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Versionshistoria YouChoob


Förändringar v1.18 -> v1.19

  • Added: Additional formats are recognised, such as WebM.
  • Added: High-quality (480x360) thumbnails are now downloaded.
  • Other: Minor interface changes and improvements.
  • Other: Download the MP4/WEBM versions of videos if FLV does not work.
  • Fixed: Now works correctly after a major (backend) YouTube site change.

Förändringar v1.17 -> v1.18

  • Added: Delete Incomplete Downloads to the Settings -> Downloads window.
  • Added: Donate button to the main window.
  • Other: Slight re-design of the main window.
  • Other: YouChoob will notify you if you don't have the full .NET4 installed.

Förändringar v1.16 -> v1.17

  • Added: Support for videos linked from profile pages (ie. "profile?user=..."). - Other: Improved video title -to- filename conversion. - Fixed: Now works correctly after the recent YouTube site changes. - Fixed: Minimising YouChoob sent it to the system tray, even if Minimise To Tray was disabled.

Förändringar v1.15 -> v1.16

  • Added: Interface tab to the settings window. - Added: System tray support (see Settings - Interface). - Added: Filenames are now HTML entity decoded, where appropriate. - Fixed: "When All Downloads Complete" button drop-down didn't re-position correctly. - Fixed: The image in the taskbar preview didn't show the video thumbnail correctly. [Windows 7]

Förändringar v1.14 -> v1.15

  • Fixed: Now works correctly after a minor YouTube site change.

Förändringar v1.13 -> v1.14

  • Added: "When All Downloads Complete..." drop-down to the main window.
  • Other: Improved clipboard importing of YouTube video IDs.

Förändringar v1.12 -> v1.13

  • Fixed: Now works correctly after a minor YouTube site change.

Förändringar v1.11 -> v1.12

  • Added: Now accepts raw video IDs.
  • Fixed: Now works correctly after a major YouTube site change.
  • Other: Downloaded video thumbnail is now of a mucher higher quality.
  • Other: Faster start-up.
  • Other: Updated BiQubic.Update.

Förändringar v1.10 -> v1.11

  • Added: More recognised video formats to the selection dialog. Note that YouChoob could always download these formats; they are merely added as a user-convenience.

Förändringar v1.09 -> v1.10

  • Fixed: YouChoob couldn't work out a video's title. - Fixed: Video Quality Selection window was displaying a taskbar entry. Removed. - Other: Minor interface fixes.

Förändringar v1.06 -> v1.09

  • Added: Internally converts embedded URLs into the correct format.
  • Other: Changed the way the "page parse failed" step works.
  • Fixed: Now works correctly after a minor YouTube site change.v1.08;
  • Added: Video Quality Selection option to Settings -> Downloads.
  • Added: The correct extension is used for saving based on video quality.
  • Added: Application and download statistics. See Readme.
  • Other: Replaced the About dialog with a true About window.v1.07;
  • Added: Do Not Prompt For Video Filename to Settings -> Downloads.
  • Added: Optional video thumbnail saving to Settings -> Downloads.
  • Other: Much better video quality detection; will download best available at all times.
  • Fixed: Now works correctly after the recent YouTube site changes.

Förändringar v1.05 -> v1.06

  • Added: Native batch downloading.
  • Added: Settings window.
  • Added: Context menu to the video thumbnail image.
  • Added: Download transfer rate to the main window.
  • Added: Windows 7 download progress indication to YouChoob's taskbar entry.
  • Fixed: Minor GUI layout issue in pre-Vista versions of Windows.
  • Other: Updated help file.
  • Other: Minor tweaks.


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