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l�rdag 27.7.2024 / 02:06
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Versionshistoria GIMP for Windows (32/64-bit)


Förändringar v2.8.10 -> v2.4.18

  • 2.8.12 release had broken library versioning, so we had to roll out GIMP 2.8.14 today. The only change is the fixed libtool versioning.

Förändringar v2.6.4 -> v2.6.5

  • 571628 – Scaling image to 25% turn background from white to grey
  • 567840 – GIMP's GtkScaleButton conflicts with GTK's
  • 569043 – GEGL tool - missing Operation Settings for all sub-tools
  • 568890 – don't rely on GtkAction implementation details
  • 568909 – wrong RGB values for color names in libgimpcolor/gimprgb-parse.c
  • 568839 – wrong hex RGB value for the color names slategrey and slategray
  • 559408 - Brushes dragged to the image window look strange
  • 563337 – Rectangle Select Tool does not allow 1:1 fixed ratio
  • 568016 – Black pullout parameter of plug-in-newsprint has no effect
  • 562818 – First image opened in GIMP offset
  • 562213 – Align Tool doesn't work properly if it is the active tool at startup
  • Updated translations:
  • Spanish (es)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Hindi (hi)
  • Italian (it)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Serbian (sr)
  • Tamil (ta)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)

Förändringar v2.6.3 -> v2.6.4

  • 565223 Perspective transformation jagged edges / comb effect
  • 563985 jpg save dialog: "cancel" is treated like "commit" for settings
  • 564087 Using clone tool on a layer with a part out of canvas causes crashes
  • 564593 crash when the drawable is changed while a color tool is active
  • 564869 GIMP crashes on selecting Tools->GEGL operation
  • 565138 python-fu-foggify does not check if image is in rgb mode
  • 563130 Hue selection mode does not cross the 0-360 degrees line
  • 563179 Scrollbars not resized when we extend the canvas size
  • 562459 PF_PALETTE: 'TypeError' when used in a plugin that is registered in
  • 562427 Compilation with --as-needed
  • 562386 PF_SLIDER and PF_SPINNER 'Step' values do not change consistently...
  • 562366 Default image dimensions are not correctly transferred in the file/new dialog box
  • 561899 GIMP can't save to mounted filesystem if file exists
  • Updated translations:
  • Greek (el)
  • Hindi (hi)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Italian (it)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Slovenian (sl)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Tamil (ta)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)

Förändringar v2.6.0 -> v2.6.1

  • 555587 – PSD file crashes PSD plug-in
  • 555222 – PSD Load Plugin: unsupported compression mode
  • 555362 – gimp-remote is not working properly
  • 555280 – some gif files will not be open
  • 554890 – JPEG Save Options Dialog does not remember
  • 554966 – Gimp crashes creating a new image using a template
  • 554785 – Compile failure on uri-backend-libcurl
  • 554646 – Opening Help crashes GIMP with lqr-plugin installed
  • 553534 – centering issues after image scaling and setting zoom
  • 554898 – Compile failure on uri-backend-wget.c


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