirely common to the Superserver, Classic and Embedded models, taking in lower level synchronization and thread safety generally.
  • Although SQL enhancements are not a primary objective of this release, for the first time, user management becomes accessible through SQL CREATE/ALTER/DROP USER statements and syntaxes for ALTER VIEW and CREATE OR ALTER VIEW are implemented. PSQL improvements include the introduction of autonomous transactions and ability to query another database via EXECUTE STATEMENT.
  • Engine Enhancements
  • The refactoring Firebird's threading architecture in this release takes advantage of the symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) capabilities of multiprocessor hardware. This has a noticeable effect on the scaleability of Superserver when multiple databases are being accessed simultaneously but its major effect is the emergence of the architectural "Superclassic" model that will underpin the fine-grained multi-threading under development for Firebird 3.
  • The embedded libraries— on POSIX and fbembed.dll on Windows-—are now multi-thread-capable and thread-safe, so they can be used in multi-threaded applications.
  • Other New Features
  • Other new features and improvements in this release include:
  • Administrative Enhancements
  • System audit tracing and user trace sessions via the Services API, making it possible to monitor and analyse everything going on in a database in real time
  • New system role RDB$ADMIN in the ODS 11.2 database allows SYSDBA to transfer its privileges to another user on a per-database basis
  • More information in the monitoring tables
  • Asynchronous cancellation of connections
  • Capability for ordinary users to monitor any of their own attachments as well as CURRENT_CONNECTION
  • More SQL Language Additions and Enhancements
  • Regular expression support using the SIMILAR TO predicate
  • ALTER COLUMN for computed columns
  • Autonomous transactions within a PSQL module (stored procedure, trigger or dynamically executable PSQL block)
  • Enhanced access to stored procedures in view definitions
  • Optional GRANTED BY or GRANTED AS for GRANT and REVOKE statements, enabling the grantor to be a user other than the CURRENT_USER (the default).
  • REVOKE ALL syntax to dispose of all privileges for a user or role at once
  • Support for WHERE SOME_COL = ? OR ? IS NULL predications
  • Removal of "reserved" status for all but a handful of keywords that are not reserved in the SQL standard
  • Data-handling Enhancements
  • New built-in functions for converting UUID CHAR(16) OCTETS strings to RFC4122-compliant format and vice versa
  • Ability to pass 32-bit and 64-bit integers as hexadecimal in numeric literal and X-prefixed binary string literal formats
  • API Additions
  • Statements now return an SQL-2003 standard 5-alphanumeric SQLSTATE completion code
  • New constant DSQL_unprepare available for use with isc_dsql_free_statement for efficient unpreparing of statements


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